Filling of Vacant Positions Sample Clauses
Filling of Vacant Positions. 1. All vacancies within the bargaining unit other than Maintenance Worker I, Customer Services Representative I, Office Assistant, Water Efficiency Specialist I, and Mail/Supply Clerk, shall be posted in-house for five (5) working days prior to external recruitment efforts.
2. Interested regular and probationary employees must submit a completed application. A resume may be required.
3. All interested regular and probationary employees who meet the minimum qualifications will be examined, and if they pass the examination, they will be interviewed, in addition to the top scores certified to the Department Manager.
4. If all qualifications are met, the Agency shall endeavor to fill a vacant position from in-house.
5. Interested candidates who are not appointed may request information from the Director of Administrative Services or designee on how to better prepare for this or other positions in the future.
6. Job postings will indicate the department and location of the position.
Filling of Vacant Positions. When an opening occurs for a position that is not included in the Personnel Advancement Policy, employees may compete on an open/promotional basis. Employees must meet the minimum qualifications to proceed through the recruitment and testing process. At the conclusion of the formal recruitment and testing process administered by Human Resources, an eligibility list of candidates will be prepared. A District manager or his/her designated representative will interview all internal candidates on the eligible list. Should it become necessary, external candidates on the eligible list will then be interviewed in rank order until a selection is made among those candidates interviewed. The successful candidate, either internal or external, may be appointed at any step of the salary range of the classification. If placement is above Step A, justification for advanced placement must be approved by the respective Department Director and Human Resources. In the event that a vacancy occurs or exists and the possibility of layoffs exists due to the elimination of a position or positions, management may limit recruitment. The District agrees to notify the Management Support/Confidential Group of this occurrence, and the parties agree to meet and confer. All individuals eligible (in the same classification), who are not on probation, and who submit applications to the Human Resources Office will be interviewed by the Department Director or his/her designated representatives when a vacancy exists and will be considered prior to any other recruitment activity. The probationary period for members of Management Support/Confidential Group who are reclassified for any reason is six months. The District is responsible for determining the methods, means, and personnel by which District operations are conducted including, but not limited to, classifying and reclassifying personnel. If an employee has reason to believe that his/her duties and responsibilities are being performed outside of the employee’s class description so as to justify a reclassification, the employee may submit that evidence in writing, through his/her Department Director to the Human Resources Manager. Upon receipt of the request, the Human Resources Manager shall evaluate the written request with the Department Director and render an appropriate recommendation. If the recommendation is that a reclassification is appropriate, then that recommendation shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for considerati...
Filling of Vacant Positions. In filling vacant custodian positions, the District and the Union agree to the following:
Filling of Vacant Positions. Unless otherwise specified in the collective agreement, vacant positions are filled on the basis of seniority by regular employees of the bargaining unit who have submitted applications in accordance with clause 13.11. However, regular employees who have submitted their applications under clauses 53.08 and 53.12 will first be offered the vacant positions.
Filling of Vacant Positions. Where during a trial period, a successful applicant voluntarily returns or is returned by the Hospital to his former position, the position will not be re- posted, but will be offered to the next most senior of the original applicants able to meet the normal requirements of the job. The original applicant list will expire sixty (60) days from the date of the commencement of the initial successful candidate in the new position.
Filling of Vacant Positions. 1. All vacancies within the bargaining unit, other than Hydro Utility Worker I, shall be posted in-house for five (5) working days prior to external recruitment efforts.
2. Interested regular and probationary employees must submit a completed application. A resume may be required.
3. All interested regular and probationary employees who meet the minimum qualifications will be examined, and if they pass the examination, they will be interviewed, in addition to the top scores certified to the Department Manager.
4. If all qualifications are met, the Agency shall endeavor to fill a vacant position from in-house.
5. Interested candidates who are not appointed may request information from the Director of Administrative Services or designee on how to better prepare for this or other positions in the future.
6. Job postings will indicate the department and location of the position.
Filling of Vacant Positions. The City retains the sole and exclusive right to determine when and if a vacant position will be filled. Such decision shall not be subject to grievance or arbitration.
Filling of Vacant Positions. See also CLA Article 18 and the following:
Filling of Vacant Positions. (a) Job Postings
(1) The position is not that of an ongoing employee on leave.
(2) The auxiliary position has been in existence for two (2) years (24 months) either filled or vacant.
(3) The auxiliary position has provided a total of sixteen (16) months of employment during the twenty-four (24) month period at a minimum of sixteen (16) hours per week or greater.
(4) At the time of conversion, the job must be in existence (either filled or vacant).
(5) If the auxiliary position is declared redundant, it will not reappear for twenty-four (24) months.
Filling of Vacant Positions. Where during a trial period, a successful applicant voluntarily returns or is returned by the Hospital to his former position, the position will not be re- posted, but will be offered to the next most senior of the original applicants able to meet the normal requirements of the job.