HOURS OF WORK (Continued) Sample Clauses
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). Where the Employer cannot start or continue work due to inclement weather, the Employer may request the Employee(s) work on the Friday or Saturday, as appropriate, at the regular hourly rate of pay to conclude a normal work week of forty (40) hours and notify the Union of same. No discriminatory action will be taken against those Employees refusing the work.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 15.02 It is understood that the Board will prepare a regular schedule of hours to be worked by employees. Where changes in that schedule are necessary involving three (3) or more employees the Board will provide the employee and the President of the Union with at least seven (7) calendar days advance notice. However, in the case of emergency there shall be no obligation on the part of the Board to give such notice.
15.03 All employees are expected, as a condition of their employment, to work in excess of their regular hours on request. The Board shall endeavour to give forty-eight (48) hours notice except where emergency conditions exist. Employees required to carry out such work shall be expected to do so unless they can demonstrate urgent personal reasons why they cannot.
a) A School Attendant who is regularly scheduled to work but is unable to do so is required to call in to their Facilities Manager’s Office by 10:00 a.m. on the day in question giving the reason for the absence.
b) The Board shall endeavour to notify casual employees before 1:00 p.m. on the day in question, if they are required to fill in for an absent employee.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 22.06 It is understood that there will be a standby requirement for emergency calls outside of the shift schedule. Volunteers from those qualified to do the work will staff standby. The Union recognizes that standby is required to maintain emergency coverage and will work with the company to ensure the standby needs are met.
22.07 Standby pay shall be 150% of one hour of the Operations Technician rate for each twenty-four (24) hour period of standby coverage. Standby pay for a public holiday shall be 300% of one hour of the Operations Technician rate for each twenty-four (24) hour period of standby coverage.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 7.9 Alternative Work Hours may be established as follows:
(1) If mutually agreeable between both parties, the work week may be scheduled for ten (10) hour days from Monday through Friday, without having to pay overtime. This provision shall apply to all Restoration work, Caulking, Washing and Veneer work only in all areas covered by this agreement.
(2) If mutually agreeable between both parties the work week may be scheduled for nine (9) hour days from Monday through Thursday, and a four (4) hour day Friday. ALL work performed on Friday for the City after the scheduled four (4) hours shall be compensated for at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the regular hourly rate.
(3) Xxx 0 - 00x/0 - 0x + 0 xxxxx xx scheduled for a minimum of one (1) week without being required to pay overtime.
7.10 Section 7.9 shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 20, “Grievance Procedure.”
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 3.02 The normal hours of work shall be either eight (8) hours daily, Monday through Thursday plus five and one-half (5.5) hours on Friday, maximum thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours in a week or, by mutual consent (Employer and Employee(s)), ten (10) hours daily, Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday, maximum forty (40) hours in a week. Where the Employer cannot start or continue work due to inclement weather, the Employer may request the Employee(s) work on the Friday or Saturday, as appropriate, at the regular hourly rate of pay to conclude a normal work week of either thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours or forty (40) hours, as appropriate, and notify the Union of same. No discriminatory action will be taken against those Employees refusing the work.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 3. In the event of adverse conditions on days when students are not scheduled to report, but paraeducators are, paraeducators shall report unless otherwise directed by the immediate supervisor or his/her designee.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). Parks & Recreation Aides 1 & 2 will be eligible for sick leave accrual after sixty-seven (67) days of employment [one-hundred (100) days if a student], and will be eligible for all other benefits after six (6) months of employment, on the same basis as other employees in the bargaining unit.
6.9 An intermittent employee is defined as a person with permanent or probationary status not working a regular work schedule (e.g. on call). As established by the County Board (Resolution 2014-262) there is an Initial Measurement period of 12 months (new hires), and Standard Measurement Period of 12 months (current employees) for Intermittent employees to determine if they meet the ACA full-time standard of at least 30 hours per week; an Administrative Period of not more than 60 days to assess hours worked during the measurement period and enroll those who qualify as full-time and choose to elect coverage; and a Stability Period with 12 months medical insurance for those who elect coverage, provided they remain employed with the County. The County will offer single/family medical insurance to Intermittent employees who meet the ACA full-time standard of at least 30 hours per week as provided in this section, with the same County contribution provided to Regular Permanent employees.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 8.4 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normal work day or per normal work week.
8.5 All employees shall be at the location designated by their supervisor, ready for work, at the established starting time and shall remain at an assigned work location until the end of the established work day unless otherwise directed by their supervisor.
8.6 All employees are subject to call-back by the Employer as provided by Article 10 (CALL IN/CALL BACK).
8.7 Employees reporting for work at the established starting time and for whom no work is available shall receive pay for two (2) hours, at the basic hourly rate, unless notification has been given not to report for work prior to leaving home, or during the previous work day.
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). 22.02 With the exceptions listed in the shift addendum operations hours of work shall be a basic forty (40) hours per week between Monday and Friday, eight
HOURS OF WORK (Continued). Human Resources will provide the system Staffing Report to the President of the Association as requested.