HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. (a) Hours of Work (b) Rostered Days Off (RDOs)
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. 21.1 Hours of Work Consistent with the objectives of this Agreement, the parties have agreed to organise the hours of work to suit the requirements of the industry whilst also giving the company and employees greater flexibility in organising their rostered days off (RDO’s). Except as provided elsewhere in the Parent Award(s), the ordinary working hours shall be Monday to Friday 8 hours per day 38 hours per week (36 hours per week from 1 March 2004). Work will be performed between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm. Where agreement is reached with the relevant employees, a 5.00 am start may be introduced (with subsequent meal and crib time adjustments) to allow for daylight saving and special project requirements. The ordinary hours of work within the agreed span shall be determined project by project between the company and it’s workforce. 21.2 Rostered Days Off a) The ordinary working hours shall be worked in a 20 day cycle, Monday to Friday inclusive, with 8 hours worked for each of 19 days with 0.4 (for each of 9 days with 0.8 after 1 March 2004) of an hour accruing for a paid RDO. The accrual applies on all days worked (except RDO’s) and paid leave. A rostered day off shall be taken as provided below and travelling allowance in accordance with Clauses 38.1.4, 38.2 and 38.3 of the National Building and Construction Industry Award shall be paid on this day. b) The following is agreed in respect of rostered days off: i) Agreement shall be reached by the company and employees subject to 21.2(iv) as to which day shall be taken as a rostered day off when such entitlement is due. It is agreed a company roster system may apply. ii) RDO’s may be banked to a maximum of 6 days in any 12 month period. These RDO’s may be taken as a group of consecutive days or any other combination as may be agreed. iii) Any disputes arising from this clause shall be resolved through the dispute settlement procedure of this Agreement iv) Where more than 1 accrued RDO is to be taken on consecutive working days, application for such paid leave shall be sought giving a reasonable period of notice. v) It is recognised that there is merit in programming no work on the RDO’s adjacent to public holiday weekends during the working year, i.e. Australia Day, Easter Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queens Birthday, Labour Day and Union Picnic Day. This will allow the management and employees of the company to have quality paid leisure time. As of 1 October 2003, work is prohibited on these long weekends a...
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. 27.1 Hours of Work a) The ordinary working hours shall be Monday to Friday 8 hours per day based on a 36 hour week (7.2 hours per day, and 0.8 hours per day accruing towards an RDO). For avoidance of doubt all time spent in pre-start meetings will be paid. b) Work will be performed between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm. c) The usual working day will be 7.00am to 3.30pm (the Usual Working Day). All time worked in excess of 8 hours per day, will be at overtime rates.
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. This employer undertaking is to be read in conjunction with Schedule 3, clause 11.1.2 and prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. 16.1 Hours of Work Consistent with the objectives of this Agreement, the parties have agreed to organise the hours of work to suit the requirements of the industry whilst also giving the Company and Employees greater flexibility in organising their rostered days off (RDO’s). Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, the ordinary working hours shall be Monday to Friday 8 hours per day 38 hours per week. Work will be performed between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm. Where agreement is reached with the relevant Employees, a 5.00 am start may be introduced (with subsequent meal and crib time adjustments) to allow for daylight saving and special project requirements. 16.2 Rostered Days Off The ordinary working hours shall be 8 hours per day Monday to Friday with 0.4 of an hour per day accruing for rostered days off (RDO’s) and or the paid Saturdays referred to in this clause. The accrual applies on all ordinary days worked (except RDO’s) and paid leave. A rostered day off shall be taken as provided below and travelling allowance shall be paid on this day.
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. 29.1 Hours of Work a) Ordinary hours of work will be eight (8) hours per day Monday to Friday with the notional weekly hours based on a 38 hour week. b) Ordinary daily hours may be worked between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm. c) The Company has the right to alter start and finish times within the spread of ordinary daily hours. Prior to altering start and finish times the Company will consult with the affected employees and d) provide an opportunity to affected employees to advise of individual personal or family circumstances relevant to change to start and finish times, and shall consider any such advice from affected employees; (i) have regard to its obligations to provide a safe and healthy workplace; and (ii) have regard to the intention of avoiding excessive overtime. (iii) Any dispute about exercise of the employer’s right to alter start and finish times may be referred to the AIRC for determination pursuant to clause 14. e) One fifteen minute paid morning rest break, and one 30 minute unpaid lunch break will be scheduled within ordinary time to be taken between 5 and 6 hours after work starts. f) Where the employer and the employees agree, the employees may work through their lunch break provided that the employees are provided with a 20 minute paid break to have a meal. g) If total worked hours for the day are to be more than ten hours there will be an additional 20 minute rest break paid at time and one half of ordinary time rates to be taken at the end of ordinary hours, and prior to the commencement of overtime. Employees may elect to take payment in lieu of stopping work for this break in which case the employee will be regarded as having worked a further 20 minutes, and be paid accordingly.
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. 28.1 Hours of Work (a) The ordinary hours of work will be 36 hours per week on average over the period of two (2) weeks. (b) It is understood that due to the Employer’s operational requirements the Employees may be required to work reasonable additional hours in excess of the ordinary hours of work. (c) Ordinary hours of work will be eight (8) hours per day, Monday to Friday, worked between 7:30am and 4:00pm, with the nominal hours worked based on a 36 hour week in accordance with clause 28.9. (d) One 30 minute unpaid lunch break will be scheduled within ordinary time to be taken no later than 6 hours after work starts. (e) It is recognised that project operations will be enhanced by staggering meal breaks to enable work to continue or facilitate the efficient movement of people or materials. (f) The parties agree that the taking of meal beaks by the Employees may be staggered between the hours of 11.30am and 1.30pm.
HOURS OF WORK, ROSTERED DAYS OFF. (a) Hours of work (b) Rostered days off (i) The ordinary working hours shall 38 hours per week, Monday to Friday inclusive. (ii) The following is agreed in respect of rostered days off: 1. Agreement shall be reached by the Company and Employees subject to as to which day shall be taken as a rostered day off when such entitlement is due. It is agreed a Company roster system may apply; 2. RDO's may be banked to a maximum of 12 days in any 12 month period. These RDO's may be taken as a group of consecutive days or any other combination as may be agreed; 3. Any disputes arising from this clause shall be resolved through the dispute settlement procedure of this agreement; 4. Where more than one accrued RDO is to be taken on consecutive working days, application for such paid leave shall be sought giving a reasonable period of notice; 5. Employees will be paid all unpaid RDO accruals on termination.