Mandatory Overtime Assignments Sample Clauses

Mandatory Overtime Assignments a. In the event that the Department shall find it necessary to mandate that a Unit employee work in an overtime capacity that is not contiguous with an employee's regularly scheduled shift, the Department shall make every effort to solicit volunteers from within the employee's unit of assignment to work mandated overtime assignments. b. In the event that there are insufficient volunteers, the Department agrees to permit a reasonable number of employees to be exempt from working mandatory overtime on the basis of exigent circumstances including, but not limited to, family illness, attendance at educational classes, approved secondary employment, pre-paid social events, etc. c. When drafting employees in patrol assignments to work additional hours, after all other options have been exhausted, the following procedure shall be followed: (i) Consult the Shift Seniority List and select the number of employees needed to fill shortages, beginning with the least senior employee. (ii) Once selected for additional hours, the employee shall then be rotated to the bottom of the list. The next employee on the list (not on approved leave) shall then become the first employee to be selected for the next assignment of additional hours. (iii) No employee shall be selected to work additional hours at the conclusion of his or her last scheduled tour of duty before any scheduled day off. (iv) No employee shall be drafted to work more than four
Mandatory Overtime Assignments. 1. Overtime contiguous with a shift shall be assigned to on-duty personnel on said shift. For example: an assignment running from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a. m. would be assigned 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. to 1st platoon personnel, and the segment from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., would be assigned to 3rd platoon personnel. 2. For overtime not contiguous with a shift, assignment will be made to those Police Officers who are scheduled on-duty for that date. 3. In the event that the demand for overtime personnel is greater than can be filled utilizing personnel on-duty on that date, Police Officers who are on leave days will be assigned.
Mandatory Overtime AssignmentsIn the event that the Department shall find it necessary to mandate that Unit members work in an overtime capacity that is not contiguous with a member’s regularly scheduled shift, the Department shall make every effort to solicit volunteers from within the member’s unit of assignment to work mandated overtime assignments. In the event that there are insufficient volunteers, the Department agrees to permit a reasonable number of members to be exempt from working mandatory overtime on the basis of exigent circumstances including, but not limited to, family illness, attendance at educational classes, approved secondary employment, pre-paid social events, etc.
Mandatory Overtime Assignments. Mandatory overtime assignments shall 7 be made in the classification in which the original vacancy occurred. Telestaff maintains a total 8 number of Mandatory OT counts worked by each employee in what it calls “buckets”. These 9 counts will be cumulative for the current calendar year and will be used in determining the sort 10 order for working mandatory overtime. The buckets will “empty”, or reset at 00:00 hours on 11 January 1st of each year. Mandatory overtime assignments will be based on a list that is generated 12 by Telestaff each time a vacancy is to be filled. This list is then sorted by the mandatory overtime 13 bucket counts (ascending) and then reverse seniority (if the bucket numbers are equal). As 14 employees work mandatory overtime assignments, each count/instance will be added to their 15 buckets, which will move them down on the next list. If an employee is successful in finding 16 their own relief, the employee shall receive a mandate in their bucket for fulfilling the operational 17 obligation. However, the person substituting does not receive a mandatory count. Employees on 18 approved leave at the time of the vacancy will be excluded from the mandatory overtime list by
Mandatory Overtime Assignments a) Posted “Pre-Scheduled” Mandatory Overtime Shift Assignments. The current mandatory overtime process will be maintained. Officers required to work “Pre-Scheduled” mandatory overtime will be given a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours’ notice.
Mandatory Overtime Assignments. (a) Pursuant to Fire Division Policy, a separate mandatory overtime assignment list shall be maintained. (b) Employees that are assigned a mandatory overtime assignment will be required to remain at work or return to work, as assigned, or obtain coverage for the assigned period. Failure to work or obtain coverage will result in the employee being docked four (4) hours of pay for the first incident, and eight (8) hours of pay for each subsequent incident. This docking of pay will not be considered disciplinary action. (c) Employees that are on approved vacation leave will not be assigned overtime the day of said leave or the two (2) days preceding and following said leave date(s).
Mandatory Overtime Assignments. If an insufficient number of employees accept the overtime work or the employee(s) accepting the overtime work are, at the Employer’s sole discretion, unable to either efficiently or adequately perform the work, the Employer may assign the overtime work to those individuals it determines are necessary to adequately and efficiently perform the work. Said mandatory assignment by the Employer shall be assigned on a rotating basis by escalating seniority. Once an individual has been required to work overtime, that individual shall, for purposes of this Section, move to the top of the mandatory overtime seniority list and the next least senior individual shall become the individual first considered for subsequent mandatory assignment(s). In the absence of clear operational needs, individuals on regularly scheduled days off shall not be required to work overtime. Any employee assigned to work within a classification and eligible to work voluntary overtime assignments in that classification shall only be required to work mandatory overtime within the classification that they are then currently assigned.
Mandatory Overtime AssignmentsVoluntary Overtime Assignments not filled in accordance with paragraph A shall be assigned in reverse seniority order. The Employer will maintain a list of employees who are assigned overtime for the period of the existing scheduled rotation. Once an employee has been assigned a Mandatory Overtime Shift the Employer will assign subsequent shifts starting at the next least senior employee. Employees assigned a mandatory overtime shift with 24 hours or less between being assigned and reporting to work shall receive a stipend in the amount of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, excluding the extension of current shift assignments. (Employees who are assigned to carry a pager and subsequently paged into work are not eligible for the stipend under this section.)
Mandatory Overtime Assignments. Mandatory overtime assignments shall be 26 made in the classification in which the original vacancy occurred. Telestaff maintains a total 1 number of Mandatory OT counts worked by each employee in what it calls “buckets”. These 2 counts will be cumulative for the current calendar year and will be used in determining the sort 3 order for working mandatory overtime. The buckets will “empty”, or reset at 00:00 hrs on 4 January 1st of each year. Mandatory overtime assignments will be based on a list that is generated 5 by Telestaff each time a vacancy is to be filled. This list is then sorted by the mandatory overtime 6 bucket counts (ascending) and then reverse seniority (if the bucket numbers are equal). As 8 buckets, which will move them down on the next list. Employees who promote/transfer to a 9 different position will carry over their mandatory overtime counts to their new position.
Mandatory Overtime Assignments. Mandatory overtime assignments 14 shall be made in the classification in which the original vacancy occurred. Telestaff 15 maintains a total number of Mandatory OT counts worked by each employee in what it 16 calls “buckets”. These counts will be cumulative for the current calendar year and will be 17 used in determining the sort order for working mandatory overtime. The buckets will 18 “empty”, or reset at 00:00 hrs on January 1st of each year. Mandatory overtime assignments 19 will be based on a list that is generated by Telestaff each time a vacancy is to be filled.