On-Duty Injuries. The responsibility for reporting all on-the-job injuries rests squarely with the employee. The employee must file in writing, on forms prescribed by the Employer's insurance carrier for Worker's Compensation, as soon as the employee is able after receiving his injury. An employee suffering an injury arising out of and in the course of his employment, who is required to leave his job will be paid from the time of his injury to the end of his shift on the day of such injury.
On-Duty Injuries. If any employee is injured while on the job and required to leave the job by a medical authority, the employee shall be paid for the whole day.
On-Duty Injuries. Section 25.01. An employee who is injured while performing the duties of his or her position, whereby such injury makes it impossible for the employee to work, shall be paid his or her regular rate of pay for hours he/she would have normally worked for the time period he/she is unable to work, such time period not to exceed seventy (70) working days, unless the City agrees to extend such time period beyond seventy (70) work days.
Section 25.02. Bargaining unit employees who are injured in the line of duty and must leave work before completing their work day shall be paid at their regular rate of pay, for the period of absence not to exceed the balance of time left in their scheduled work day.
Section 25.03. In the event an employee has exhausted the seventy (70) working days of pay described in Section 26.01 above, or is otherwise ineligible for such pay, the employee shall retain all rights relating to the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). If additional days of pay beyond seventy (70) days are not approved, the employee has the right to apply for BWC benefits. In any event, an employee shall not receive City pay and BWC benefits for the same day.
Section 25.04. Part-time Patrolmen and Part-time Dispatchers shall be responsible for providing documentation of any additional compensation received through other employment to the City to be sent to BWC as required by BWC for calculation of wage replacement.
On-Duty Injuries. A. Employees who are incapacitated due to injury while on duty shall be entitled to benefits in accordance with the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law for the State of Florida, Chapter 440.
B. Employees when absent from work due to an on-duty injury and ineligible for on- duty injury benefits may elect to utilize illness leave first and then annual leave accrued to make up the difference between Workers' Compensation payments and their basic take-home salary.
C. While absent from duty due to a work-related injury and receiving Workers' Compensation benefits, the illness leave and annual leave accruals shall continue up to a maximum of twelve (12) continuous months.
D. In the event an employee uses all of his illness leave and annual leave accruals as per Section 8.B. of this Article, the Department shall place the employee on a leave without pay status. Such leave of absence shall be for a maximum of twelve (12) months from the first day of disability.
E. Extensions for a Workers' Compensation leave of absence beyond twelve (12) consecutive months may be granted under special circumstances upon approval by the appropriate Department Director and the Human Resources Director.
F. Pension credits shall be restored when an employee returns to work from a Workers' Compensation leave under the rules of the Pension Board as administered through the Benefits office.
G. An employee who is able to work a light duty job as determined by the attending physician may decline the offer of light duty if the injury is covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act. Should an employee choose not to work light duty, his Workers' Compensation salary replacement benefit would cease, although the employee could use accrued annual and/or illness leave, if eligible.
On-Duty Injuries. Any employee who is injured while on the job and is required to leave the job because of such injury and is required to remain off the job by medical authority will be paid for the whole shift.
On-Duty Injuries. Employees, injured in the line of duty and who receive total temporary disability payments under RCW 51.32.0909, will not be required to augment their L&I time loss payments with their sick leave hours. The City shall pay the entire disability supplement portion, both employer and employee, for up to twenty-one (21) days. After twenty-one (21) days, the City of Des Moines LEOFF 2 Disability Leave Supplement Program shall apply. The City Manager shall have the discretion, on a case by case basis, to extend the twenty-one (21) day limit in the event of a significant on-duty injury.
On-Duty Injuries. If an employee is injured while on the job and required to leave the job by a medical authority or supervisor, she/he shall be paid for the whole day. In the event that an employee is the subject of an aggravated assault, and the injury occurs at or near the end of the injured employee’s shift and the employee seeks medical assistance, he will be paid their straight-time rate provided in this Agreement for up to four (4) hours or until the employee is admitted to the hospital, whichever occurs first, after the end of the employee’s shift.
On-Duty Injuries. A. Employees who are covered by this Agreement and who are injured on the job may, in addition to compensation paid or payable under the Workers’ compensation Act, utilize accumulated sick leave (pro-rated) up to an amount sufficient to bring them up to full standard base rate of pay, plus educational and fitness incentives consistent with Article 16 (Wages), while any incapacity exists and until they are either placed on disability retirement or return to active duty.
B. After a period of six (6) months from the date of injury, an employee who continues to receive compensation paid under the Workers’ Compensation Act shall receive supplemental pay from the City so that the sum of the workers’ compensation benefits and supplemental payment equals the employee's standard base rate of pay according to Article 16 (Wages), provided the employee was not acting in a negligent manner or in violation of any departmental rule. Such supplemental pay shall not be charged to an employee's accumulated sick leave. In such cases the employee shall immediately sign over to the City any payment for compensation. The employee shall be provided with an amended W- 2 form to reflect any workers’ compensation benefit and shall receive a cash reconciliation the first of the following year covering any over payment of social security during the preceding year due to workers’ compensation payment.
C. Beginning twelve (12) months from the date of injury, an employee who continues to be out on workers’ compensation shall not continue to earn or accrue additional holidays, or vacation days until the employee returns to active duty.
D. An employee who is out on workers’ compensation leave, performing a light duty assignment or otherwise has not returned to regular active duty shall retire upon the effective date of eligibility for retirement under the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, or in the case of an employee who is not a participant in the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, not later than upon reaching the twenty-fifth (25th) year anniversary of service within the South Portland Police Department.
E. The City shall assign alternate work to members of the patrol Bargaining Unit when they are unable to perform their normal duties as a result of an on-duty injury/illness. (November 14, 1997 side letter)
F. Such alternative work assignments will meet any restrictions outlined by medical practitioners and be commensurate with the hours the officer is assigned at the ti...
On-Duty Injuries. When a responding agency officer is injured on-duty while assisting as part of the MAMFF, the requesting agency OIC will ensure the immediate medical attention is administered to the officer. The injured officer’s agency will be notified as soon as possible. During a MAMFF training or deployment, the MAMFF OIC will ensure those responsibilities are addressed.
On-Duty Injuries. Employees who are covered by this Agreement and who are injured on the job may, in addition to compensation paid or payable under the Workers’ compensation Act, utilize accumulated sick leave (pro-rated) up to an amount sufficient to bring them up to full standard base rate of pay, plus educational and fitness incentives consistent with Article 16 (Wages), while any incapacity exists and until they are either placed on disability retirement or return to active duty. After a period of six (6) months from the date of injury, an employee who continues to receive compensation paid under the Workers’ Compensation Act shall receive supplemental pay from the City so that the sum of the workers’ compensation benefits and supplemental payment equals the employee's standard base rate of pay according to Article 16 (Wages), provided the employee was not acting in a negligent manner or in violation of any departmental rule. Such supplemental pay shall not be charged to an employee's accumulated sick leave. In such cases the employee shall immediately sign over to the City any payment for compensation. The employee shall be provided with an amended W-2 form to reflect any workers’ compensation benefit and shall receive a cash reconciliation the first of the following year covering any over payment of social security during the preceding year due to workers’ compensation payment. Beginning twelve (12) months from the date of injury, an employee who continues to be out on workers’ compensation shall not continue to earn or accrue additional holidays, or vacation days until the employee returns to active duty. An employee who is out on workers’ compensation leave, performing a light duty assignment or otherwise has not returned to regular active duty shall retire upon the effective date of eligibility for retirement under the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, or in the case of an employee who is not a participant in the Maine Public Employees Retirement System, not later than upon reaching the twenty-fifth (25th) year anniversary of service within the South Portland Police Department. The City shall assign alternate work to members of the patrol Bargaining Unit when they are unable to perform their normal duties as a result of an on-duty injury/illness. (November 14, 1997 side letter) Such alternative work assignments will meet any restrictions outlined by medical practitioners and be commensurate with the hours the officer is assigned at the time of the injury/il...