PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. A. The Committee agrees to pay reasonable expenses (including meals, lodging, and/or transportation and fees), incurred by teachers who with the written approval of the Superintendent-Director attend workshops, seminars, conferences, or other professional improvement sessions with the approval of the School Committee or their designated agent.
B. 1. Exclusive of monies expended under Section A. above each unit member who completes professional improvement requirements or takes courses shall be reimbursed individually in an amount not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3000.00) over the life of the Agreement.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. A. When recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board, payment shall be provided by the Board for the full cost of tuition and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with any workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which an employee is required and/or requested to take by the administration.
B. The Board shall provide a tuition reimbursement program for employees who attend an approved college, university, technical school/training program provided that the employee has completed each of the following steps.
a. The Association and the School Committee agree that programs and activities aimed at professional development and improvement of staff members represent high priorities for the Westwood Public Schools. Furthermore, the School Committee affirms its obligation to provide a no- cost option for teacher and other staff recertification, as provided by law.
2. Professional Development
a. The parties agree to the creation of a Professional Development Council which shall be composed of equal numbers of members appointed by the Superintendent and the President of the Association. Efforts will be made by the parties to insure representation of each school on this Council and cooperative planning involving administrators and the professional staff.
b. The Professional Development Council shall be responsible for surveying staff members about professional development needs in all subject and professional areas. It shall also create a district-wide professional development plan for the entire certified staff and update it on an annual basis. Furthermore, it shall coordinate district-sponsored or on-site courses, workshops, seminars, meetings, and other activities associated with professional development and improvement. The Superintendent shall publish the professional development calendar at the start of the school year.
c. The parties agree to the creation of a Diversity, Equity, and Integration Council which shall be chaired by the Director of Equity, Integration, and Community Partnerships.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. A. When pre-approved by the Superintendent, administrators shall receive full reimbursement for local and/or in-state conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
B. When pre-approved by the Superintendent, administrators shall be reimbursed for tuition expenses at 75% with a cap of $1,000 per annum per employee.
C. Administrators shall be reimbursed for one comprehensive membership to professional organizations plus membership in the Association of School Curriculum Development (ASCD) and/or one (1) additional membership with the Superintendent’s approval. Reimbursement may be furnished for other organizations upon the Superintendent’s recommendation.
D. A fund in the amount of $3,200 per year shall be provided to permit attendance at a national conference that may require overnight attendance. Proposals will be submitted to the Superintendent. The Superintendent, based upon the present needs of the district, will determine attendance.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. 17.01 The Mascoma Valley Regional School District Professional Development Master Plan will be in accordance with regulations established by the NH Department of Education.
17.02 The Mascoma Valley Regional School Board will reimburse individual members of the bargaining unit for expenses incurred for professional development activities for which prior approval has been received, subject to the stipulations as outlined in 17.02.01 and 17.02.02: 17.02.01 Reimbursement will be limited to actual cost of conference and workshop fees, tuition for college or university courses not to exceed the prevailing UNH graduate credit rate, and lodging, meals, and travel at rates prescribed by the Professional Development Committee and approved by the Superintendent.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. 1. Purpose: The Association and the Committee agree that programs and activities aimed at professional development and improvement of staff members represent high priorities for the Westwood Public Schools.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. The Professional Advancement Committee of the Binghamton Teachers' Association will meet at regular intervals with the Superintendent and/or his/her representatives to assess and prepare policies in the educational areas, such as: report cards, student promotion, evaluation and progress reporting procedures, curriculum and materials, testing and measurement standards. The Committee will have power to create other committees and assign duties and reporting dates, working with or in conjunction with supervisors. The Association will select members of the Professional Advancement Committee from a broad representative cross section of faculty. During the school year, the City School District will provide one school day free from the presence of pupils for the purpose of instructional workshops, in-service training, curriculum planning, or other educational purposes mutually agreed upon by the City School and the Association. The Superintendent upon his/her own initiative or upon the request of the Professional Advancement Committee may, in his/her discretion, establish District in-service education programs and he/she may, with the approval of the Board of Education, establish credits to be granted for attendance at said programs and the Superintendent shall, with the advice of the Professional Advancement Committee, promulgate such rules and regulations he/she deems necessary concerning said programs. In-service education completed in a district program according to the established rules and regulations will be credited for salary placement as determined by the Superintendent of Schools, with the advice of the Professional Advancement Committee.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. A. It is recognized that in our rapidly changing society teachers must constantly review curriculum content, teaching methods and materials, educational philosophy and goals, social changes, and other topics related to the quality of services in the classroom. There are many methods by which a teacher may improve his professional background. Courses taken at colleges and universities, travel, and individual study are all sources of professional improvement. Continued professional improvement is an integral part of being a professional teacher.
B. Equitable distribution of vouchers will be insured by use of the following procedures in order of preference:
1. When a voucher is received from the college, the Superintendent or his designee will first notify the cooperating teacher in writing that he has fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of notification to claim the voucher.
2. If the cooperating teacher does not claim the voucher, either by stating disinterest in writing or by allowing the fourteen days to elapse without claiming the voucher in writing, the Superintendent or his designee will make the voucher available, through the building principal, to a teacher in the cooperating grade or department in the building principal, and thence to any teacher in the building, for a similar period of time and under the same conditions.
3. If the voucher is not claimed within thirty (30) days, it will be returned to the Superintendent. Monthly the Superintendent will publish a list of available vouchers with expiration dates to be posted in each school in the district. Teachers may apply for these vouchers at any time, the recipient will be chosen by lot.
4. Any teacher wishing to claim more than one voucher per year may only do so if there are no other applications from teachers who have yet to claim a voucher
5. Vouchers cannot be used in lieu of tuition reimbursement as provided elsewhere in this agreement.
C. The Committee will pay the reasonable expenses including fees, lodging and transportation incurred by teachers who attend workshops, seminars, conferences, conventions or other professional improvement sessions and visiting days (including visits to other schools), at the request of or with the approval of the principal or immediate supervisor. All professional development requests need to have written preapproval of the principal or immediate supervisor. A consistent pattern of disapproval, at a particular school, of teacher attendance at...
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT. A. Each principal and director, with written prior approval of the Superintendent, will be provided with up to $4000 in each year of the agreement for national and state conference to include travel costs and/or for study, research, attendance at seminars or training programs or the purchase of service(s), equipment or materials. Assistant Principals and/or Assistant Directors, with written prior approval of the Superintendent, will be provided with up to $4000 every other year of the agreement. Conference expenses (registration, travel, hotel) will be pre-paid by the district whenever possible. Prior approval may be granted by the Superintendent for reimbursement after the conference. In order for any administrator to receive this benefit, written approval for expenditure or reimbursement must be authorized by May 1st. Reimbursement for professional development will not be given for any amount exceeding the allocated contractual amount. Any/all equipment purchased specific to this allowance are deemed the property of the Xxxxxxxxx School Department.
B. All administrators will be eligible for course reimbursement not to exceed the University of Maine graduate rate. The Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the Xxxxxxxxx School Committee will have the discretion to authorize reimbursement above this level in case the courses are unavailable through the University of Maine system in-state rate. Actual cost for tuition, books and laboratory fees limited to a rate not to exceed University of Maine in-state charges. Course(s) will be pre-paid by the WSD. However, should the administrator fail to obtain a grade of B or better or a "pass" in the course, they s/he will be docked through payroll deductions the cost of the course. Any administrator covered under this agreement who resigns or departs the district within one year of completion of any approved course shall reimburse the Xxxxxxxxx School Department for 75% of the cost of any approved course. Note: Any administrator covered under this agreement who resigns or departs the district on his or her own accord within two years of completion of the last class of any advanced degree program (Masters +30, CAS, Doctoral) paid in full by the WSD shall reimburse the WSD for 75% of the cost of the last four classes of the approved program