Sheriff’s Department Sample Clauses
Sheriff’s Department. The agreement between the Union and the Sheriff's Department concerning shift assignments and holiday coverage in the Services Division shall remain in effect for the duration of this agreement. Shift bidding shall take place two (2) to four (4) times per year and shall be completed two (2) weeks prior to each unit bidding period. Seniority for shift bidding is based on continuous department seniority as a permanent employee within their current classification. Vacancies shall be filled by temporary employees after permanent employees have made their selection. If a temporary employee obtains permanent status, seniority shall be calculated from the first day of permanent department employment.
Sheriff’s Department. Where Management requires employees in the unit to wear specific and distinctive uniforms, such uniforms will be provided by Management as an initial issuance of five (5) shirts, five (5) trousers, and one (1)
Sheriff’s Department. The standard workday and workweek as defined above shall also apply to Sheriff's Department employees; however, it is understood that certain employees here may be required to start their regular workday at 7:00 a.m. or 7:30 a.m. and all Sheriff's Department employees shall receive one-half (1/2) hour off for lunch.
Sheriff’s Department. Effective February 2, 2015, annual vacation sign-ups shall be conducted by the Department in the month of December. Upon initial sign-up, employees in order of seniority may split their vacation sign-ups into two (2) blocks or segments, provided that each segment or block shall not be less than one (1) week. Employees shall only be allowed to sign up for vacation time which is projected to be available at the time the vacation will be taken. Once initial sign-ups have been completed, the vacation calendar shall be posted and employees in order of seniority may request remaining vacant slots and break their blocks or segments into increments of no less than one (1) week. All initial and secondary sign-ups shall be completed by January 1st. All vacation time signed up for during this annual process shall be taken, and in weekly blocks of continuous time unless prior approval from the Division Commander is obtained. To obtain approval for any such change, the employee must demonstrate hardship to the employee or the employee’s immediate family. Employees may during the year rearrange their vacation schedule to available vacant slots (caused by transfer, promotion, etc.) provided that they do so in one (1) week increments, and that said rearrangement does not adversely affect staffing/workload balances. Approval of vacation request, after December, shall not necessarily be based on seniority and shall be granted at the discretion of the Division/Section Commander. A deputy who is promoted, transferred, or reassigned, shall not lose his/her vacation sign-up preference because of said promotion, transfer, or reassignment. Sheriff's Sergeants and Sheriff's Lieutenants shall not lose vacation sign-up preference because of promotion, transfer or reassignment except in case of conflict, which shall be resolved by meeting with the affected employee, the designated Bureau Commander, the Division Commander and an Association representative. An employee who is expecting to receive the maximum vacation STO accrual during the upcoming annual vacation period is required to sign-up for vacation during the annual vacation sign-up period and schedule time off prior to the time in which he/she will maximize their vacation accrual. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify management of the situation prior to receiving the asterisk (*) on his/her paycheck stub. If, despite efforts in vacation sign-ups, an employee still encounters an asterisk on his/her paycheck stub in STO...
Sheriff’s Department. A. Whenever possible a seventy-two (72) hour notice of shift change will be given to Sheriff's Department employees.
B. Section 89-P of the Retirement and Social Security Law shall be available for employees in the Sheriff's Department as provided by law.
C. The shift differential for eligible employees in the Sheriff's Department shall be $.70 per hour.
Sheriff’s Department. SALARIES APPENDIX "A" 36
Sheriff’s Department. 1. Field Patrol Personnel. The County has adopted an FLSA 7(k) fourteen (14) day work cycle. In accordance with that work cycle, the Sheriff’s Department shall maintain in effect the twelve (12) hour shift schedule for Field Patrol personnel, plus any other positions designated by the Sheriff, in his sole discretion. The schedule shall continue for the term of this agreement. Either party may give notice that it wishes to end the program. The parties shall promptly meet and confer if notice is given. Individuals shall be assigned, in general, to work four (4) twelve (12) hour shifts in one
(1) week followed by three (3) shifts the following week. Shift days and times shall be designated by the Sheriff. The current patrol shifts are (1) 0600 to 1800 or (2) 1800 to 0600 A or B Side. Individuals working the twelve (12) hour schedule shall accrue time off at the current rate converted to hours. Time off shall be charged at actual hours; i.e., twelve (12) hours per day. Individuals not assigned by the Sheriff or designee to a twelve (12) hour schedule shall either work the eight (8) hour per day forty (40) hour schedule or a 4/10 schedule, as determined by the Sheriff or designee.
Sheriff’s Department. Where required by the Sheriff to wear or maintain uniform, employees shall be paid a uniform allowance of $700 per fiscal year to be paid as $26.92 per pay period.
Sheriff’s Department a. It is mutually understood that the County will allow only one individual from patrol to take vacation at any one time.
b. However, not withstanding Paragraph a above, the County will allow a total of up to two individuals from patrol to take vacation when (a) the request is submitted pursuant to subsection (Paragraphs c & d 4) below and (b) there are no individuals off on compensatory time or extended sick leave (including 4850 time). This determination will be made by category. Requests for vacation shall be submitted during the month of December for the following calendar year. Requests for vacations will be processed giving preference to the employees’ departmental seniority with those employees having the most departmental seniority receiving vacation preference. Employees may sign up for a maximum of two weeks of vacation during their initial selection. Individuals wishing to sign up for more than two weeks of vacation may do so after all unit employees have scheduled their two weeks off. Departmental seniority shall be defined as those with continuous employment as a P.O.S.T. Certified Deputy Sheriff in San Benito County.
c. Requests for vacation that are submitted during the calendar year will be processed giving preference in the order in which the vacation requests are received. In the event requests are received at the same time for the same vacation period, departmental seniority will be the determining factor.
d. Once vacations are scheduled, either during the month of December for the following calendar year or during the year, more senior employees shall not be allowed to “bump” less senior employees from a scheduled vacation period, nor shall the department cancel a scheduled vacation except in cases of emergency. For the purposes of this section; emergency shall be defined as natural or civil disaster, extraordinary levels of vacancy due to illness or injury, significant public safety concerns, etc.
Sheriff’s Department i. The ramp is inaccessible because there are no handrail extensions at the bottom of the ramp. Provide handrails that are between 1 1/4 inches and 1 1/2 inches in diameter with a continuous gripping surface along both sides of the ramp, extending at least 12 inches beyond the top and bottom of the ramp parallel with the ground surface. Ensure that handrails are mounted between 34 inches and 38 inches above the ramp surface, with ends rounded or returned smoothly to the floor, wall, or post, and that they do not rotate within their fittings. Standards § 4.