SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. The specification of requirements prepared by the customer, including changes and additions, resulting from the supplier's tender. The day on which the customer hands over its approval of the acceptance test of the system to the supplier. The complete IT system to be delivered under the present contract.
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. The Authority is looking for the successful bidder to undertake the following work: The Authority has logged themes arising from an initial analysis of Rule 43 reports/narrative verdicts. The Contractor will expand on this review by validating and building on the work already conducted to identify reoccurring themes both within the individual custodial sectors and across them. The Secretariat has produced a summary table of approximately 150 Rule 43 reports. Each report and response is about four pages in total. Select a sample, in conjunction with the Authority, of approximately 30 Rule 43 Reports/narrative verdicts covering all sectors and a range of learning in order to identify the action that has been taken by the individual custodial sector in response to the recommendations. This will enable the Contractor to: Identify whether other deaths have occurred in similar circumstances since the Rule 43 report was sent, Determine the impact the Rule 43 reports are having in terms of sharing learning and contributing to the prevention of future deaths (by examining with approximately 20 stakeholders the effect of the report on changing policy and practice). This will involve an examination of the sector responses to the reports. Identify key learning points from the reports and narrative verdicts for dissemination across the custodial sectors. Examine whether bereaved families received copies of Rule 43 Reports and relevant responses (in the selected sample). The Authority can summarise the existing learning mechanism for each custodial sector. The Contractor will be required to: Examine these systems further as to whether learning from Rule 43 Reports/narrative verdicts is cascaded through the individual custodial sector and make recommendations to address any gaps and strengthen these systems if necessary. This will be done through discussion with appropriate stakeholders as above. Examine the systems in place as to whether learning from relevant Rule 43 Reports/narrative verdicts is shared across the custodial sectors and make recommendations to address any gaps and strengthen these systems if necessary. Produce a draft report of approximately 5,000-6,000 words (excluding references and appendices) 8-10 weeks from start date (to be agreed after contract award). This report should provide an overview of the findings of this work including key recommendations for the Independent Advisory Panel to consider and take forward as part of their longer-term work p...
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. 1.1 This document sets out the programme of work from the commencement of the MoU signed by the Secretary of State and the Health and Safety Executive. The period covered by this programme shall terminate, unless extended or terminated early, on 31 March 2023 but the programme is subject to review and may be amended to meet changed requirements.
1.2 Responsibility for the day-to-day management of the specified tasks rests with HSE under the supervision of the Head of the Microbiology and Biotechnology Unit. The staff undertaking the specified tasks shall be drawn from the list of positions set out in Annex E. A list of nominated HSE and Defra contacts will be agreed, maintained and updated.
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. Without prejudice to the Authority’s Conditions of Contract and the definitions and interpretation therein, the following definitions and rules of interpretation apply in this Schedule.
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. Background In 2009-10 it was a requirement from HM Treasury that all central government departments and their agencies produce their accounts for the first time under an International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) basis. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) was the only government department unable to lay its 2009-10 resource accounts prior to parliamentary summer recess in accordance with HM Treasury’s timetable. This was due to the complexities of implementing IFRS across the Ministry and staff and other changes. The Ministry acknowledges that due to the current external recruitment freeze across Whitehall it faces challenges in attracting the right people with the relevant accounting skills into its various accounts production teams. In order to address this issue and the impact it has on being able to deliver pre-recess accounts in 2011, the Ministry has decided to engage a private sector accountancy firm to assist in delivering the 2010-11 Departmental and Agency accounts to the pre-summer recess deadline, and delivery of the MoJ WGA contribution Tender Requirements The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) requires the services of a professional accountancy firm to manage and deliver the overall 2010-11 accounts production timetable across the department. The services required will include:- to project manage the accounts production process across the department and its main agencies (National Offender Management Service (NOMS), HM Courts Service (HMCS), and the Tribunals Service) to provide support for the consolidated production of the MoJ Departmental Resource accounts. The MoJ will determine at a later date, as to whether this option will be taken up. (Note, the submission should include a fully costed breakdown for this support and we suggest that you factor this into your tender submission) to review the accounts production process across the Ministry in order to:- identify ways of streamlining the process, both at individual Agency and the core MoJ level identify efficiencies in the accounts production process and test the new approach devise and run a centralised and more flexible approach to accounts production across the Ministry to put forward ideas for a new structure of the accounts production team to ensure it meets the future requirements of the Ministry. (The MoJ is looking at a range of proposals for a more efficient/cost effective method and the ideas suggested will be used as a discussion tool by senior management within the MoJ.) These servic...
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the ‘Authority’ is the UK government department responsible for policy and regulations on the environment, food and rural affairs. It works to protect the environment for future generations, make our economy more environmentally sustainable and improve our quality of life and well-being. The Authority also works to support the farming industry, protect biodiversity and encourage sustainable food production. The requirements in this tender are for the Crops and Horticulture Policy Delivery Team in the Authority‟s Rural Development, Sustainable Communities and Crops portfolio. The responsibilities of the Crops and Horticulture Policy Delivery Team include cereals, oilseeds, protein crops, dried fodder, wine, sugar, natural fibres, horticultural crops including ornamentals and potatoes. For these commodities, the Authority needs reliable factual information about production, market developments and the impact of policy changes, as well as technical and other advice and services as set out below to inform policy decisions. Some requirements are for regular actions at particular times of the year and covering particular subject areas. Others are influenced by current developments and are more flexible, responding to circumstances as they arise. The Services shall be provided in accordance with the working practices as detailed. Advice shall be impartial, and represent and reflect the best current professional, technical and scientific knowledge, good agricultural practice and relevant legislation. The requirements are separated into the following main service areas:
i) Combinable Crops Harvest and Yield Forecasting.
ii) Combinable Crop Development Reports.
iii) Reports on the State of the Horticultural and Potatoes Industry, to include industry diary.
iv) To provide The Authority with input to its work, including briefings and assessments on crop specific issues (and any related livestock impacts, such as feed shortages) during emergencies.
v) To provide The Authority with a range of other services as required, including ad hoc technical advice and other services specified in the Specification of Services.
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. The Enabled Authority’s Specification of Requirements is set out at Annex 1 to this Enabling Agreement.
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE This project will undertake an appraisal of the Interventions Division within the Greater Manchester Probation Trust (GMPT) and propose a new organisational structure and operating model that increases efficiency and effectiveness and enhances our capability to work increasingly in partnership with third and private sector organisations within the Criminal Justice area. This project will specifically assess and deliver an options appraisal to transform the organisational structure and operating model that will deliver high quality offender services in the most efficient way possible. This will include, but will not be limited, to: The creation of an arms length organisation; and/or Social Enterprise development, and/or Development of strategic partnering arrangements, and/or The further development of contracting arrangements with the third and private sectors to deliver a mixed economy of services. This project will ensure that GMPT has the ability to transform the structure of its intervention service improving its economy, efficiency and effectiveness. This project can be seen to directly link with the following key initiatives and agendas: Development of competition in Probation Services and increasingly working with the private and third sectors to deliver services as emphasised in the Offender Management Xxx 0000; The need to demonstrate value for money and efficiencies as identified by Gershon and the Public Sector efficiency agenda; Reduce costs as identified in the Comprehensive Spending Review; Transform the services as identified in the “rehabilitation revolution” TM Respond as a statutory partner in the Community Safety Partnerships to ensure all services and organisations work together to reduce re-offending. Through this strategy, GMPT aims to strengthen its reputation for providing opportunities for offenders to stop and change their behaviour. Its objectives and targets focus on four key areas: Improving the quality of offender services; Developing commissioning arrangements and partnerships; Evidencing and enhancing value for money; Developing the organisation – people, processes and business systems. This project will assess and deliver a robust options appraisal on the future structure and operating model for GMPT’s intervention services. The intervention services will include: Accredited programmes; Approved premises; Community Payback. It will also include an assessment of whether other services delivered by GMPT...
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. Jostens takes into consideration the cybersecurity requirements for the system under development when designing the system to ensures Jostens’ business requirements (including those for cybersecurity) are documented and agreed upon before detailed design commences.
SPECIFICATION OF REQUIREMENTS. 8.1 The Contractor shall satisfy the requirements as articulated in the Networked BRACIS Invitation to Tender (“20110628 NETWORKED BRACIS ITT v 1.0 final”, issued on 29th. June 2011). The (extracted) Statement of Work and Contractor’s Solution are laid out at Annex A to the Contract.