Standby Scheduling. (a) The Hospital will notify the Bargaining Unit President /Designate prior to initiating standby assignments on any unit.
(b) Standby assignments will be distributed as equitably as possible amongst the employees in any unit utilizing standby.
(c) Standby assignments shall be posted at the same time as the tours of duty schedules. Employees shall be permitted to exchange their standby assignment by using the mutual protocol.
(d) When a full-time or part-time employee is scheduled for standby on a weekend, she is considered to be "working" the weekend for the purposes of entitlement to premium pay for consecutive weekends worked.
Standby Scheduling. In areas where standby is utilized, the Hospital will endeavour to distribute such duty on an equitable basis. The Hospital will notify the Union in writing prior to initiating standby assignments in any additional areas. The Hospital will endeavour to post standby assignments at the same time as the tour of duty schedule is posted. Employees will be permitted to exchange their standby assignments, with the prior approval of the immediate Manager, if possible, and provided the appropriate response time is met by the employees making the exchange. Employees will not be scheduled for standby on a scheduled weekend off or scheduled day off, unless mutually agreed between the employee and her or his immediate Manager. This paragraph does not apply to the employees in the operating room where the current standby practice will continue.
Standby Scheduling. K.1 In areas where standby is utilized, the Hospital will endeavour to distribute such duty on an equitable basis. The Hospital will notify the Union in writing prior to initiating standby assignments in any additional areas. The Hospital will endeavour to post standby assignments at the same time as the tour of duty schedule is posted. Employees will be permitted to exchange their standby assignments, with the prior approval of the immediate Manager, if possible, and provided the appropriate response time is met by the employees making the exchange. Employees will not be scheduled for standby on a scheduled weekend off or scheduled day off, unless mutually agreed between the employee and her or his immediate Manager. This paragraph does not apply to the employees in the operating room where nurses will have on call assignments fairly and equitably distributed amongst trained surgical suite staff. The Hospital will discuss with the union prior to changing the standby requirement in the operating room. Additional standby shifts that become available will be offered by seniority in a fair and equitable basis.
Standby Scheduling. The Hospital will notify the Bargaining Unit President or designate prior to initiating standby schedules on any unit. Specific guidelines pertaining to standby shall be discussed at the Hospital-Association Committee and will be in accordance with the following:
(a) Employee standby assignments shall be posted at the same time as the tours of duty schedules. Employees shall be permitted to exchange their standby assignments with another qualified employee provided that such exchange does not result in a premium pay requirement which would not be payable.
(b) The Employer agrees that standby will be distributed on an equitable basis among the qualified employees who normally perform the work.
(c) A full time employee will not be scheduled for standby on a scheduled day off or scheduled weekend off, unless mutually agreed between the employee and the Hospital.
(d) A sufficient number of beepers will be made available in each unit in which nurses are scheduled for standby.
Standby Scheduling. A. The HRA reserves the right to place employees on a standby schedule. The standby list will be posted at least monthly.
B. The Employer will first offer standby to qualified employees based on seniority who have volunteered. If there are not enough volunteers to cover all standby needs, the Employer will assign standby in order of reverse seniority to those qualified employees who did not work standby within the preceding month. If all qualified employees worked standby within the preceding month, standby will be assigned to qualified employees in the order of reverse seniority. In creating the monthly standby schedule, standby may be assigned to multiple days at one time to the same employee. If an employee becomes unable to work their planned standby schedule, as contemplated in the monthly schedule, the HRA shall make an emergency assignment of any vacant standby shift first to a qualified employee within the category of employees with the fewest scheduled standby dates in the previous month. Vacant standby will be assigned in reverse seniority within that category of qualified employees.
C. Employees who are on standby duty shall receive a stipend equal to three (3) hours pay at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times their enhanced hourly rate for each day they perform this duty. The standby duty stipend is not subject to any adjustment for the holiday. In addition to the stipend, employees shall receive pay for any time actually worked while on standby duty at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times of their enhanced hourly rate.
Standby Scheduling. Xxxxxxx will be shared equally by the OR nurses for OR. Xxxxxxx will be shared equally by the PACU nurses for PACU. The nurses will not be required to be on-call for more than two (2) standby night shifts (which may vary in length per week and every third weekend.per week and (1) weekend call shit every fourth weekend. 3.4.
Standby Scheduling. In areas where standby is utilized, the Hospital will endeavour to distribute such duty on an equitable basis. The Hospital will notify the Union in writing prior to initiating standby assignments in any additional areas. The Hospital will endeavour to post standby assignments at the same time as the tour of duty schedule is posted. Employees will be permitted to exchange their standby assignments, with the prior approval of the immediate Manager, if possible, and provided the appropriate response time is met by the employees making the exchange. Employees will not be scheduled for standby on a scheduled weekend off or scheduled day off, unless mutually agreed between the employee and her or his immediate Manager. This paragraph does not apply to the employees in the operating room where nurses will have on call assignments fairly and equitably distributed amongst trained surgical suite staff. The Hospital will discuss with the union prior to changing the standby requirement in the operating room. This does not preclude nurses from picking up additional call on a seniority basis
Standby Scheduling. 1. The Director of Public Works or designee will schedule the Standby Duty Roster on a quarterly (1/4) basis. The Public Works Director or their designee will create, update, and maintain the Roster and Standby Duty Schedule. The Roster and Standby Duty Schedule will be posted and readily accessible at the Public Works Yard.
2. Employees on the Standby Duty Roster are to be rotated progressively up the list weekly from the last position on up to the first (Position 1).
3. The employee in Position 1 will be on Standby Duty for the time specified.
4. If a vacancy occurs during the quarter (1/4), the order of the roster will not be altered. The week(s) open due to the vacancy will be filled on a voluntary basis. If voluntary coverage is not secured, mandatory assignments may be made, as set forth in this Article, Section B.
5. Approved employees who are temporarily unavailable (e.g., due to temporary light duty restrictions or approved leaves) may request that their position on the Standby list be held until they return to full duty. If approved, temporary vacancies of this type will be filled on a voluntary basis. If voluntary coverage is not secured, mandatory assignments may be made, as set forth in this Article, Section B.
6. Any new employees authorized as part of quarterly (1/4) scheduling will be added to the Standby Duty Roster in the last position available after the next full rotation. The Standby Duty Roster order may be changed with notice to the impacted employees.
Standby Scheduling. The Hospital will notify the Bargaining Unit President /Designate prior to initiating standby assignments on any unit.
Standby Scheduling. An employee who is scheduled for standby duty shall receive standby pay in the amount of $3.30 per hour for the period of standby sc�eduled by the employer. Where such standby falls on a weekend or paid holiday, the employee shall receive standby pay in the amount of $4.90 per hour. The Employee shall not be paid standby pay when the employee is called to work. DATED THIS ___,\......,,t-.==------ DAY OF lk:::\onef'" 20 lb FOR THE EM� AUTHORIZED BY BY-LAW NO. 6588 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY-OF SIMCOE DN OCTOBER 11 , 201 6. BETWEEN: AND: SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, Local 1 Canada C. L.C. Should the Employer substitute another carrier for any benefit plan, the Employer will advise the Union accord ingly. DATED THIS \ '1... DAY OF Qc.--\t>be'C'"' AUTHORIZED BY BY-LAW NO. 6588 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THl;_QQFJ:ORATI ON OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE ON oct<JBER 11, 2016. 20 \ b BETWEEN: AND: SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION, Local 1 Canada C. L.C. Re: Summer Students "The Union will support any opportunity extended to students provided there is not adverse impact to our members." DATED THIS _____,l'-"'"2-'---- _ DAY OF O;..'ro'tef" 20 '" FOR THE E� ILl.�S�-J2 AUTHORIZED BY BY-LAW NO. 6588 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATI ON OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE ON OCTOBER 11, 201 6. BETWEEN: AND: Re: Educational Support AUTHORIZED BY BY-LAW NO. 6588 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATI ON OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE ON OCTOBER 11 , 2016. "The parties agree that there is a policy in affect within the County that can be utilized by the membership for upgrading their education." DATED THIS \_"Z.. DAY OF Oc..-\'obef" 20 lib BETWEEN: AND: The terms and conditions of the full time Bargaining Unit Collective Agreement attached to this Addendum will apply to the part time unit, save and except as modified by this Addendum in the following manner: