TIME-TRADING Sample Clauses

TIME-TRADING. Communications Dispatcher/Clerk I, Communications Dispatcher Clerk II, Telephone Systems Operator and Water Pumpers (Maintenance Worker) working swing shifts may trade time with other employees of the same classification in the same division subject to the following conditions: a) The trading of time is done voluntarily by the employees and not at the request of the Employer. b) The trade is not made for reasons related to the Employer's business operations but is due to the employee's desire or need to attend to a personal matter. c) The Employer maintains records of all time traded by employees. d) The time is traded and paid back within a twelve (12) month period. (Time cannot be paid but actually worked back.) e) The minimum number of hours traded equals one (1) hour. f) The time trade must be in writing on the request form. g) All trading is subject to the approval of the supervisor. h) Time trading shall be limited to ninety-six (96) hours per year.
TIME-TRADING. Bargaining unit employees may trade time, tours of duty and Xxxxx Days with other employees of the same rank or one rank higher or lower, subject to the following conditions: 1. The trading of time is done voluntarily by the employees and not at the request of the Employer. 2. The trade is not made for reasons related to the Employer’s business operations, but is due to the employee’s desire or need to attend to a personal matter. Time must actually be worked back ( or donated as per condition #9 below) and not paid monetarily except in the case of duty relief paid directly by the Union to the stand-by for attendance at conventions, seminars, or other events as approved by the Fire Chief. 3. The minimum number of hours traded equals two (2) hours. The Department will allow stand-bys of an hour or less from 0630-0730 and from 0730-0830 hours with the approval of the Duty Officer. 4. The time trade must be in writing on the request form and signed by all parties involved in the time trade. 5. Once the trade is approved, the signing parties become fully responsible for the newly traded and approved time to be worked. If an employee then fails to be at work or supply a suitable replacement within a reasonable time prior to the assigned work schedule, that employee (the most recently approved to work the designated time) will be docked for the missed hours of work at his normal rate of pay. The City will not be responsible for tracking time trades as to who owes whom time and takes no responsibility for requiring individuals to pay time back beyond what was approved on the approved request form. 6. All trading is subject to the reasonable approval of the Battalion Chief or the shift supervisor, as per the policies of the Fire Chief. 7. Employees working on an approved time trade shall be allowed to request and use leave on the “foreign” shift under the normal guidelines for time off. 8. Xxxxx Days can only be traded for Xxxxx Days and only within the same shift. 9. In extenuating circumstances (i.e. long-term illness/injury), as determined by the City, where an individual employee has been forced to exhaust all his leave benefits and is unable to work, other employees may voluntarily work for the absent employee on a pay-back or donation basis for a period not to exceed 120 days. Such a “time trade” will not be mandated by the City and the City bears no responsibility for insuring that time is paid back by the absent employee. All other rules apply including #5...
TIME-TRADING. ‌ All patrol officers covered by this Agreement may trade with other patrol officers subject to the following conditions: a. The trading of time is done voluntarily by the officers and not at the request of the employer. b. The trade is not made for reasons related to the employer’s business operations but is due to the officer’s desire or need to attend to a personal matter. c. All trading is subject to the approval of the Chief of Police or his designee. d. Time trading shall be limited to sixteen (16) hours per month in increments no less than four (4) hours. No officer shall work more than twelve (12) hours straight for the purposes of time trading.
TIME-TRADING. Employees who are qualified and capable may mutually agree to exchange days, shifts, or hours of work with the approval of their supervisor which shall not be unreasonably denied and provided such change does not result in the payment of overtime. Hours worked as a result of employee shift/time trading shall be noted by the employee on their pay period time sheets. Hours worked shall be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay and shall not be computed for overtime (overtime pay or compensatory time off) purposes. It shall be the sole responsibility of the employees involved to keep track of traded hours and arranging for the paying back of traded hours. There shall be no work shift trading in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days without prior written authorization signed by the Administrator.
TIME-TRADING. Section 17.1 An employee who wishes to trade time up to twenty-four (24) hours may do so with the approval of his duty chief. Request for time trades of more than twenty-four (24) hours must be approved by the Fire Chief, and must be requested seventy-two (72) hours in advance, except in emergencies. Time trading shall be arranged in such a way that the normal operation of the Fire Department will not be impaired by the absence of an employee who is off duty because of a time trade. A replacement must be familiar with and capable of assuming the full duties of the employee he replaces. Employees shall exercise discretion in the use of traded time. Trade time does not affect payroll and overtime, unless the schedule requires it.
TIME-TRADING. ‌ 41.1 Time-trading will be permitted only in the event that requested time off has been denied. All time trading arrangements must be negotiated by the time-trading individuals and, except in cases of emergency, they must give the supervisor at least forty-eight (48) hours' advance notice in writing, or electronically submitted. The trade must be acceptable to the appropriate supervisor whose shift is affected. Approval will be based on ability to hold the position to be filled, and the number of consecutive hours to be worked prior to and following the trade. Such a request for a trade shall not be unreasonably denied. The employee negotiating the trade will be responsible for obtaining the approval of all those involved. 41.2 Approved trades will be made on the basis of comparable skill levels. Parties agreeing to work a trade must at least be able to perform the same skills that the other person is certified to perform at the time they work for the other person, unless approval is received to trade within 7 days with an employee with lesser training. However, Communications Specialists may trade regardless of skill as long as operational needs are met. The ability to perform AIC Supervisory work will not be considered a skill necessary to qualify for time trade. Salary level will not be a factor. City payroll will not be affected by the process (i.e., a Communications or Records Specialist, Step 6, working for a Communications or Records Specialist, Step 1, will earn their normal monthly salary). 41.3 If, for any reason, the person working for the original employee does not show up as approved on the time trade, the original employee will be charged for the absence at a rate consistent with what the City paid to back fill through overtime, which is generally 1:1.
TIME-TRADING. Bargaining unit employees may trade time, tours of duty and Xxxxx Days with other employees of the same rank or one rank higher or lower, subject to the following conditions: 1. The trading of time is done voluntarily by the employees and not at the request of the Employer. 2. The trade is not made for reasons related to the Employer’s business operations, but is due to the employee’s desire or need to attend to a personal matter. Time must actually be worked back and not paid monetarily except in the case of duty relief paid directly by the Union to the stand-by for attendance at conventions, seminars, or other events as approved by the Fire Chief. 3. The minimum number of hours traded equals two (2) hours. The Department will allow stand-bys of an hour or less from 0630-0730 and from 0730-0830 hours with the approval of the Duty Officer. 4. The time trade must be in writing on the request form and signed by all parties involved in the time trade. 5. Once the trade is approved, the signing parties become fully responsible for the newly traded and approved time to be worked. If an employee then fails to be at work or supply a suitable replacement within a reasonable time prior to the assigned work schedule, that employee (the most recently approved to work the designated time) will be docked for the missed hours of work at his normal rate of pay. The City will not be responsible for tracking time trades as to who owes whom time and takes no responsibility for requiring individuals to pay time back beyond what was approved on the approved request form. 6. All trading is subject to the reasonable approval of the Battalion Chief or the shift supervisor, as per the policies of the Fire Chief. 7. Employees working on an approved time trade shall be allowed to request and use leave on the “foreign” shift under the normal guidelines for time off. 8. Xxxxx Days can only be traded for Xxxxx Days and only within the same shift.
TIME-TRADING. Bargaining unit members may, with notice to Management, swap eight (8) hour shifts with another Employee, so long as the swap does not create overtime, compensatory time, or violate another provision of this Agreement. Swaps of shifts must be within the same pay period as defined in this Agreement. Management may not unreasonably interfere with the trading of shifts, but may, at its discretion, limit the amount of shifts being traded or swapped as is necessary to maintain the functionality of the radio room.
TIME-TRADING. Communications Dispatcher/Clerk I, Communications Dispatcher Clerk II, Telephone Systems Operator and Water Pumpers (Maintenance Worker) working swing shifts may trade time with other employees of the same classification in the same division subject to the following conditions: The trading of time is done voluntarily by the employees and not at the request of the Employer. The trade is not made for reasons related to the Employer's business operations but is due to the employee's desire or need to attend to a personal matter. The Employer maintains records of all time traded by employees. The time is traded and paid back within a twelve (12) month period. (Time cannot be paid but actually worked back.)The minimum number of hours traded equals one (1) hour. The time trade must be in writing on the request form. All trading is subject to the approval of the supervisor. Time trading shall be limited to ninety-six (96) hours per year.
TIME-TRADING. Bargaining unit employees may trade time and tours of duty with other employees of the same rank, or one rank higher or lower, except as provided in Article 24.3 (Acting out of Rank), subject to the following: (a) The trading of time is done voluntarily by the employees and not at the request of the Employer. (b) The trade is not made for reasons related to the Employer’s business operations; but is due to the employee’s desire or need to attend to a personal matter. (c) The minimum number of hours traded equals six (6) hours. (d) The time-trade must be in writing on the request form. (e) All trading is subject to the reasonable approval of the Battalion Chief, or the Fire Division Chief, as per the policies of the Fire Chief. Denials, if any, will be handled with Union representative involvement. (f) Trades must be approved the workday before, or with the approval of the appropriate Battalion Chief. (g) Suppression Battalion Chiefs shall not be permitted to time trade on days when the other Battalion Chief is scheduled to be off work, unless the time trade occurs with another Battalion Chief. All care will be taken to ensure that those members trading time will fulfill the obligations of the members with whom they are trading time. The administration of trading time will be under the Fire Chief’s direction and under the current rules presently in effect. Repayment of duty trade days or compensation for the employee actually working shall be the responsibility of the individual employees, and not the Department.