Professional Leaves. 1. Professional Leaves are to be used by an employee to gain knowledge for the position contracted through Bath Local Schools. The employee must request Professional Leave through the employee kiosk. Upon approval, the employee may be permitted to attend the Professional Meeting and will be paid at the regular rate.
Professional Leaves. There shall be three (3) types of professional leave for tenured faculty: Sabbatical Leave, Retraining Leave, and Return-to-Industry Leave. Tenured and Core faculty having completed three (3) or more years of full-time employment with the District (including, if applicable, full-time summer employment) shall be eligible for Sabbatical (Educational) Leave. Tenured faculty who cannot be effectively assigned because of program change, reduction, or termination may request funds for Retraining Leave. Tenured faculty who have completed three (3) or more years of full-time employment with the District (including, if applicable, full-time summer employment) shall be eligible for Return-to-Industry Leave. Compensation for professional leave shall be based upon the length of the leave as follows:
1 quarter 100% 2 quarters 80% 3 quarters 60% In any event, pursuant to applicable law the number of individual faculty members to be on leave in any year shall not exceed 4% of the total number of full-time equivalent faculty for any twelve month period. The application of the above shall not result in reimbursement exceeding the average of the highest quartile of a rank order of salaries of all full-time teaching faculty holding academic year contracts. Further provided, with respect to return-to-industry leave and consistent with the above restrictions, the Seattle College District will guarantee that the faculty member will suffer no loss in salary or fringe benefits (insurance and retirement contribution) during the period of leave in which the faculty member is gainfully employed in an approved industry. Requests for Professional Leave will be submitted by the first Friday of December of Fall Quarter, through regular administrative channels to the appropriate instructional vice president. Such requests shall be evaluated by the Professional Leave Committee, which shall make recommendations to the appropriate campus vice chancellor/president. The final decision on awarding of professional leaves will be made by the District Chancellor. Notification to those selected will be made fourteen calendar days prior to the end of Winter Quarter. Upon approval of such leaves, contractual agreements will be executed between the District and the faculty specifying the length and conditions of the leave. The applicant's plans for Professional Leave and the demonstrated resources and ability to carry them out will be major factors in evaluating requests for Professional Leave.
Professional Leaves. 1. Authorized Short-Term Absences
a. Absences for outside professional activities related to University responsibilities which necessitate absence from the bargaining-unit member’s usual University operating location may be approved with pay for periods up to thirty (30) working days.
b. Requests for authorized absences should be filed by the bargaining-unit member with his/her chair or xxxx/director/vice president at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the proposed activity and at least three (3) weeks prior to activity outside the United States.
c. The bargaining-unit member will work with the xxxx/director/chair/vice president to ensure that there is coverage of the bargaining-unit member’s teaching responsibilities; however, the final responsibility for arranging the coverage resides with the administrator who approves the leave. It shall also be the responsibility of the bargaining-unit member to inform the xxxx/director/chair/vice president of the essential duties that need to be performed during the period of absence.
d. Approval is given by the University President or his/her designee.
Professional Leaves. If funds are available at the campus level for in-service and out-service training for all employees, the professional employees in this bargaining unit shall be eligible for participation in such programs. In addition, if other employee organizations are included in the administration of such programs SCUPA shall be provided the same opportunity.
Professional Leaves. There shall be two (2) types of professional leave for faculty: Sabbatical Leave and Professional Development.
Professional Leaves. Application for leaves to attend professional conferences, workshops, or to make school or classroom visitations should be made to the Superintendent or designee. Reference should also be made to Section 7.08 herein (Professional Development).
Professional Leaves. There shall be a program of professional leave which includes:
Professional Leaves. The College grants sabbatical leaves to tenured faculty in order to help accomplish the College’s educational mission. The purpose of a sabbatical leave shall be to improve the professional skills of the faculty member through study, research, and creative work activities could include (but not limited to) study, travel, writing, work on advanced degrees, return to industry, or any other activity (i.e. workshops, conferences, seminars) that will accomplish the goal of professional development of the faculty member or the goal of program improvement, both in ways which serve the interests of the College.
Professional Leaves. 1. Authorized Short-Term Absences
a. Absences for outside professional activities related to University responsibilities which necessitate absence from the bargaining-unit member’s usual University operating location may be approved with pay for periods up to thirty (30) working days.
b. Requests for authorized absences should be filed by the bargaining-unit member with their chair or xxxx/director/vice president at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the proposed activity and at least three (3) weeks prior to activity outside the United States.
c. The bargaining-unit member will work with the xxxx/director/chair/vice president to ensure that there is coverage of the bargaining-unit member’s teaching responsibilities; however, the final responsibility for arranging the coverage resides with the administrator who approves the leave. It shall also be the responsibility of the bargaining-unit member to inform the xxxx/director/chair/vice president of the essential duties that need to be performed during the period of absence.
d. Approval is given by the University President or their designee.
2. Sabbatical Leaves The President or their designee may grant sabbatical leaves of absence to members of the faculty and academic staff for the purpose of encouraging scholarly and professional achievement for the mutual benefit of the University and the grantee. However, no more than seven percent (7%) of the faculty in any department in departmentalized Schools/Colleges and in any non-departmentalized School/College/division may be on sabbatical leave in any one (1) semester. Under extraordinary circumstances this maximum may be exceeded at the discretion of the President or their designee.
a. Eligibility
1) A sabbatical leave may be granted for one (1) or two (2) semesters to any bargaining-unit member who holds tenure status at the beginning of the proposed period of leave and who meets the following additional requirements of eligibility.
2) Dependent upon the type of sabbatical leave requested (Section B.2.f.1), an applicant shall have served at least six (6) or twelve (12) semesters of regular full-time contractual employment in the bargaining unit since their initial appointment to academic-staff or faculty classifications or since a previous sabbatical leave. The elapsed semesters need not be consecutive, but no more than two (2) semesters shall be counted for any one (1) academic year.
3) A non-tenured tenure-track faculty member in the rank of assista...
Professional Leaves. A. Sabbatical leaves - The master contract does not apply. The DOC does not fund sabbatical leaves.