Additional Hours/ Overtime. Additional Hours Overtime is time worked by a Full Time or Part Time Employee at the request of the Employer in excess of the employee’s ordinary hours for the cycle, including: time worked in excess of the rostered hours for a shift (extended shift); and shifts worked in addition to those rostered (additional shift)
Additional Hours/ Overtime. It is a requirement that employees will work reasonable additional hours in excess of their ordinary hours. Additional hours will be paid at the ordinary time rate prescribed in clause 6.1.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. It is a requirement that employees will work two additional hours in excess of their ordinary hours. All time worked in excess of the weekly work cycle inclusive of the additional two hours (i.e. 8 hours daily Monday to Friday) or daily hours outside of the span of ordinary hours of work shall be paid at the following rates on a daily basis; • Monday to Saturday at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours and double time thereafter. • All time worked on Sunday shall be paid at double time.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. Job Logs: Additional available hours will be logged in and time stamped by dispatch as information comes in for assignment. Separate logs will be maintained for 1) Extra Time, 2) Weekday Overtime, and 3) Weekend/Holiday Overtime.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. All time worked in excess of the work cycle’s ordinary weekly or daily hours outside of the span of ordinary hours of work shall be paid as overtime at the following rates; • Monday to Saturday at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours and double time thereafter. • All time worked on Sunday shall be paid at double time. • For overtime worked on an RDO (when the RDO is not substituted for another day or banked), time and one half for the first two hours, double time thereafter.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. It is a requirement that employees will work reasonable additional hours in excess of their ordinary hours. The first 12 hours in excess of 38 hours per week Monday to Friday shall be paid at the rates prescribed in Clause 6.2. All time worked in excess of 50 hours per week Monday to Friday, and all work on weekends, shall be paid at the following rates: Classification Permanent Overtime Hourly Rate Casual Overtime Hourly Rate These wage rates will increase in the years 2024, 2025 and 2026 by the percentage awarded by the National Wage Review and will be operative from the date of such increase by the National Wage Review.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. 11.1 All time worked outside the spread of ordinary hours in clause 10 or before the ordinary starting time or after the ordinary ceasing time shall be deemed overtime and shall be paid for at one and a half times the ordinary rate for the first 2 hours and double time thereafter. Except for trades covered under the Manufacturing & Associated Industries Modern Award which shall be paid for at one and a half times the ordinary rate for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter (and other Modern Awards which provide for one and a half times the ordinary rate for the first 3 hours).
11.2 In calculating overtime each day’s work (hours) stands alone. For example, a Monday to Friday worker working 7.6 ordinary hours each day will be entitled to overtime for hours worked in excess of 7.6 hours each day.
11.3 The relevant trades covered by the Manufacturing & Associated Industries award (Modern Award MA10) will be paid at the rate of one and half times the ordinary rate for the first three (3) hours and double time thereafter.
11.4 Overtime will only be paid, where an Employee has taken unpaid, unauthorised leave, for hours worked in excess of 38 hours per week.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. Hours of work in addition to 38 hours are to be “at the option of the employee”, when available, and must be pre-approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor or section manager. Pre-approved, employer requested hours worked in excess of 38 hours shall be paid at the rate of the ordinary rate for that particular employee PLUS half the rate again (time and a half) EXCEPT: where an Employee is requested by Management to work on a Sunday then that employee shall be paid a minimum of $25 per hour OR their normal rate of ordinary pay whichever is the greater. An exception to the above overtime payments shall be where administration employee elects to increase their income, by working on jobs charged to customers. In such circumstances the Administration employee shall be paid for the time charged at the same rate of pay as an “Accredited Operator” as defined in the Operators workplace agreements.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. All time worked in excess of the work cycle’s ordinary weekly or daily hours or outside of the span of ordinary hours of work shall be paid as overtime at the following rates; • Monday to Saturday at the rate of time and a half for the first three hours and double time thereafter. • All time worked on Sunday shall be paid at double time.
Additional Hours/ Overtime. 23.1 The Employer may require Employees to work reasonable additional hours in excess of their ordinary hours.
23.2 Additional hours worked beyond 7.6 hours on any single day between Monday to Friday must be paid at the Time and a Half Rate for the first two hours and Double Time Rate thereafter. Payment for Saturday must be paid at the Time and Half Rate for the first 2 hours and Double Time Rate thereafter. All hours worked on Sundays and will be paid at the Double Time Rate and all hours worked on a Public Holiday will be paid at Double Time and a Half.
23.3 An Employee required to work overtime on a Saturday will be afforded at least 3 hours’ work or be paid for 3 hours at the appropriate rate.
23.4 An Employee required to work overtime on a Sunday or Public Holiday must be afforded at least 4 hours’ work or be paid for 4 hours at the appropriate rate.
23.5 When overtime work is necessary it shall, wherever reasonably practicable, be so arranged that an Employee has at least ten consecutive hours off duty between the work of successive days.
23.6 An Employee (other than a casual Employee) who works so much overtime between the termination of the Employee's ordinary work on one day and the commencement of the Employee's ordinary work on the next day so that the Employee has not had at least ten consecutive hours off duty between those times shall, subject to this clause, be released after completion of such overtime until the Employee has had ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
23.7 If, on instructions of the Employer, such an Employee resumes or continues work without having had such ten consecutive hours off duty, the Employee shall be paid at double time until released from duty and shall then be entitled to be absent for such period of ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.
23.8 Where an Employee is recalled to work overtime, they will be paid a minimum of 3 hours at overtime rates.