Bumping Procedures a. Once the person in each classification has been notified that he/she is being reduced in force, they must exercise their bumping rights, in writing, within five (5) work days after the employee receives his/her notice of layoff and shall indicate the person/position which the employee intends to displace. Once the notice of displacement has been received by the Board of Education from the most senior person, all persons who may be affected by further displacement or “bumping” are entitled to notice of a “bumping meeting” which shall be provided with written notice by board email, ordinary mail or hand delivery within a minimum of ten (10) calendar days prior to the bumping meeting. Once the email or hand delivered notice has been delivered to the employee, no further notice will be required. All affected employees shall attend the bumping meeting or give a written proxy to a member or SEUSS officer in attendance. By not attending or sending a proxy the employee will have waived the right to bump or displace a less-senior employee, or in the event of an open position offered at the bumping meeting, will have waived their right to bid. In the case of an emergency or for unforeseen circumstances, the Superintendent or designee may reschedule a bumping meeting at either a time mutually agreed upon by the Superintendent/designee and the Union, or by re-notifying the affected employees as contemplated herein.
b. An employee affected by RIF or abolishment of a position may displace or bump any other employee within the classification that has less district seniority. When a position has been reduced and then recreated or there are vacancies within the classification, these positions will be offered during the bumping procedure.
c. Those employees displaced have the same bumping rights as the employee who was originally reduced.
d. Once an employee has exercised a bump, he/she may not revoke the bump.
Bumping Procedures. Employee(s) shall bump in the following order:
A. The employee shall bump in the same Department, to the position occupied by the least senior employee who is in the same class, immediate geographic area and within the applicable definition of layoff, or if the employee has no bumping right and chooses to do so, to a definition of layoff which provides less work time, per Section 3A-D, that is held by the least senior employee by University seniority within the class. If no such position(s) exists,
B. The employee shall bump in the same Collegiate/Administrative Seniority Unit to the position occupied by the least senior employee who is in the same class, immediate geographic area, and within the applicable definition of layoff, or if the employee has no bumping right and so chooses, to a definition of layoff which provides less work time, per Section 3A-D, that is held by the least senior employee in the class by University seniority. If no such position exists,
C. The employee shall bump in the same Department to the position in a lower class in which the employee has passed probation in the Department, in the same immediate geographic area, and within the applicable definition of layoff, or if the employee has no bumping right and so chooses, to a definition of layoff which provides less work time, per Section 3A-D, that is held by the least senior employee in the class by University seniority. If no such position exists,
D. The employee's name shall be placed on the layoff list.
Bumping Procedures. By classification, eligible employees will be sent a written notice of the scheduled layoff/job selection meeting. Copies of the written notices shall be provided to the CSEA Chapter President. At the meeting, District representatives will (in seniority order beginning with the most senior) advise each eligible employee of his/her options. CSEA will be invited to have a representative present.
a. Options, depending upon availability, may include:
(1) A vacant position in the classification of layoff; or
(2) A position in the classification of layoff or the same or lesser hours at the employee’s work site held by a less senior employee; or
(3) A similar job profile position at another site in the District occupied by the least senior employee in the classification of layoff; or
(4) A vacant position in a prior classification in which the employee had prior regular status (see G.2.c.(1)) or the least senior employee in the prior classification (see G.2.c.(2) above).
b. The eligible employee will have a reasonable time (typically five (5) to ten (10) minutes) to select from available options. A list of available positions will be provided at least one (1) hour in advance of the layoff/job selection meeting.
c. Should an eligible employee not elect layoff (in writing), and not be present when it is his/her turn to select, the District and CSEA shall place the employee in that least senior position whose job profile most closely approximates that eligible employee’s current position unless CSEA has a written release from the employee to select another position.
d. Representatives of the Association shall be permitted to be present at all scheduled layoff/job selection meetings, and to advise employees regarding available options.
Bumping Procedures. Where a position is being eliminated, an employee, upon receiving written layoff notice shall have the option of accepting the layoff or exercising bumping rights. Where an employee’s regular hours are being reduced, the employee has the option of accepting the position with the reduced hours. An employee who has been laid off may bump a less senior employee providing that the employee has the ability and qualifications to perform the job. A laid off or displaced employee wishing to exercise bumping rights shall, within five (5) working days of receiving written notification of layoff, submit in writing to the Village Administrator, or designate notice of intent to exercise the bumping procedures and shall indicate the position being bumped into. The Employer shall provide any information regarding seniority of employees and required qualifications for positions which the laid off employee may require. The Employer shall advise the employee, in writing, within two (2) working days, of acceptance or rejection of the bump.
Bumping Procedures. 1. All persons who are to be affected by a displacement or "bumping" and are entitled to notice of a "bumping meeting" shall be provided with written notice by certified mail or hand delivered within a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the bumping meeting. Once the certified mail or hand delivered notice has been delivered to the employee, no further notice will be required. All affected employees shall attend the bumping meeting or, by not attending, will have waived the right to bump or displace a less-senior employee, or in the event of a bid, will have waived their right to bid. In the case of an emergency or for unforeseen circumstances, the Director of Operations or his designee may reschedule a bumping meeting at either a time mutually agreed upon by the Director of Operations and all the employees involved, or by re-notifying the affected employees as contemplated herein.
2. Employees affected by RIF may displace or bump any other employees within the department who have less departmental seniority. When a position has been reduced and then recreated or there are vacancies within the department, these positions will be offered for bid prior to the bump at a bid/bump meeting scheduled, and in compliance with the provisions of Article
Bumping Procedures. Employees designated for RIF are permitted to bump into the position of the least senior employee in another classification for which the RIFed employee has greater seniority, provided such employee possesses the necessary skills, abilities and qualifications to perform the essential functions of the position
Bumping Procedures. 15.5.1 An employee whose position has been discontinued may displace the least senior employee at the same level within their seniority group, provided the employee is qualified, and provided no vacancy exists in any seniority group at the employee’s current level for which the employee is qualified.
15.5.2 A level 2 employee whose position has been discontinued may bump the least senior level 1 employee within their seniority group, provided the employee has greater seniority than the level 1 employee, is qualified, and no vacancies for which the employee is qualified exist.
15.5.3 An employee may elect not to bump the least senior employee and to go on layoff and retain recall rights up to twenty-four (24) months as described in Section
15.6.1. If this option is elected, the right to bump into a position is waived and cannot be restored.
15.5.4 Employees who hold positions determined by the District to be excluded, as described in 15.1, may not be bumped by more senior employees who are displaced.
Bumping Procedures i) An employee who is to be laid off or who is not recalled when a recall occurs, shall be entitled to bump a junior employee in the employee's preferred school or facility, covered by this Agreement, provided that the employee retained or recalled in accordance with this procedure has sufficient qualifications to do the work.
ii) The employee who is bumped in accordance with this procedure shall be deemed to have been given notice of lay-off with effect from the date that the employee who bumped him/her was given notice of lay- off.
iii) The employee who is bumped from a recall in accordance with this procedure shall be deemed not to have been recalled.
(b) Any employee who is laid off or bumped in accordance with this Article shall make their intentions known to the Employer, with respect to bumping, within five (5) working days of being notified of such by the Employer.
(c) For the purposes of this Article a reduction in hours of work shall be considered to activate the employee's right to bump in accordance with the procedure outlined above.
(d) In the event of a lay-off resulting from a permanent reduction in the work force or the abolition of a post, employees who qualify under the provision of Article 15 - Promotion and Staff Changes in particular Clause 15.02 and
Bumping Procedures. Where an employee is laid off, they shall have the right to implement their bumping rights within five (5) working days of notification of layoff as follows:
1. A displaced employee may bump a less senior employee, providing they have the qualifications, skill and ability to perform the work of the less senior employee. On this basis, an employee may bump upwards, downwards or laterally.
2. An employee may bump within their own department or across the entire Bargaining Unit.
3. Bargaining Unit members will be able to exercise their seniority and bumping rights, and return to other positions in the Bargaining Unit if their department or function is ever sold, privatized or transferred to the County.
4. If any employee bumps a person in a lower group number, their rate of pay would be "red circled" if they are above the range maximum for the new position. This provision will apply only to bumps that are one (1) group below the employee’s current group. A bump into a position that is two (2) or more groups below the employee’s current group would result in the employee’s rate of pay being reduced to the range maximum of the new position, if necessary. Employees exercising their bumping rights shall supply to the employer where possible, their top three (3) bumping choices in priority order. The employer shall notify the bumping employee of the results of the bumping request within five (5) working days exclusive of vacations and illness of the officials necessary to participate in the decision process. Employees who are deemed to be not qualified for the position they are requesting to bump into shall be advised of the reasons for the denial, in writing, with a copy to the Union.
Bumping Procedures. 1. Bumping is permitted within any of the skill classifications or into a lower classification on a last-in, first-out basis only.
2. If a position is eliminated in any of the skill classifications, the employee in that position has the right to bump the lowest person on the seniority list in that position within the skill classification, as long as it is not in a higher salaried job. The lowest person on the seniority list in a position within the skill classification who is bumped, then has the right to bump the person in the next lowest classification who has the lowest amount of seniority. The last person on the seniority list, when bumped, will go on a layoff list.
3. If the affected employee in the eliminated position or one who has been bumped does not choose to bump the last employee in the lower skill classification, that employee will automatically be placed on the layoff list.
4. Bumping is not permitted into a higher skill classification or pay bracket.