Compressed Work Schedule. The City may authorize other than a normal work schedule, such as a ”4/10" or ”9/80" schedule, when the department head and City Manager finds such work schedule is consistent with the operational needs, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the department and the City. Such schedules shall be consistent with the Fair Labor Standard Act and shall not result in an increase in overtime hours. Current agreements for compressed work schedules are provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx and available in the Human Resources Department. These agreements shall not confer any rights to such employees to continuation of compressed work schedules and the City reserves the right to return to a normal work schedule at any time.
Compressed Work Schedule. An employee may request a compressed work schedule. A compressed work schedule shall include but not be limited to a four day work week, a five day/four day biweekly work schedule, a 41/2 day work week and other arrangements mutually agreed to by the employee and management. A compressed work schedule may be ongoing throughout the year or be for a specific period of time, i.e. summer months. A compressed work schedule may be implemented under the following conditions:
a. The employee initiates said request along with supportive justification.
b. Such request is compatible with agency operating needs.
c. A request for a compressed work schedule must be in writing to the employee’s immediate management-level supervisor who shall make a recommendation for approval or disapproval of the compressed work schedule and shall forward the request and recommendation to the next level management supervisor who shall make a final decision.
d. The Agency reserves the right to terminate any individual compressed work schedule to meet agency operating needs with two weeks advance notice, except in emergencies.
e. Disputes under this section are neither grievable nor arbitrable.
Compressed Work Schedule. Following written notice to the Union, Employer may schedule the regular work week in a compressed work schedule of four (4) consecutive ten (10) hour days at straight time rates provided the four (4) ten (10) hour work days exclusive of a one-half (1/2) hours unpaid meal break to be taken no later than five (5) hours after the employee’s starting time are scheduled during the period Monday through Thursday or Tuesday through Friday and are worked within the starting times of 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. and corresponding quitting times 4:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. In no event will a compressed schedule work day start later than 10:00 A.M. The overtime rate for hours in excess of ten (10) in a day on a compressed work week schedule shall be paid at time and one half (1 and 1/2) times the regular straight time hourly rate.
Compressed Work Schedule. A compressed work schedule will be implemented subject to the following terms and conditions. The preceding articles of this agreement shall operate as specified hereafter for those members assigned to the twelve Hours Shift. All other articles apply equally to all members. The amended articles are indicated in brackets in the margin.
Compressed Work Schedule. A method of establishing individual work schedules that allows employees to work eighty (80) hours in a biweekly pay period in fewer than ten (10) days. The "5-4/9 Compressed Work Schedule" provided under this Agreement allows employees to work eight (8) nine-hour work shifts and one (1) eight-hour work shift during each biweekly pay period, with one (1) workday off. Pursuant to applicable law, employees on a compressed work schedule must have a fixed tour of duty.
Compressed Work Schedule. Any hours officially ordered more than those specified hours for full-time employees that constitute the Compressed Work Schedule (i.e., 5-4/9 or 4-10). For part-time employees, overtime hours are hours required to be worked outside of the compressed work schedule. However, if those additional hours still total less than 8, the employee receives a basic pay rate for the added hours. Only hours greater than 8 in a day and 40 in a week earn an overtime rate of pay.
Compressed Work Schedule. Employees assigned to work a compressed work schedule will be allowed to use Code 40, or other paid leave time, including vacation leave, compensatory time or personal leave day hours, to supplement eight hours of paid sick leave in order to receive a full day’s pay for a sick day. The use of Code 40 or other paid leave time in this manner by an employee assigned to a compressed work schedule will not disqualify the employee from being eligible for Sick Leave Buy Back,
Compressed Work Schedule. 1. An employee may request to work a compressed work schedule. The employee will submit a proposed schedule with his or her request.
2. The basic work requirement for an employee on a compressed work schedule is eighty
Compressed Work Schedule. 1. The Master Labor Agreement authorizes a 5/4-9 and 4/10 types of CWS. Employees on the 5/4-9 CWS work eight (8) nine (9)-hour days, one (1) eight (8)-hour day, and have one (1) regular day off (RDO) every pay period. Employees on the 4/10 CWS work eight
Compressed Work Schedule. 15.4.1 Employees working a compressed schedule in accordance with this Article, who are relieved or prevented from working on a day designated as a holiday, will receive their regular rate of basic pay for the number of hours of their compressed work schedule on that day.
15.4.2 An employee working a compressed schedule, who performs non-overtime work on a holiday, is entitled to his or her rate of basic pay plus premium pay equal to his or her rate of basic pay (double time) for the work that is not in excess of the employee’s compressed work schedule for that day.
15.4.3 Employees must not be required to move their regularly scheduled days off solely to avoid payment of holiday premium pay or reduce the number of holiday hours included in the basic work requirement.