DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. ‌ When required by the District, instead of as an assigned Union representative, to serve on District committees outside of normal work time, the employee shall be compensated at his/her rate of pay.
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. When requesting teacher participation in district committee work, the District will attempt to convey, as accurately as possible, the full nature of the committee’s charge. This communication will include the following information: A. Specific task(s) to be addressed by the committee; B. Who will be responsible for the committee’s leadership? C. The nature of the results expected of the committee (i.e. report, recommendation, proposals, etc.) and how the District anticipates this work will be used (a tentative time line for the committee’s work, including an estimate of the time required of individual committee members), provisions for compensation and/or release time, if any, for the work of the committee which extends beyond the normal work day and year. Upon request by the individual, the committee chairman will provide Human Resources a notice of the individual’s participation on the District committee for inclusion in the individual’s personnel file.
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. Participation in District committee work to the extent of the guidelines approved by the Review Panel. Maximum of seventy five (75) hours per award.
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. Work which occurs outside of the contract day and pre-approved by the district; will be paid $35 per hour not to exceed 10 hours per committee for school year. Positions for these committees will be determined by the administrator in charge, advertised through e-mail to all certificated staff in each building, and selected by the administrator in charge of the committee according to the criteria set in the application. Staff will indicate their interest in writing to the administrator in charge. Afters Programs $35 [assignments requiring certification only] Team leaders – LCEA/Certified staff only Experienced coordinators $750 each [up to two total] Other certificated staff $550 5TH Grade Science/Washington State History San Xxxx Island Field Trip LCEA/certificated staff only, provided that trip is part of current 5th grade curriculum and includes a minimum of two (2) overnight stay. $750 for two (2) lead staff coordinators, $550 for other staff. College in the High School: $850.00 per five (5) credits taught or $680 per (4) credits taught, paid upon completion of the course. Eligible staff must meet all requirements of attaining and retraining a four-year College or University Adjunct Professor status or Advanced Placement requirements of the College Board Curriculum. These classes must translate into a five (5) or four (4) credit college course or (equivalent to one
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. When requesting teacher participation in district committee work, the District will attempt to convey, as accurately as possible, the full nature of the committee’s charge. This communication will include the following information: A. Specific task(s) to be addressed by the committee; B. Who will be responsible for the committee’s leadership?
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORKEmployees shall be compensated at a rate of $25.00 per hour ($30.00 per hour in 2006-2007 and 2007-08) for work on district committees, including curriculum work, which is outside regular school hours and receives prior district approval for pay. In advance of the committee work, employees shall be informed if this time will be compensated.
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. When requesting teacher participation in district committee work, the District will attempt to convey, as accurately as possible, the full nature of the committee’s charge. This communication will include the following information: A. Specific task(s) to be addressed by the committee; B. Who will be responsible for the committee’s leadership? C. The nature of the results expected of the committee (i.e. report, recommendation, proposals, etc.) and how the District anticipates this work will be used (a tentative time line for the committee’s work, including an estimate of the time required of individual committee members), provisions for compensation and/or release time, if any, for the work of the committee which extends beyond the normal work day and year. Upon request by the individual, the committee chairman will provide the personnel office a notice of the individual’s participation on the District committee for inclusion in the individual’s personnel file. D. Bargaining Team Committee Work Library/Media Specialists: The bargaining team understands that the role of librarian has changed and that resources and time have been reduced in recent years. To address the changing role of the librarian, in regards to both the changes in technology toward more electronic media and how the role is perceived in the District, the team charges a sub-committee to be formed. By October 1, a study team will be formed including an elementary and secondary principal, district administration, librarians, and a member of the bargaining team. The committee will have a recommendation, by February 1, to the entire bargaining team of the recommended changes in job description and what changes in District support need to be made. (2012). Similar committee work will be conducted on the following issues: Consistent Start & End Time/ Collaboration/ 45 minute extensions SEAT – Special Education Advisory Team TPEP – Teacher/Principal Evaluation Pilot Co-Curricular Primary Assessment Support
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORK. All District committee assignments shall be voluntary and shall be compensated for time spent on such committee work beyond the regular workday. Such compensation shall be equal to the employees per diem rate of pay. Committee work for Moses Lake High School and Columbia Basin Technical Skills Center staff working beyond 4:00 will be guaranteed substitute time for: District committee work Site committee work Union involvement (paid by the Association) Trainings No District committee is to begin prior to 4:00. Committee work will be open to all staff, with the substitute coverage responsibility of the district should the meeting times conflict with member work schedules. Contract maintenance committees are not included in this section. Non-instructional joint committees whose primary purpose is contract maintenance shall not be considered District committees for the purposes of this section. Exempt committees shall include, but not be limited to, joint meetings between the Parties for communication (Article I. Section G), grievance meetings, the Inservice/ Assistance Committee (Article VI. Section C).
DISTRICT COMMITTEE WORKEmployees shall be compensated for the following types of additional work at the rates described below. In advance of the committee work, employees shall be informed if this time will be additional compensation. District Committee Work – Section 5.18 (Curriculum and Other Initiatives) District Committee Work Rate $30.00/hour Professional Development Outside of Regular School Hours – Day Long In-service Rate (not to exceed 6.0 hours exclusive of time for lunch): Paid at not less than basic sub rate in half or whole day increments $125.00/day Professional Development Outside Regular School Hours – Hourly Rate District Committee Work Rate $30.00/hour Presenters/Planners Unless providing release time Per Diem Varies Teacher Leadership – District Stipend Varies by the type of responsibility and estimated hours based on the committee work rate


  • Development Committee Arcadia and Xxxxxx shall establish a development committee (the “Development Committee”) comprised of no more than three (3) representatives of each of Arcadia and Xxxxxx. The Development Committee shall be chaired by a member thereof designated from time to time by Arcadia. The Development Committee shall oversee the Research Plan, Milestones and development and production of plants and microorganisms that produce Transgenic Oil in accordance with the Research Plan. The Development Committee may revise the Research Plan and the Milestones as deemed necessary and appropriate by unanimous written consent of all members. Meetings of the Development Committee shall be at least biannual and at such times and places or in such form (e.g., in person, telephonic or video conference) as the members of the Development Committee shall determine. Representatives of both Parties shall be present at any meeting of the Development Committee. Decisions of the Development Committee shall be made by a written consent signed by all six (6) members thereof. The Development Committee shall keep minutes of its deliberations setting forth, among other matters, all proposed actions and all votes thereon. All records of the Development Committee shall at all times be available to both Parties. The Development Committee by unanimous consent may delegate to one Party or to a specific representative the authority to make certain decisions. The Development Committee may revoke such authority by the written consent of four members. All disagreements within the Development Committee shall be subject to the following: (i) The members of the committee will endeavor in good faith for a period of not more than ninety (90) days to attempt to resolve the disagreement; (ii) If the members of the committee are unable to resolve the disagreement by the end of such period, the committee shall promptly present the disagreement to the President of Xxxx Products Division and the President of Arcadia or their respective designees, and the two executives shall endeavor to resolve the disagreement for a period of not more than thirty (30) days; (iii) If the two executives are unable to resolve this disagreement, the disagreement shall be submitted for ADR as provided in Section 12(a).

  • JOINT LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The parties agree that they will continue the Joint Labor-Management Committee to discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the employees covered by this Agreement. Topics for the Joint Labor-Management Committee may include, but are not limited to, Professional Development, Incentive Pay, etc. The Committee shall meet quarterly or as mutually agreed by the co-chairs. The President of CWA or designee and the Director of Human Resources or designee shall serve as co-chairs.

  • LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Section 1. In order to facilitate communication between labor and management, a Labor Management Committee consisting of the Department Head and/or his designated alternate, the Assistant Chief of Police and two (2) Team Managers, and three (3) representatives of the Lincoln Police Union, along with at least one (1) Team Representative, will make up the Labor Management Committee. The Department Head will designate management personnel and the Union shall select Union representatives. Members will serve at the pleasure of the Department Head or Union President, depending upon who the member represents. Members will serve and be replaced on a staggered system (approximately three (3) year limit) depending upon the schedule agreed upon by the Department Head and the Union President. Section 2. Each Team area will be represented by a member of any rank to serve as spokesperson for that area. They will meet at least one week prior to the monthly Labor Management Committee meeting to formulate the common areas of interest and to elect a spokesperson to present the items in writing to the Labor Management Committee. Payment for attending this meeting will be at the discretion of the Department Head. Spokesperson will be chosen on a rotating basis. Team representatives will be picked by a vote of the Team members that they are representing. Section 3. The Labor Management Committee may discuss any area of the Department, with limitation only on those areas already under agreement between the City and the Union. The agenda will be based on the problem areas brought to the attention of the Committee by the Team Representatives and on any area representative members of Labor Management feel need to be discussed. Topics for discussion will be posted on the Union bulletin board and disseminated to Labor Management Committee members at least one (1) week prior to the monthly meeting. Section 4. Membership is subject to change through attrition and elected office, however, a one (1) week notice must be given to the Committee to afford the new member(s) voting privileges. Section 5. Realizing that communication is the key element to the smooth operation of any organization, the Labor Management Committee will xxxxxx an element of cooperation and unity of organizational members, be they labor or management. Section 6. Meetings shall be held at least once per calendar month. Additional meetings may be scheduled by mutual agreement of the Committee and the Department Head. Section 7. A quorum shall consist of two (2) members from labor and two (2) members from management.

  • The Joint Committee (a) shall be composed of representatives of the Governments of the Parties; and (b) may establish and delegate its responsibilities to Sub-Committees.


  • Oversight Committee The Company and Union shall each appoint three members to be part of an Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee will attempt to resolve any issues that may arise regarding this Letter of Agreement within forty-five (45) days. Issues that the Oversight Committee cannot resolve will be subject to the party’s grievance procedure Subsection 102.3(a)(2) timelines will be waived for the forty-five (45) day period.

  • Joint Safety Committee (a) The Union and the Company shall cooperate in selecting one or more Safety Committees, which will meet at least once a month to consider all safety and occupational health problems. (b) The local Joint Safety Committee shall consist of equal representation from Company and Union. This Committee shall meet at least once a month to consider all safety and occupational health problems.

  • Scheduling Committee (a) The parties agree to the formation of a Scheduling Committee to discuss and assist in resolving scheduling issues. (b) The committee will be comprised of equal representation from the Union and management. One Union Representative shall be the Bargaining Unit President and one Management Representative shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate. (c) Terms of Reference will be developed and mutually agreed to by the Committee.

  • Calendar Committee The calendar committee is charged with the task of collaborating with site base teams in developing the academic calendar. The committee should complete its recommendations by consensus and report these to the Board no later than January 31.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.