ENTITLEMENT TO OVERTIME. Prior to shift overtime time will be considered as “yesterdays” overtime for purposes of both the overtime roster and for accounting purposes.
ENTITLEMENT TO OVERTIME. (a) Full-time Employees shall be entitled to overtime payments for all time worked in excess of the Employee's normal rostered hours of duty.
ENTITLEMENT TO OVERTIME. 30.1.1(a) Except that Employees whose salary exceeds DDSO 4 Year 5 being; First pay period on or after 1-Dec- 12 First pay period on or after 1-Dec- 13 First pay period on or after 1-Dec- 14 First pay period on or after 1-Dec- 15 $80,144 $82,148 $84,202 $86,307 shall not be entitled to overtime payments. All other full-time Employees shall be entitled to overtime payments for all time worked in excess of the Employee's normal rostered hours of duty. Sub-clause 30.1.5 deals with overtime for part-time Employees.
ENTITLEMENT TO OVERTIME. The following rates shall be paid :
ENTITLEMENT TO OVERTIME. This clause ensures that all/any time worked in excess of an employee's ordinary hours will be paid at the appropriate overtime rate. This clause provides clarity in the application of overtime and removes the ambiguity and disputation about the first 30 minutes of overtime worked arising from clause 6.1.1 of the SAPPSEI Award.
ENTITLEMENT TO OVERTIME. 24.2.1 A Employee, is paid overtime for any work performed: