Extra Runs Sample Clauses
Extra Runs. 1. When regular routes are left without drivers, the driver(s) that drive(s) these routes shall be marked off the field trip list one (1) field trip for every two (2) such runs per pay period. (This section (G) shall be in effect only if the Board reinstitutes single run transportation for K-12 students.)
Extra Runs. 19.3.1 All regular drivers will be given the opportunity to sign up for extra runs and/or trips which do not interfere with their regular runs. All extra runs and/or trips will be assigned according to established assignment procedures in the driver’s handbook.
19.3.2 A driver called from home to drive an extra run or trip shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours reimbursement for that assignment. A driver doing an extra run or trip within thirty (30) minutes after completing a regular run shall continue their regular rate of pay until the completion of the run or trip.
Extra Runs a. Extra Runs are defined as those runs other than Regular Runs that require regular routes and schedules for a special activity over a period of time in excess of five (5) working days.
b. Such runs will be assigned to the most senior driver who has the available time outside their regular route and who requests such assignment provided the Extra Run does not extend their work day beyond eight (8.0) hours.
Extra Runs. 1. The definition of an extra run will be any athletic trip, field trip or any run that is not daily transportation/regularly scheduled run(s) of students from home to school or school to home.
2. Bus drivers will receive fifteen (15) minutes pre-trip time and fifteen (15) minutes post-trip time. Bus drivers are expected to clean and fuel the bus that was used for the extra run. The bus used for transportation on an extra runs will be the same bus the bus driver normally drives for daily transportation.
3. Upon satisfying the ninety (90) day probation period, bus drivers will be afforded the opportunity to apply for extra run beyond his/her normal daily bus run.
4. Request and Confirmation of run/trips outside the regularly scheduled runs In an effort to keep the lines of communication open, the Transportation Supervisor and/or his/her designee and the person(s) requesting any run/trip outside the regularly scheduled runs will follow the following procedure:
a. A written Request for Trip form will be completed by the person(s) requesting the trip. Any trip or trip cancellation will be included in this form. See attached Request for Trip Form, Appendix F. The form will include the date and time request was submitted to the Transportation Supervisor and/or his/her designee and the date, time, place and any special instructions of the trip. The form will be signed by the person(s) making the request.
b. Upon receipt of the form the Transportation Supervisor and/or his/her designee will acknowledge receipt of the request with the date and time the request was received. The acknowledgment will be signed by the Transportation Supervisor and/or his/her designee. The completed form will be posted with the posting of the trip and a copy will be given to the transportation association representative.
c. The present forms will be exhausted and re-printed forms will follow the Request for Trip Form, Appendix F. The transportation supervisor/ designee will follow the guidelines of the Request for Trip form until new forms are re- printed.
Extra Runs. All extra runs must be bid by 2:30 p.m. two days prior to the date of the scheduled run. (Weekends, holidays, and vacations excluded). If a driver bids more than one run, he or she may identify first, second, and third choices. Drivers who are awarded a bid may not trade trips with another driver. A driver who gives up an awarded bid, except for an emergency as approved by the Transportation Supervisor, will be ineligible to bid on specials for ten (10) working days that School is in session. If a run is not posted, drivers must be contacted according to seniority when possible and practical.
a. If a special has been canceled after it has been bid and secured by the senior driver, the driver having secured the special shall have first choice as to whether they can take the special on the rescheduled date. If the scheduled driver cannot take the special, it shall be reposted.
b. When an extra bid run comes in late and a driver has an extra run secured on that date, the driver may rebid with consideration toward the late run, based on seniority.
c. If the bid sheet is exhausted, drivers will be contacted according to seniority when possible.
Extra Runs. Any transportation runs other than regularly assigned runs shall be defined as extra runs, and employees driving such trips shall be paid the regular rate of pay for the duration of such extra runs, subject to the overtime provision herein.
Extra Runs. All bus drivers will be offered the opportunity to drive the extra runs. If none of the regular drivers volunteer for the overtime, then it will be offered to the substitute drivers. If the substitute drivers choose not to accept the run then it will be assigned to the regular drivers on a rotation basis.
Extra Runs. The following bus runs are classified as extra runs for bidding purposes: Vo-Tech,. All remaining runs are to be assigned to available drivers on the basis of seniority by the transportation supervisor. Each bus driver will be provided the opportunity to have one (1) extra run based on classification seniority. When each driver has accepted or declined his/her opportunity to be assigned an extra run, all remaining extra run positions will be posted for bidding. All bidding for extra runs will take place prior to the start of each school year. Posting and bidding for extra runs will follow the procedure for vacancies, set forth in Section A. 1. above.
Extra Runs. Extra runs shall be paid by the hour from the time the employee is assigned to leave until return of employee to school, unless otherwise posted. The employee shall be allotted time with pay for pre‐trip (not to exceed 15 minutes) and post trip (not to exceed 15 minutes) inspections and clean up after. All buses must be swept and trash emptied into the transportation dumpsters upon return from the extra trip. Any driver who has an extra trip, who fails to clean their bus following the extra trip, will receive one warning. Any further occurrence, the driver will be removed from eligibility for extra trips for a minimum of thirty (30) school days. Exceptions will only be made if needed cleaning products are not available upon return. Staff on extra trips, with the exception of a one hour meal period, is to be available at the event/trip location. Extra runs will be posted in bid form on the bulletin board in the Transportation Department at least five (5) days in advance, when possible. Any bus driver that has driven 30 days of which school is in session and continues to meet the definition of a regular or substitute driver is eligible to bid each extra run. The bidding driver not having an assigned extra run for the longest period of time is to be granted preference. The run will be assigned with at least five (5) days notice, when possible. Drivers assigned an extra trip who later decline the extra trip will be recorded as if they had driven the trip. If the trip time is changed and this change forces the driver to choose between driving their regular route or the extra trip, if the driver keeps their regular route and releases the extra trip, the extra trip will not be charged against the driver as if they had driven the extra trip. When posting for an extra trip exceeds a two‐day notice (>48 hours), the run will be posted for one day and then assigned according to the aforementioned method. When the notification for posting is less than forty‐eight (48) hours, driver assignment for the extra trip will be determined from a second driver list. This list will be known as the "Last Minute" trip list and driver participation is voluntary. Any weekend trip, using a school vehicle, that begins on a Saturday or Sunday and requires a CDL, must be placed for bid as normal. Consideration for Volunteers or Driving Time Pay only will not be allowed for these Saturday/Sunday trips.
Extra Runs. Extra runs are defined as all runs other than regular runs, kindergarten runs, special services runs, and vocational runs. Extra runs include, but are not limited to, ski runs, field trips, athletic runs and spectator bus runs. Extra runs shall be paid: When available extra runs will be posted every two (2) weeks. Notification of extra run assignments shall be made forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the run. All other run assignments not posted two (2) weeks prior will be posted once received and assigned prior to the run. If the drivers feel that postings are not being made in a timely manner, they may request a meeting with the Superintendent and the Transportation Supervisor to discuss the posting problem(s). If the extra run exceeds three (3) hours, the driver may leave the event during each regular meal time and use the bus as transportation to the nearest public restaurant where he/she will be allowed up to seven dollars and fifty cents (7.50) for each regular meal. The Employer shall offer extra driving runs to all regular drivers in such a way that all will have an equal opportunity to earn approximately equal extra driving pay. Extra driving runs must be offered to and refused by all regular drivers before the Employer may utilize personnel from outside the Bargaining Unit, except that in situations where in the teacher or advisor of the group being transported is legally qualified to drive, he/she may do so. A bus driver hired during the school year, or a driver returning to work from extended leave other than sick leave, will be assigned the highest extra hours for the purpose of assigning extra trips.