Extra Trip Assignments Sample Clauses

Extra Trip Assignments. 10.1 Extra trip assignments will be distributed and rotated among School Bus Drivers. Extra trip assignments will not be offered to Bus Driver/Assistant Mechanic, Bus Driver/Dispatcher, Dispatcher/School Bus Training Officer and the Bus Driver/Trainer during the workweek. Weekend trips will be rotated amongst all Transportation Department classified employees who possess and maintain a valid bus certificate. Extra trip assignments shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Transportation and will be distributed in the following manner. 1. Trip requests are date/time stamped as received. 2. Initial trips are distributed to drivers by seniority; in the order the trip requests are originally received. 3. Subsequent trips are then distributed equitably among drivers, based on extra trip hours in the order the trip requests are originally received. There shall be two (2) separate rotation lists for the assignment of these trips. Drivers shall accept or decline an extra trip assignment no later than the end of their regular work-day, on the day following the offer (e.g. A trip offered on Monday shall be accepted or declined by the end of the employee’s work day on Tuesday). The District will make a reasonable effort to post and maintain weekly the current rotation for review in the transportation department break room. The lists shall be titled: *Trips Which Occur During the Week *Trips Which Occur on Weekends Trips may include travel to mountainous and urban areas where specific driving proficiencies have been met. Drivers who have not met these requirements shall not have the option to participate in such trips. Drivers who opt out of the aforementioned trips shall not have hours counted against them on the trip board. Each list shall include separate rotations to ensure an "equitable distribution" of hours for each type of trip. A driver shall have the right to decline such a trip, but this shall count toward the "equitable distribution" for this board in the same manner as if the assignment had been accepted. The employee has the right of refusal without discrimination or discipline. Drivers will not be considered to have declined extra trips for dates on which they have submitted absence request forms prior to being offered the assignment or if the extra trip assignment is offered less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the trip. Drivers who accept an extra trip assignment and who are absent due to illness the day immediately preceding the schedule...
Extra Trip Assignments. Extra trip assignments shall be assigned by seniority request, with extra trips posted at the bus garage. Once a driver has taken an extra trip or refused an extra trip, his/her name shall drop to the bottom of the seniority list, with the list continuing to rotate.
Extra Trip Assignments. An extra trip may not be bid on or run by a regular driver when the time of the trip conflicts with that driver's basic assignment. However, a driver may bid on any trip that is within six (6) minutes of their punch in/out time with the understanding that the bus will be at the departure sight of a field trip by departure time. Substitute drivers are hired to accomplish extra trips when no regular drivers have elected to drive the extra trip. Extra trips at have a starting time that is before or end during a regular driver's assigned hours may be assigned to a regular driver at the sole discretion of the Director of Transportation or his/her designee. Consideration will be given to a driver's schedule when making a decision in this area to keep any disruptions to the schools or the bus routes to a minimum. Any decision that is made in this area will be final and not subject to the grievance procedure. Drivers scheduled for an extra trip on the weekend must work the prior Friday or the last workday prior to the weekend, unless they received prior approval for leaves, which shall be granted for documented emergencies. If the driver is absent on Friday or the last workday prior to the weekend, the trip will be reassigned at the discretion of the Transportation Supervisor or his/her designee to any regular driver. Absence from work on the day of the trip by any driver prior to any non-routine trip will cause the driver to lose the trip for that day. A driver “turning back” a trip that he/she has already selected will result in that driver being ineligible to select, or accept, trips for the following week. If a driver “turns back” a trip a second time, that driver will be ineligible to select or accept trips for the following two (2) weeks. If a driver “turns back” a trip a third time, that driver will be ineligible to select or accept trips for the following three (3) weeks, so on and so forth over the course of the school year. A list will be posted showing all returned trips per driver. All drivers will receive a minimum of two (2) hours pay at his/her appropriate rate of pay for any extra trip where the driver shows up and the trip is canceled without prior notification. Trips of thirty (30) minutes or less in duration are excluded from this provision and will be paid for actual time scheduled to be worked. Drivers will be notified at the end of every pay period of the extra trips run, by trip ...
Extra Trip Assignments. A. 1. The following provisions will apply to the distribution of extra trips: a. By the annual bid meeting each year, the Director of Transportation will post the dates for bidding on extra trips. There will be at least two (2) meetings per month (September through May). The meetings will be held after the morning runs. The meetings are voluntary and as such will not be compensated. b. At least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting, the list of runs to be bid at the meeting will be posted. c. A driver must be in attendance at the meeting to bid on a trip. Exceptions will be made to vote by proxy for drivers absent on the day or unable to attend due to another extra trip obligation. Proxies must be in writing and submitted to the Director of Transportation prior to the meeting and will identify the specific trips the driver wants. A driver may not submit a proxy for another driver. d. Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section F below, extra trips shall be assigned at the meeting on a seniority based rotation. The rotation list shall align bus drivers by seniority. The driver selected to fill an extra trip assignment will be the most seniored driver bidding at the meeting for the extra trip who falls next in line on the rotation list below the last driver who accepted an extra trip. If a driver declines to select a trip when it is their turn in rotation, the driver will not be permitted to select any trips for the balance of that bid meeting. Extra trips left after the bidding may be assigned at the option of the Director of Transportation to either a non-unit member or a regular driver (unless prohibited under F-2 below) and such decision will not be subject to the grievance procedure. e. The rotation list shall start from the top of the list at the start of each school year. f. 1. Drivers may not accept an extra trip if he/she has a conflicting regular run assignment when compared to the departure time of the extra trip. The regular run assignment schedule is the time established by the Director of Transportation and includes the ten (10) minute pre and post trip time per run. The departure time of the extra trip is established by the transportation supervisor and includes the mandatory pre-trip time.
Extra Trip Assignments. 1. The following procedures and provisions apply to extra trips between the period of the first student day in the fall and the last student day in the spring. (The Transportation Supervisor shall contact each driver individually to report to his/her office in rotational order and shall oversee the proper signing by each driver of all trips in a timely order.) a. In addition to drivers’ regular runs, additional wages can be earned by driving for extra trips between the period of the first student day in the fall and the last student day in the spring. Whenever possible, extra trips will be posted on Tuesday, 2:30
Extra Trip Assignments. 32.2.1 There will be three (3) Master Seniority Lists. Non-Seniority Rated Drivers -- Non-seniority-rated drivers are those drivers who are still on a probationary status for their job classification.
Extra Trip Assignments. Notice of trips shall be posted five (5) working days in advance of the scheduled day of departure. Trips for the day shall be posted using two (2) separate lists, one (1) for out-of-city trips and one (1) for in-city trips. The trip time, as estimated by the requesting Administrator, shall be included in the posting if available. The Administrator’s request for trip(s) shall be time stamped when received by the Transportation Department. Trips that become known by the Transportation Department less than five (5) days before the scheduled departure time will be declared an EMERGENCY TRIP. EMERGENCY TRIPS will be awarded at the discretion of the Director of Transportation or designee. A driver who accepts an EMERGENCY TRIP assignment shall not relinquish his/her place on the rotation list. With the approval of the Director of Transportation or designee and with mutual agreement drivers may trade trips. The trade must be agreed upon at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the first scheduled trip, in the presence of the Director of Transportation and all drivers affected.
Extra Trip Assignments a driver has accepted an extra trip assignment, it is his/her responsibility to drive the trip.
Extra Trip Assignments. 1. All employees interested in extra trips will give advance written notice to the Transportation Supervisor within ten (10) days of the start of each school year. Whenever possible, the Supervisor will make every attempt to post extra trips three days in advance. 2. Extra trips requiring the use of a COOR bus will be assigned from among those drivers who within 10 working days have given said notice. A driver who refuses a trip shall be passed until his/her next turn in the rotation. Cancellation of a trip does not count as a refusal and the affected driver will be given the next available trip not yet been assigned. such 3. Nothing herein shall obligate the employer to assign work to an employee if an assignment will cause the employee to earn overtime. However, if overtime occurs, it shall be assigned as equally as possible in rotation by seniority.
Extra Trip Assignments. Section 1 Extra duty trips will be distributed through a set of rotation lists that shall be established at the beginning of the school year as described below. One set of lists will be for Regular Drivers and one set will be for Regular Attendants. Enrollment on said lists shall be open on Route Bidding Day(s) and remain open through September 30th. Enrollment after Route Bidding Day(s) will cause loss of an opportunity up to that point. New employees will have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of hire to enroll. Regular Drivers wishing to enroll on the Regular Attendants’ lists must be qualified for that work. All rotation lists will be posted on a bulletin board in the Transportation Center. Section 2 Lists are as follows: 1. All extra trips and work, with the exception of overnight trips and miscellaneous work will be assigned by a single rotation wheel. The rotation wheel will be set annually based on seniority. A separate list will be posted for school bus drivers and school bus attendants. No extra trip or work assignment may conflict with a regular route of a school bus driver or school bus attendant. Overnight trips will be based on seniority. The rotation wheel will be carried over from year to year. At the end of each year, retiring school bus drivers will be removed from the list. New school bus drivers will be placed on the bottom of the list at their time of appointment by the Board of Education. There will be a separate overnight wheel for school bus attendants that will function in the same manner.