Formal Grievance Steps Sample Clauses
Formal Grievance Steps. 1. Step 1
Formal Grievance Steps. No person named in item (3) shall hear the grievance at any step below. Any step(s) of the formal grievance procedure may be waived by mutual consent of the parties. A written request from one party and a written confirmation by the other shall constitute mutual consent for such waivers.
Step I. Director level. The Director of the Division/Center or designee will meet with the grievant and hear the grievance within twenty (20) university days of its presentation. The grievant is entitled to representation by the Association at this meeting. A decision will be rendered in writing to the Association within ten (10) university days of the hearing. If there is no incumbent Director of the Division/Center, the Association shall proceed to Step II below.
Step II. Xxxxxxx level. If the Association is not satisfied with the decision at Step I, the Association may present the grievance in writing to the Xxxxxxx within five (5) university days after receiving the decision from the Director of the Division/Center. The Xxxxxxx, or a designee not hearing the grievance at Step I, will meet with the grievant and hear the grievance within ten (10) university days of the receipt of the decision at Step I, or twenty (20) university days if Step I is waived. The grievant is entitled to representation by the Association at this meeting. The Xxxxxxx will render a decision in writing to the Association within five (5) university days of the hearing.
Formal Grievance Steps. The formal grievance procedure shall consist of the following steps, each of which must be completed prior to any request for further consideration of the matter unless waived by mutual consent or as otherwise provided herein.
Formal Grievance Steps. A. The grievance procedure shall consist of the following steps, each of which must be completed prior to any request for further consideration of the matter unless waived by mutual consent or as otherwise provided herein.
1. All Step 1 and Step 2 grievances must be submitted to the Human Resources Director, the employee’s Battalion Chief, Section Manager, Division Manager, or Division Chief within the time limits outlined in this Article. If the grievance is submitted to the employee’s Battalion Chief, Section Manager, Division Manager, or Division Chief, a copy will be forwarded to the Human Resources Director. Submission may be via mail, hand delivery, email or fax; postmarks shall be accepted. Fax deliveries must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day allowable under the provisions of this Article. A grievance may be filed by an employee—or the Association in the name of the employee—at the employee’s request.
Formal Grievance Steps. An xxxxxxx effort shall be made to settle grievances fairly and promptly as set out below: Failing resolution of the complaint at the Informal Stage, a formal grievance may be filed. If so, it shall be set forth in writing, on a form provided by OPSEU and mutually agreed by OPSEU and Department of Human Resources, and signed by the grievor and authorized OPSEU representative. The written grievance shall set forth the details of the grievance, a statement of the matter(s) in dispute, the provision(s) or interpretation of the Agreement that has allegedly been violated and the remedy sought. The written grievance shall be given to the grievor's immediate supervisor within thirty (30) working days after the incident or original circumstances giving rise to the complaint, or within thirty (30) working days after the grievor became aware of or ought reasonably to have known of the incident or original circumstances giving rise to the complaint. A copy of the written grievance shall be forwarded to the Department/College Head and Department of Human Resources. The immediate supervisor will reply, in writing, within ten (10) working days following receipt of the written grievance.
Formal Grievance Steps. 33.2.1 Step One An employee or the Union shall commence the grievance by filing a written grievance with his/her immediate supervisor. A written grievance must be submitted within fifteen (15) work days of the date that the employee or the Union first had actual knowledge of the grievable act, and must contain, at a minimum, the following: The nature of the grievance, including the specific date, time, and location that the alleged grievance occurred or did not occur; a description of the events, actions or inactions which led to the grievance (this description is intended to summarize the events and is not intended to argue the merits of the grievance); and the names of all witnesses, if known; The sections of this Agreement or College rule/policy allegedly violated; The specific remedy sought. Grievances must be signed and dated by the grievant. Within fifteen (15) work days receipt of the written grievance, the immediate supervisor shall provide the grievant with a written answer.
33.2.2 Step Two If the grievance is not resolved, to the employee's satisfaction at Step One, the grievant may, within fifteen (15) work days after the last day the immediate supervisor has to respond in Step One, submit his/her grievance to the President or his/her designee. Within fifteen (15) work days receipt of the written grievance, the President or his/her designee shall conduct a hearing to investigate and review the grievance. If the grievance involves a charge of discrimination, the President may extend the timelines at this level up to fifteen (15) work days. The investigative hearing cannot be extended beyond thirty (30) work days unless mutually agreed to by both parties. Both the grievant and the Union shall be notified of the date, time, and place of the hearing. The employee shall be entitled to Union representation at the hearing. Within fifteen (15) work days after the hearing, the President or his/her designee shall provide the grievant with a written answer and explanation thereof, based on the data gathered at that hearing.
33.2.3 Step Three A If the grievant is not satisfied with the resolution at Step Two, the Union may, within fifteen (15) work days after receipt of the written response from Step Two, submit the grievance to the Public Employment Relations Commission for arbitration under their rules and within the following guidelines: The arbitrator shall limit his/her decision strictly to disputes involvin...
Formal Grievance Steps. A. The grievance procedure shall consist of the following steps, each of which must be completed prior to any request for further consideration of the matter, unless waived by mutual consent or as otherwise provided herein.
B. All Step 1 and Step 2 grievances must be submitted to the Human Resources Director, Submission may be via email, mail, hand delivery or fax; no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day allowable under the provisions of this Article.
Formal Grievance Steps. The formal grievance procedure shall consist of the following steps, each of which must be completed prior to any request for further consideration of the matter unless waived by mutual consent or as otherwise provided herein.
a. Immediate Supervisor A grievant and representative may formally submit a grievance to the immediate supervisor within seven (7) working days from the date of the immediate supervisor's informal decision or if the informal discussion has not taken place fifteen (15) working days from the date of the incident or occurrence giving rise to the complaint. An email may serve as a formal submission. Such a written grievance shall set forth the facts at issue, the relief sought and the time of the occurrence of any alleged incident or violations precipitating the grievance. The supervisor shall respond in writing within seven (7) working days after receiving the grievance. If the grievance is denied, the reasons for denial shall be given in the supervisor's response. This response shall contain the position, such as Intermediate Supervisor or appointing authority to which the next level of employee grievance should be addressed.
Formal Grievance Steps. An xxxxxxx effort shall be made to settle grievances fairly and promptly as set out below: Failing resolution of the complaint at the Informal Stage, a formal grievance may be filed. If so, it shall be set forth in writing, on a form provided by OPSEU and mutually agreed by OPSEU and Department of Human Resources, and signed by the grievor and authorized OPSEU representative. The written grievance shall set forth the details of the grievance, a statement of the matter(s) in dispute, the provision(s) or interpretation of the Agreement that has allegedly been violated and the remedy sought. The written grievance shall be given to the grievor's immediate supervisor within thirty
Formal Grievance Steps. The formal grievance procedure shall consist of the following steps, each of which must be completed prior to any request for further consideration of the matter unless waived by mutual consent or as otherwise provided herein.
1. Immediate Supervisor - A grievant and representative may formally submit a grievance to the immediate supervisor within seven (7) working days from the date of the immediate supervisor's informal decision or if the informal discussion has not taken place fifteen (15) working days from the date of the incident or occurrence giving rise to the complaint. An email may serve as a formal submission. Such a written grievance shall set forth the facts at issue, the relief sought and the time of the occurrence of any alleged incident or violations precipitating the grievance. The immediate supervisor shall respond in writing within seven (7) working days after receiving the grievance. If the grievance is denied, the reasons for denial shall be given in the supervisor's response. This response shall contain the position to which the next level of employee grievance should be addressed such as an intermediate supervisor or appointing authority.
2. Intermediate Supervisor - If the grievance is not resolved by the written decision of the immediate supervisor and if there is an intermediate level of supervision, the grievant and representative may, within five (5) working days after the date of the immediate supervisor's decision, file a written appeal to the intermediate supervisor designed in the decision being appeal. Such intermediate supervisor shall respond in writing within ten (10) working days. If the grievance is denied, the reasons for denial shall be given in the supervisor's response. This response shall contain the position to which the next level of employee grievance should be addressed.
3. Appointing authority - If the grievance is not resolved by the written decision of the immediate/intermediate supervisor, the grievant may submit in writing within five (5) working days after the date of the immediate/intermediate supervisor's written decision the grievance to the appointing authority. The appointing authority shall conduct such meeting(s) with the grievant; informal hearings and investigations as are appropriate in the appointing authority’s judgment and deliver to the grievant a written decision within ten