Inactive Status Sample Clauses

Inactive Status. Refurbisher may be considered inactive if it has not requested Product Keys or purchased Citizenship Licenses under the terms of this agreement for a certain period of time as described on the Program Web Site. If Refurbisher is inactive their account for retrieving Product Keys will be disabled.
Inactive Status. Client's inability to use a Session due to his/her disability, injury, or illness will not relieve Client from any obligations under this Agreement, except to the extent of (i) any statutory rights, (ii) Client's right to cancel or terminate this Agreement as provided in Section 7 below, and (iii) Client's right to elect inactive status as follows:
Inactive Status. A unit adjunct faculty I member who is not teaching or providing counseling or library service at the college, irrespective of the reason, during a fall or spring semester will be considered an Inactive member of the bargaining unit. Unit adjunct faculty I members who are inactive for three (3) consecutive semes- ters excluding xxxxxxx will no longer be considered part of the bargaining unit. the terms of this contract shall not apply to unit faculty members during semes- ters when they are inactive. no step movement or seniority will be accumulated for semesters of inactivity. A unit adjunct faculty member I who resigns from the college in writing will no longer be considered a bargaining unit member and must re-apply for employ- ment if he or she wishes to return to the college. to re-enter the bargaining unit, adjunct faculty I who have forfeited their mem- bership through inactivity or resignation must qualify again by criterion set forth in Article I of this contract. employment prior to the period of inactivity or resigna- tion will not count toward qualification.
Inactive Status. An employee returning from Inactive Status authorized by the Company will accumulate section (where applicable) and unit seniority up to twelve (12) months while in that status. If at the expiration of his Inactive Status he is granted Administrative Leave of Absence due to continued absence due to injury or illness, he will accumulate unit seniority for an additional eighteen (18) months.
Inactive Status. 12:01 An Occasional Teacher who, because of a long term assignment with another school Board, (up to a maximum of five (5) months), or is unavailable for assignments for at least three (3) consecutive months due to illness, Association business or personal business shall be retained on the Board’s Occasional Teacher List on an inactive basis during the period of unavailability provided that such Occasional Teacher is available for assignment during the school year next following the commencement for the period of unavailability. To be placed on inactive status, an Occasional Teacher must submit a written request to the Director of Education or designate. 12:02 Statutory leaves provided under the Employment Standards Act shall apply for the purposes of this article.
Inactive Status. An Occasional Teacher shall be granted Voluntary Inactive Status for a period of one month and up to one (1) year upon request in writing to the appropriate Supervisory Officer. This option may be exercised only once during a school year.
Inactive Status. The intent of this subsection is to provide for the filling of critical vacancies in those cases where an employee is placed on leave without pay, workers' compensation, or suspension for a period exceeding 30 calendar days. Employees who are placed in one of the above categories may be removed from the active Payroll Register and be placed on inactive status. This would permit the filling of the vacated position, where necessary. The decision to place an employee on inactive status is a matter of administrative discretion. Each Assistant County Administrator/ department/division director must weigh each case on its individual merits and circumstances so as to determine likely length of absence and need for replacement of employee. Any decision to place an employee in the inactive status must have the approval of the County Administrator or designee. If the work of the absent employee cannot be accomplished by utilizing existing personnel within the department/division, a temporary or regular replacement may be hired. The determination of whether to hire a temporary or regular replacement is an administrative one to be determined on the availability of replacements. A temporary replacement may be hired with the stipulation that they shall be terminated upon the return of the regular employee. Placement of an employee on inactive status will not affect provisions elsewhere in the Rules and Regulations regarding the employee's status on leave without pay, workers' compensation, or suspension. The maximum amount of time that an employee may be on inactive status is one year. At the end of one year, the employee will be removed from inactive status and terminated from the County. The employee may be paid for any accrued benefits, and their group life and health insurance benefits may be continued in line with the applicable State and Federal regulations.
Inactive Status. (a) An Occasional Teacher shall be granted Voluntary Inactive Status for a period of one month and up to one (1) year upon request in writing to the appropriate Supervisory Officer. This option may be exercised only once during a school year. (b) Such request shall be made two weeks prior to the commencement of the leave where possible. (c) In the event that the Occasional Teacher has a Long Term assignment, such assignment shall be deemed to have been terminated by the Occasional Teacher without penalty. (d) Notwithstanding the above, an additional leave for family or emergency circumstances may be granted at the discretion of the appropriate Supervisory Officer. 8.05 An Occasional Teacher returning from Voluntary Inactive Status shall be reassigned to the List. 8.06 An Occasional Teacher may return to active status at any time within the one (1) year period, after the first month, but must return to active status at the end of one (1) year to be retained on the Occasional Teachers' List.
Inactive Status. Contractors who have not satisfied the requirements of Provisional status within the first three months of being admitted to the Program shall be placed on Inactive status. Contractors on Inactive status shall not be listed on the Program website or promotional materials, and will not have access to program incentives. In order to be placed back on Provisional status Contractor must submit an action plan acceptable to the Program Administrator. Contractors who do not submit an acceptable action plan within three months of being placed on Inactive status shall have their status with the program Terminated and shall not be eligible to re-enroll with the program until one year from the date upon which they were placed on Terminated status. Contractors are placed on probationary status when the Program Administrator observes multiple deficiencies or failure to meet Program guidelines or quality standards. Contractor may also be placed on probation if the Program receives three (3) verified consumer complaints with in a six (6) month period or any complaint that would be a direct violation of Program guidelines. The Contractor is required to present a process improvement plan to the Program Administrator within ten (10) days of receiving the probation after intervention related to deficiencies of customer complaints or work and audit quality. Contractors will be removed from the list of participating Contractors and no new project can be started until the former Contractor has demonstrated a commitment to the Program’s quality assurance. The Program Administrator reserves the right to choose duration of this suspension status in its sole discretion. Program Administrator reserves the right to reject all incentive claims for work not completed prior to the date of Suspension unless otherwise agreed to under a formal remediation plan. Contractors will be terminated from the Program for lack of performance or if reoccurring intervention is required due to ongoing deficiencies or blatant disregard for Program policies and intent. Program administrator reserves the right to terminate the Contractor without first placing the Contractor on Probation or Inactive status. Program Administrator reserves the right to reject all incentive claims for work not submitted prior to the date of Termination including jobs completed prior to the date of Termination for which a complete application was not also received prior to that date. Participating Contractor shall maintain all...
Inactive Status. An incomplete application awaiting documents from the applicant for six months from date of application. An application is “voided” after six months. A new application (no fee) is required to reactivate.