Independent Medical Examination Sample Clauses
Independent Medical Examination. (a) In the absence of objective medical information from the treating physician(s), in cases of prolonged absence caused by illness or where a medical condition is believed to be adversely affecting an employee's work, the Director HRCS (or designee), upon recommendation from the University Disability Provider, may require that the employee undergo an Independent Medical Exam (IME). The physician will submit a medical report to the University Disability Provider as to the condition of the employee and the amount of time considered necessary for his/her complete recovery, an opinion on the employee's ability to continue in his/her present position, with or without modification, treatment recommendations, and whether or not his/her condition can be improved through treatment.
(b) Should the opinions of the treating physician and the physician performing the IME differ regarding the status of the employee’s health, the dispute will be settled by a third physician. This physician will be selected by the mutual agreement of the parties.
Independent Medical Examination. At the Employer’s request, an employee who is or has been absent from work on sick leave shall attend upon and submit to a medical examination conducted by a physician or other health care provider designated by the Employer and at the Employer’s expense.
Independent Medical Examination. In cases where: (1) the employee has been on extended medical leave; (2) the District reasonably suspects sick leave abuse; (3) the District has reason to question the employee’s fitness for duty; (4) the employee requests an accommodation; the District may require an employee to be examined at the district’s expense by a doctor of the district’s choosing. If the District’s physician determines that the employee is able to return to work, and the employee’s physician disagrees in writing, then the employee’s physician will have a reasonable opportunity to consult with the District’s physician. If the disagreement persists after the opportunity to consult, then a third physician will be employed to make the determination. In such case, the District will compile a list of at least three physicians with appropriate qualifications from which the employee’s physician may select within 20 calendar days. If no selection is made, then the District shall select a physician from the list and take steps to schedule the examination. If the third physician agrees with the District’s physician, or if the employee’s physician does not disagree with the District’s physician as indicated above, then the District may direct the employee to return to work. An employee who fails to return to work after being so directed shall not be entitled to collect any further sick pay from any source and shall be considered to have abandoned his/her employment.
Independent Medical Examination. (a) When extensive efforts have been made to obtain objective medical information from the employee’s treating physician(s) to no avail, the Employer may require that an employee undergo an Independent Medical Examination:
(i) in the case of prolonged or frequent absence due to illness, or
(ii) when it is considered that an employee is unable to satisfactorily perform his/her duties due to disability or illness. The physician will submit a report to the Director of Operations that speaks to the fitness to work information specified in clause 23.10(d). Should the opinion of the treating physician and the physician performing the IME differ regarding the status of the employee’s health, the dispute will be settled by a third physician. This physician will be selected by mutual agreement of the two physicians, from a list of physicians provided by the Employer, following discussion with the Union.
Independent Medical Examination. When it is necessary for an employee during working hours to participate in an Independent Medical Examination (IME) at the Company's request or to report to the Company's Medical Department, the employee shall be allowed time off with pay for necessary absence from duty from scheduled basic hours.
Independent Medical Examination. The purpose of IME’s is to assist those involved in the return to work process with necessary information, and/or to assist the Long Term Medical Placement Committee in its functions . Where independent medical information is deemed necessary by the employer, the employer will first discuss the necessity via the respective joint committee (either the Return to Work Union Representative or the members of the Long Term Medical Placement Committee, as the case may be) . Should the Parties both agree with the necessity of the IME, the employee will then be advised . The employer will obtain two names of an appropriate Specialist in the related medical discipline; one of which the Union can select . If the Union does not agree with the requirement for an IME, the matter will be immediately referred to arbitration to decide whether the IME is warranted; such arbitral decision is not subject to further appeal or grievance by the employee . Should the Employer and Union agree through the respective committee that an IME is required, and the employee disagrees, he or she will be invited to meet with the committee to discuss the question . After this meeting, should the employer and Union agree that an IME is required, the employee will be required to cooperate . Should the Union disagree with the necessity, the matter will be immediately referred to arbitration . Reasonable costs associated with the IME will be borne by the employer . Should the IME occur during a regularly scheduled work shift, no wages will be deducted as the result . Should the IME occur outside working hours, the employee will receive Schedule “A” rates for the time in the examination . For any out of town appointment, mileage will be paid . Reports resulting from the IME will be provided to the employer, the Union, the employee and the employee’s attending physician . The reports will address general but not detailed diagnosis, restrictions/functional limitations and abilities, and as appropriate prognosis for recovery, as well as any opinion concerning the suitability from a medical perspective of work (including as appropriate alternate duties) the IM examiner is asked to consider, but will not provide information concerning treatment . Information concerning detailed diagnosis and treatment may, however, be provided by the IM examiner to the employee and his/her attending physician . It is noted that the preceding does not derogate from insurer’s (including WSIB’s) rights with respect to ob...
Independent Medical Examination. Should a dispute arise between the employee’s physician and the Occupational Health and Claims Management Section as to fitness to resume (or not) their regular or other work, the employee shall be referred to an independent medical consultant mutually agreed upon by the Union and the TTC for an independent medical examination (IME), and the consultant’s opinion of the employee’s physical or men- tal condition shall be considered in the decision finally made as to the employee’s fitness to resume their regular or other work. In lodging an appeal from the Occupational Health and Claims Management’s original decision, the Union shall guarantee the payment of the consultant’s fee. Should the original decision of the Occupational Health and Claims Management Section be revised, the TTC shall pay the consultant’s fee. Should the Occupational Health and Claims Management’s original decision be sustained, the consultant’s fee shall be paid by the Union. In all disputes respecting fitness for work (or not) on medical grounds, the independent medical assessment must be utilized before proceeding to arbitration. The letter of referral to the independent medical con- sultant shall be signed by a representative of Management and a rep- resentative of the Union and shall contain information provided by the employee’s own Physician as well as any other pertinent information. It shall also direct the independent medical consultant to send to both the Occupational Health and Claims Management Section and the Union any report or correspondence concerning the employee or any matter arising out of the referral. The employee shall be required to sign a letter authorizing the foregoing. Should the independent medical consultant’s decision remain in dispute concerning the employee’s fitness for duties, no medical evidence con- cerning the employee’s diagnosis or prognosis other than that provided to the independent medical consultant shall be introduced at any arbi- tration hearing. Employees will be required to notify their direct Supervisor of their intention of returning to work the day before actually returning to work. Failure to comply with the above could result in the employee being assigned other duties. It is understood that no employee will be sent home on account of inabil- ity or failure to notify the direct Supervisor.
Independent Medical Examination. (a) In the absence of objective medical information from the treating physician(s), the Director (or designee), upon recommendation from the University Disability Provider, may require that the employee undergo an Independent Medical Exam (IME) in one or both of the following circumstances:
(i) in cases of prolonged absence caused by illness; or
(ii) where a medical condition is believed to be adversely affecting an employee’s work.
(b) The physician will submit a medical report to the University Disability Provider as to the condition of the employee and the amount of time considered necessary for their complete recovery, an opinion on the employee’s ability to continue in their present position, with or without modification, treatment recommendations, and whether or not their condition can be improved through treatment.
(c) Should the opinions of the treating physician and the physician performing the IME differ regarding the status of the employee’s health, the dispute will be settled by a third physician. This physician will be selected by the mutual agreement of the parties.
Independent Medical Examination. 26.01 Should an independent medical examination (IME) be required, the Occasional Teacher shall receive a copy of the IME report upon the request of the teacher.
Independent Medical Examination. At any time, where the University has a genuine concern about an Employee's ability to perform the inherent requirements of their role, and where it is reasonable to do so, the University may request the Employee to undertake an independent medical examination. The scope of independent medical examinations commissioned under this clause is solely to test whether the Employee is able to perform the inherent requirements of their job. Prior to the commissioning of an independent medical examination, the following information will be provided to the Employee:
(a) the basis on which the independent medical examination is sought;
(b) the questions the medical practitioner will be asked to address; and
(c) any supporting information being provided to the medical practitioner. The Employee will be provided a copy of the independent medical examination report. The report will only be used by the University and Employee for its intended purpose and will remain confidential. Where an Employee declares they are fit to return to work and the University requires an independent medical examination prior to return to work, the Employee’s Personal Leave will be re-credited for the period from the Employee’s declaration to the issuing of the independent medical examination on occasion where the examination determined the Employee was fit for work. The cost of any independent medical examination commissioned under this clause 1.34.2 will be paid by the University.