Institutional Sustainability Sample Clauses

Institutional Sustainability. PWD is the principal institution responsible for the effectiveness and sustainability of the Program, including maintenance of the roads, and outer island wharfs and airstrips. A lack of suitable equipment is the single most important factor constraining PWD’s road maintenance capacity. Most of the plant is 20 years old. In most provinces, the equipment fleet lacks at least one essential item, seriously reducing the efficiency of the rest. MCC Funding will provide equipment that will allow PWD’s reformed institutional capacity to carry out timely maintenance and repairs on all transport infrastructure under its responsibility. MCC Funding will expand PWD’s capability and capacity in all maintenance and repair activities, and is expected to reduce its recurrent direct costs (attributable to maintenance of old equipment) by at least 10% of its current budget. Notwithstanding the past improvements made in strengthening PWD, in order to ensure efficient and timely delivery of services by PWD and to institute sustainable accountability and management efficiency, MCC Funding will provide support for the establishment and maintenance of a Service Performance Contract for PWD. Annual action plans will be developed by the Government, with the assistance of MCA-Vanuatu, which will form the basis for annual assessments against the Service Performance Contract.
Institutional Sustainability. The implementation of the Regional Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project is designed to support the development of local capacity by providing Georgian professionals and institutions with experience in implementing the infrastructure projects, where appropriate, while maintaining tight fiduciary risk controls. It is anticipated that Georgian construction firms will be competitive as contractors or subcontractors in the bidding for construction packages in all three Project Activities. The RDMED has received and continues to receive technical assistance from the World Bank to strengthen its capacity in engineering standards and data collection, works monitoring, road maintenance, traffic safety, and interaction and responsiveness with local communities. Such efforts will ensure the effectiveness of this body in overseeing and maintaining the Road as the ultimate owner and responsible entity once the Road Rehabilitation Activity is completed. MCC will provide technical assistance to the RDMED to build capacity in maintenance planning and contracting. The Road Rehabilitation Activity will also provide funding for the commissioning and development of a road master plan to aid in the prioritization of future road investment. The development of GGIC capacity to prioritize and carry out Pipeline rehabilitation and maintenance works is an essential feature of the design of the Energy Rehabilitation Activity. Close coordination between MCC-funded contractors and GGIC staff during the Pipeline rehabilitation is expected to enhance capacity through on-the-job training. Energy sector generation and transmission sustainability will also be addressed by the Energy Advisors through supporting the Government to further develop and implement its energy sector strategy. With respect to the Regional Infrastructure Development Activity, institutional capacity may be strengthened through direct technical assistance to the Eligible Governmental Entities applying for RID Grants. This assistance will allow for the establishment or improvement of service provision and could come in the form of assistance in the areas of financial management capability, tariff design, tariff collection, metering or general utility operations training.
Institutional Sustainability. 1. Under Part B (1)(a) of the Project, the Recipient shall: (a) carry out a study under terms of reference acceptable to the Association, to identify, evaluate and recommend measures designed to ensure the sustainability of its institutional capacity to manage and oversee the mineral sector within its territory; (b) complete said study and furnish said study and a time-bound action plan based thereon to the Association not later than March 31, 2014 for its review and comments; and (c) thereafter, implement said action plan, taking into account the comments of the Association on the matter. 2. To assist the Recipient in carrying out the study referred to in Section I.D.1 of this Schedule, the Recipient shall engage consultants in accordance with the provisions of Section III of this Schedule, and whose qualifications and experience and terms and conditions of employment shall be acceptable to the Association.
Institutional Sustainability. The ultimate beneficiaries are the enterprises that survive and continue to create jobs and income in numbers exceeding their expected survival rate. For example, the expected business survival rate in Morocco after two years is approximately 70 percent; a rate of survival in excess of that would begin to repay the Government of Morocco’s investments in Moukawalati and INDH. In addition, OFPPT, which will offer entrepreneurship-supporting courses and training for the first time, will be assisted through its own start-up phase for these activities. ANPME, OFPPT and INDH will each receive assistance, respectively, to strengthen their abilities to deliver training content. Finally, consultants and consulting firms that provide the hands-on training to the SMEs and associations will be given a chance to demonstrate their abilities to contribute to enterprise growth and sustainability. The activities proposed to strengthen new enterprises created with the help of government programs reduce Government losses from loan guarantee schemes, increase tax revenues, and provide other actionable feedback to the Government regarding the effectiveness of its programs. The programs will be scaled up if it can be demonstrated that the benefits of the programs more than offset the costs of delivering them.
Institutional Sustainability. The sustainability of the Small-Scale Fisheries Project depends on the long term viability of each major component, from first sale at the PDAs, major ports and the network of new wholesale markets, to mobile fish vendors who complete the market chain by selling to retail clients. Key factors for ensuring sustainability are the fish cooperatives at the PDA sites, ONP, and the beneficiaries themselves. ONP’s management will be instrumental to the success and sustainability of the Small-Scale Fisheries Project. The PDAs and fish cooperatives are expected to be sustainable due to the Project timeframe, combined with the necessary resources for technical assistance to the fish cooperatives that will be established at each PDA site and eventually at the major ports. Each will likely require some post-project guidance, fee-paying and/or modest public assistance, from the normal ongoing services of ONP, the Department of Maritime Fisheries and its training and extension programs. The key to long term success and sustainability for the small-scale fishing enterprise is the forging of profitable commercial relationships with the fresh fish market through the auction halls at the PDAs and ports. Fishers are expected to find a strong incentive to participate in the system and will increasingly integrate into the formal sector, as long as auction halls function as efficient and self-supporting marketplaces, and fishers see increased revenues and access to benefits, such as credit, social security, and medical insurance. ONP will ensure that an effective public-private partnership is established for the management of the wholesale markets in the short term, supported by appropriate legal and institutional frameworks. The private sector is expected to take over market management in the medium to long term. Financial sustainability of PDAs, wholesale markets and mobile fish vendors is supported foremost through institutional sustainability, a strong and growing demand for fish, and adequate resource protection. Of potentially greatest concern is the ability for mobile fish vendors to generate increased revenues to replace their equipment at market rates when the equipment provided by the Project wears out. The financing package for the vehicles is structured to provide vendors an increase of 20 percent in net income during the loan repayment period. The investment represents a major commitment in financial and business management terms for these micro-entrepreneurs to en...
Institutional Sustainability. The Government has taken substantial steps to strengthen the institutional framework for rural development. The management of Armenia’s irrigation system has recently been decentralized to 53 regional WUAs. The Government has enhanced water management efficiency by merging responsibilities for irrigation and drainage. The Irrigated Agriculture Project will benefit from an extensive Water-to-Market Activity which will provide organizational support for the WSA reforms, management capacity building of the WUAs and developing regional federations of WUAs, and guidance for the formation of a professional irrigation association. Technical assistance will be targeted to ensure that the WSA, WUAs and federations of WUAs have systems to effectively manage and finance their operations. In addition, credit organizations will receive training and capital to expand financial services targeted at WUA member farmers.
Institutional Sustainability. (i) Improving institutional capacity to implement IWRM; (ii) Strengthening capacity of KNNL to better operate, maintain and manage main irrigation systems by adopting diagnostic approach to system improvement and value engineered solutions for infrastructure investments; (iii) Strengthening capacity of Command Area Development Authority (CADA) to operate, maintain and manage the tertiary irrigation system, under take participatory irrigation management (PIM) activities and to better undertake their water management responsibilities; (iv) Strengthen capacity of WUCS as field based entities capable of operating and maintaining water distribution and financial sustainability by collecting user fee for system maintenance; and (v) Improving WUCS skills in agricultural productivity for enhancing yields and crop diversification leading to improved livelihoods.
Institutional Sustainability. MCC funding will support technical assistance for selected microcredit associations to implement the legal, management and operational requirements necessary for sustainable transformation. The Project will also help associations evaluate the various options available, including options regarding how to grow in a sustainable manner within the new regulatory environment without transforming. Support to prepare associations for the introduction of a universal credit bureau, as well as to use technologies to reduce costs while expanding breadth of outreach, are also expected to contribute to the sustainability of the sector. The Financial Services Project seeks to make microcredit associations more efficient and reduce transaction costs in order to lower operating costs and further improve their financial sustainability. Furthermore, access to credit and other financial services is expected to enable the clients of these institutions to make profitable investments and improve the financial sustainability of their own enterprises. Environmental and social sustainability of the Financial Services Project will be promoted through: application of lending guidelines and procedures to ensure compliance with the MCC Environmental Guidelines, MCC Gender Policy and OP 4.12; requiring adequate institutional capacity for Jaida to implement these guidelines and procedures; and by providing training for the associations in environmental and social screening.
Institutional Sustainability. The sustainability of the financial model cannot be achieved without tackling governance issues. Institutional sustainability requires: ▪ Long term stability in policy settings ▪ Good coordination and communication between government departments, and between central and provincial governments ▪ Clear repartition of roles and responsibilities and good coordination and communication between all stakeholders. Measures to ensure good governance should be adopted since the design of the program and regularly reviewed and adjusted throughout its implementation.
Institutional Sustainability. The sustainability of the outcomes achieved by the Fruit Tree Productivity Project will depend upon the Ministry of Agriculture (“MOA”), the extension system, xxxxxx cooperatives, AUEAs in the irrigated areas, and the beneficiaries. Along with research and training institutions, and a number of private firms, the MOA will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary farm advisory services to support beneficiaries after the Compact Term are in place. The Project will provide training to the MOA’s central and provincial staff in new modes of operation and management. Technical assistance should be sufficient to enable xxxxxx associations and other cooperatives to operate independently. The Government will ensure that AUEAs supported by the Project will commit to assuming responsibility for operation and maintenance of irrigation infrastructure financed by MCC. Technical support to AUEAs will strengthen their capacity to sustain maintenance after the Compact Term. Shifting producers out of low yield cereal crops in which Morocco has no comparative advantage, into tree crops for which both growing conditions and market conditions are favorable, is an important element in the financial sustainability of the Fruit Tree Productivity Project. The sustainable use of soil and water also affects financial sustainability. The Project includes training and technical support to enhance husbandry practices, and collective marketing to maximize the financial opportunity afforded by this shift in cropping system. The environmental and social sustainability of the Project is promoted by (a) improving the efficiency of irrigation water management, without increasing the volume of water harvested, (b) establishing ongoing monitoring of water and soil resources, (c) improving soil conservation through terracing and planting of perennial tree crops, in place of annual cereal crops, and (d) supporting integrated pest management, environmental impact assessment of olive oil processing, and the latest science-based farming technologies. Environmental and social analyses will include assessment of potential downstream effects of irrigation developments.