MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. Employees may apply for maternity/paternity leave of absence for childbearing or child rearing for up to one (1) year, provided sufficient notice is given for the appropriate supervisor prior to the commencement of leave. Maternity/Paternity leave is without pay. Accrued annual leave and/or accrued sick leave may be used for maternity/paternity leave at the discretion of the employee.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. (a) Maternity/Parental Leave without pay shall be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.
(b) All employee benefits shall continue while on Maternity/Parental Leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.
(c) An employee shall be granted, on request, two (2) days' leave of absence with pay for the needs directly related to the birth or adoption of his/her child.
(d) Employees on approved Maternity/Parental Leave will accrue seniority.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. All regularly appointed, full-time employees may be granted maternity/paternity leave up to one (1) year without pay, or increment when requested in writing.
29.01 No later than fifteen (15) weeks prior to the anticipated date of delivery, an employee shall forward to the Employer a written request for maternity leave. This leave may commence prior to the anticipated date of delivery but shall commence no later than the date of delivery.
29.02 Where an employee submits a medical certificate to the Employer stating that her health so requires, sick leave in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 shall be granted prior to commencement of the employee's requested maternity leave under 29.01.
29.03 The Employer may direct an employee who is pregnant to proceed on maternity leave at any time, where, in its opinion, the interest of the institution so requires.
29.04 Maternity leave shall not exceed seventeen (17) weeks. An employee returning to work from maternity leave shall be reinstated to her previously held position.
29.05 The total number of weeks an employee is eligible for maternity leave may be advanced, delayed, shortened or lengthened by mutual Agreement between the Employer and the employee.
29.06 While on maternity leave, the employee may, if permissible under the relevant benefit plan, continue participation. When the employee requests to continue contributions to the benefit plans, the Employer shall also continue the required contributions during the period of the maternity leave to a maximum of seventeen (17) weeks provided the employee submits post-dated cheques for her share of the premiums for the entire period prior to commencing maternity leave.
(a) On the occasion of the birth of a child, a parent other than the birth mother shall be granted on request special leave with pay to a maximum of five (5) days. Such leave is to be taken within a reasonable period of time surrounding the arrival of the child.
(b) On the occasion of the adoption of a child, an employee who is not taking child care leave shall be granted, on request, special leave with pay to a maximum of five (5) days. Such leave is to be taken within a reasonable period of time surrounding the placement of the child.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. The maternity leave Clause shall reflect the standards set out in the Employment Standards Code: positions made up of fifteen (15) weeks of maternity leave and thirty-seven (37) weeks of parental leave. • Fathers and/or adoptive parents will also be eligible for thirty-seven (37) weeks of parental leave. • The thirty-seven (37) weeks of parental leave may be taken by either parent, or shared between them, but cannot exceed thirty-seven (37) weeks. Employees must meet the following requirements if going on maternity leave: • You must have worked for the City of Spruce Grove for fifty-two (52) continuous weeks to be eligible for maternity and/or paternal leave. • You must give the City at least six (6) weeks written notice to start maternity or parental leave, unless there are medical reasons or circumstances related to adoption that prevent you from doing this. • You must give the City at least four (4) weeks written notice that you are returning to work or that you want to change your return date. • If you are a birth mother taking both maternity and parental leave you only have to give written notice once.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. Section A. When an employee determines that she is pregnant, she should notify her Battalion Chief the estimated date of birth. The employee shall be permitted to continue active employment provided she performs the full duties and responsibilities of her position and that she furnishes a note from her physician his/her evaluation of her physical ability to do so, upon request of the Battalion Chief. Once the employee is unable to perform her duties, she can use PTO or FMLA until the birth then Maternity leave starts.
Section B. If the employee wishes to return to work after her child is born, she is eligible for Maternity Leave. She should give her Battalion Chief as much notice as possible prior to her leaving work and at least two weeks’ notice prior to her returning to work.
Section C. Total Maternity Leave shall continue for a period not to exceed 12 weeks paid. The employee will be granted 8 weeks for normal delivery and 12 weeks for c-section. If any time is needed after the employee may elect to use her accumulated PTO during her period of physical disability.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. Any teacher within the North Olmsted School System who is an expectant mother or father or adopting a child shall at his/her request be granted a maternity/paternity leave with pay or without pay or increment subject to the conditions set forth below.
23.2.1 Unpaid maternity/paternity leave shall begin at any time prior to or immediatelyafter the adoption/birth of the child or the teacher’s use of sick leave related to the birth/adoption. The teacher is not required to exhaust sick days before commencing an unpaid maternity/paternity leave. Unpaid leave shall be for not less than one full grading period or the remainder of the school year in which the leave commences and, at the option of the teacher, for the following school year. Notice of intent to request a leave extension must be given at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance or not later than March 1 if the leave will extend into the following year. At the time the leave commences, the teacher shall indicate the length of the leave he/she opts to take. The teacher who has taken leave for the balance of the current year shall provide written notice of his/her intent to return for the following year not later than March 1. The teacher shall confirm in writing her/his intent to return not later than thirty (30) calendar days before the date of her/his earlier specified return.
23.2.2 The teacher on paid maternity/paternity leave may use accumulated leave not to exceed 60 work days. Paid leave should begin and be completed (even if less than full 60-day allotment) within one calendar year of the birth/adoption of the child. The teacher is not required to exhaust his/her sick days before commencing unpaid maternity/paternity leave.
23.2.3 The teacher on unpaid maternity/paternity leave shall at his or her request be carried on the fringe benefit plans as specified in Article 30. The teacher shall be required to pay the group rate premium for said plans.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. (a) Maternity Leave – Technicians shall be eligible for maternity leave in accordance with Company policy.
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. A. A teacher who will becomes a parent is expected to notify the Superintendent's office in writing as soon as practicable but no later than the fifth (5th) month. At the time the teacher leaves his/her assignment, she may elect one (1) or more of the options listed below:
MATERNITY LEAVE/PATERNITY LEAVE. A leave of absence without pay will be granted for a period of up to six (6) months after date of delivery. Such leave may be taken any time after the sixth (6th) month of pregnancy or such other time as the employee’s physician certifies, in writing, to the Director. Upon expiration of said leave, the employee shall be reinstated at her former job classification to the same or substantially similar position in the Library.