Medical Insurance Contributions. For coverage effective January 2018 through December 2018, the County will make medical contributions as follows:
Medical Insurance Contributions. 1. The City shall pay 100% for Employee Only coverage on the lowest premium plan, the High Deductible Health Plan (or equivalent plan). Employees selecting Employee Only coverage on a plan with higher premiums shall pay the balance.
2. Effective Fiscal Year 2023, the City shall pay 80% (increased to 81% in Fiscal Year 2024 and 82% in Fiscal Year 2025) of the total premiums for employees electing spouse/child(ren)/family coverage based on the lowest premium plan, i.e., the HDHP or equivalent plan. Employees selecting coverage on a plan with higher premiums shall pay the balance.
3. If the cost of the medical insurance program selected by the employee exceeds the City’s contribution, the employee shall pay the balance on a pro rata basis each pay period through payroll deduction or through the conversion of accrued sick leave, pursuant to subsection 9.3.B.4 below.
4. Sick/Vacation Leave Conversions to offset Medical Insurance Premiums and/or to fund Health Savings Account: Employees whose premiums for medical insurance under the City’s group health insurance plan exceed the City’s contribution may be eligible to convert accrued sick and/or vacation leave to offset their medical insurance premiums and/or fund their Health Savings Account if applicable.
Medical Insurance Contributions. (1) Regular full-time employees: for regular employees with an established and approved FTE (Full Time Equivalent) of .75 and above
i. 2018: effective with the January 2018 premiums, the County and employee monthly contributions towards medical coverage are set forth below, which for the 2018 plan year shall be two percent (2%) above the 2017 County and Employee contribution levels: Employee Only $619.36 $76.54 Employee + Spouse $1,241.08 $185.46 Employee + Child(ren) $1,071.66 $146.14 Employee + Family $1,695.14 $253.30 Employee Only $619.52 $19.16 Employee + Spouse $1,243.78 $65.46 Employee + Child(ren) $1,072.96 $44.70 Employee + Family $1,680.96 $107.30 Employee Only $525.34 $10.72 Employee + Spouse $1,031.86 $66.98 Employee + Child(ren) $887.16 $50.92 Employee + Family $1,393.68 $107.20 Employee Only $568.92 $23.70 Employee + Spouse $1,129.78 $85.04 Employee + Child(ren) $985.14 $51.86 Employee + Family $1,526.48 $132.74 Employee Only $554.32 $0.00 Employee + Spouse $1,113.62 $22.72 Employee + Child(ren) $960.28 $9.70 Employee + Family $1,520.98 $31.06 Employee Only $441.94 $0.44 Employee + Spouse $859.98 $46.88 Employee + Child(ren) $740.50 $33.60 Employee + Family $1,158.56 $80.04
(2) Regular part-time employees: for regular employees working less than full time (approved FTE of less than .75 and at or above .5 in a given year), the County will prorate the amount of its contributions to .65 FTE of full-time FTE status for the year.
(3) For January 2018 only, no medical premiums shall be deducted from employee paychecks. Thereafter, the parties agree to immediately meet and confer over a joint medical-benefits committee for the purpose of reviewing appropriate fund balances for the health benefits fund and determining what, if anything, should be done about any funds in excess of an agreed upon balance minimum.
Medical Insurance Contributions. For coverage effective January 2019 through December 2019, the County will make medical contributions as follows:
a. Regular, Full-Time Employees: for employees with an established and approved FTE (Full Time Equivalent) of .75 and above, effective with the January 2019 premiums, in the event that medical rates increase, the County and employee monthly contributions towards medical coverage shall be increased proportionally. However, as allowed in RCW 42.56.123(2), during the 2019 benefit year only, and not beyond unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, the County shall pay the first four and six-tenths percent (4.6%) rate increase to Premera plans and the first seven and eight-tenths percent (7.8%) rate increase to Kaiser plans. After the 2019 benefit year, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties, County and employee contributions will revert to the proportional sharing of contributions as described in the following example: If the Kaiser total medical rate increases by three percent (3.0%), the County contribution shall be increased by three percent (3.0%) and the employee contribution shall be increased by three percent (3.0%). If the total medical rate is $1,650 and the County and employee contribution rates are $1,500 and $150 respectively, then a 3% increase will result in a $49.50 total rate increase ($1,650 x 3% = $49.50). This total rate increase represents a $45 increase to the County contribution ($1,500 x 3% = $45) and a $4.50 increase to the employee contribution ($150 x 3% = $4.50).
Medical Insurance Contributions. For coverage effective January 1, 20182017 through December 31, 20182017, the County will make medical contributions as follows:
a. Regular, Full-Time Employees: for employees with an established and approved FTE (Full Time Equivalent) of .75 and above, effective with the January 20182017 premiums, in the event that medical rates increase, the County and employee monthly contributions towards medical coverage shall be increased proportionally. For example, if the KaiserGroup Health total medical rate increases by three percent (3.0%), the County contribution shall be increased by three percent (3.0%) and the employee contribution shall be increased by three percent (3.0%). If the total medical rate is $1,650 and the County and employee contribution rates are $1,500 and $150 respectively, then a 3% increase will result in a $50 total rate increase ($1,650 x 3% = $50). This total rate increase represents a $45 increase to the County contribution ($1,500 x 3% = $45) and a $5 increase to the employee contribution ($150 x 3% = $5).
(1) Effective January 1, 2018, the County shall cease to offer the Kaiser Access PPO xxxx.Xx 2017, the County shall make available three new medical plan options: Premera HDHP/HSA 1500 Plan, Group Health Access PPO, Group Health HDHP/HSA 1500 Plan. Employer and employee contributions for these plans are listed in Attachment A-1.
(2) For January 2018 only, no medical premiums shall be deducted from employee paychecks.The County-wide claims experience through May 2016 supports a six and four-tenths percent (6.4%) increase to Premera medical rates and a three and seven-tenths percent (3.7%) increase to Group Health medical rates. However, for 2017 only, the County has agreed to accept the risk of increasing medical rates less than the amounts supported by the County-wide claims experience. In 2017, Premera medical rates will be increased by four percent (4.0%) and Group Health medical rates will be increased by two percent (2.0%). The County’s decision to accept the risk of increasing medical rates less than the amounts supported by the County-wide claims experience shall be for 2017 only and shall not create a precedent for 2018 or beyond.
Medical Insurance Contributions. The foregoing Medical Benefits Program shall be provided to teachers employed on a full- time basis. Full-time teachers will contribute toward cost of insurance based on the following schedule:
1. Board Monthly Full-Time Teacher Contribution Monthly Contribution
2. The foregoing Dental Insurance Program shall be provided to teachers employed on a full-time basis with all premium cost for such dental insurance paid by the Board.
3. The foregoing medical insurance shall be provided to teachers employed on a less than full-time basis (less than thirty (30) hours per week), but employed under a regular contract by the Board with the Board's portion of the premium cost being determined based on the number of hours the teacher is under contract to perform service as a percentage of a full-time teaching contract, such percentage being applied against the actual amount of the premium cost. Such part-time teacher shall be responsible for the payment of all premium cost in excess of the Board's contribution toward such cost. Pro-rated medical insurance will be based on thirty (30) hours a week. This means that a teacher who works four (4) hours per day equals twenty (20) hours per week and would have all medical benefits pro-rated based on a thirty (30) hour week. (Ex: 20/30+2/3) Therefore, the teacher would pay the regular 20% employees portion plus 1/3 of the Board costs on life, medical and dental insurance.
Medical Insurance Contributions. 1. The City shall pay 100% for Employee Only coverage on the lowest premium plan, i.e., the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or equivalent plan. Employees selecting Employee Only coverage on a plan with higher premiums shall pay the balance. The City shall pay 77% (increased to 80% effective the first pay period following adoption of this Agreement in Fiscal Year 2023, 81% in Fiscal Year 2024 and 82% in Fiscal Year 2025) of the total premiums for employees electing spouse/child(ren)/family coverage based on the lowest premium plan, i.e., the HDHP or equivalent plan. Employees selecting coverage on a plan with higher premiums shall pay the balance.
2. If the cost of the medical insurance program selected by the employee exceeds the City’s contribution, the employee shall pay the balance on a pro rata basis each pay period through payroll deduction or through the conversion of accrued sick or vacation leave, pursuant to subsection 9.3.B.4 below.
3. Sick/Vacation Leave Conversions to offset Medical Insurance Premiums and/or to fund Health Savings Account:
Medical Insurance Contributions. The County will pay ninety-seven percent (97%) of the employee-only coverage and contribute eighty-five percent (85%) of each employee’s dependent rate, with each employee paying the remaining amount by payroll deduction.
Medical Insurance Contributions. The Department and the Association agree that the Department will contribute a composite rate per employee annually for the employees’ hospitalization and health insurance plan. Beginning July 1, 2018, the composite rate will be $10,100.00.
Medical Insurance Contributions. (1) Regular full-time employees: for regular employees with an established and approved FTE (Full Time Equivalent) of .75 and above