Non-Instructional Assignments. 9.5.1 Unit members shall be available for attendance at meetings and school activities and for supervisory and other duties.
9.5.2 Such non-instructional assignments shall be made on an equitable basis.
Non-Instructional Assignments. The work year for non-instructional faculty will be 32 weeks a year, 32.8 hours a week.
Non-Instructional Assignments. Annual ten-month salary ÷ hours per year = semester & summer hourly rate
Non-Instructional Assignments. The work year for 10-month non-instructional faculty will be 32 weeks a year, 32.8 hours a week, for a total of 1,050 hours per year. The work year for 11-month non-instructional faculty shall be 32.8 hours a week for a total of 1,155 hours for a period of 36 to 40 weeks. 10-month faculty working under a non-instructional assignment who work more than 32 weeks and 11-month faculty who work more than 36 weeks shall adjust their work hours, in consultation with their supervising xxxx, not to exceed the total hours required in the academic year.
Non-Instructional Assignments. A. Assignments for librarians, counselors, the placement officer and other non- instructional faculty shall be for 35 hours per week.
B. Non-instructional load chart (1 hr = .01429) 14 0.20006 0.40012 15 0.21435 0.42870 16 0.22864 0.45728 17 0.24293 0.48586 18 0.25722 0.51444 19 0.27151 0.54302 20 0.28580 0.57160 21 0.30009 0.60018 22 0.31438 0.62876 23 0.32867 0.65734 24 0.34296 0.68592 25 0.35725 0.71450 26 0.37154 0.74308 27 0.38583 0.77166 28 0.40012 0.80024 29 0.41441 0.82882 30 0.42870 0.85740 31 0.44299 0.88598 32 0.45728 0.91456 33 0.47157 0.94314 34 0.48586 0.97172 35 0.50000 1.00000
C. Non-instructional Faculty Offices The intent of the District and the Association is to provide each full-time faculty member with an office which reflects and supports their professional status.
1. Full-time faculty will be provided with an adequate office which is safe, appropriately equipped and physically accessible to all students
2. Where privacy and confidentiality are at issue, space will be available to assure privacy and confidentiality when needed.
3. The District will identify new office space for use by department and will make assignments in collaboration with department full-time faculty to effectively provide services to students.
4. Storage space, outside of full-time faculty offices, will be provided as needed.
5. Emeritus faculty will be provided with an office space to share for the purpose of doing District business.
Non-Instructional Assignments. Non-instructional assignments are those assigned ESH but not a CRN. Non-instructional assignments are made for a period of a semester, a part of an academic year or, in special circumstances, for a longer period, in Management’s discretion. Non-instructional assignments are available only to employees who have performed, or who are also performing, instructional assignments.
Non-Instructional Assignments. Non-instructional assignments such as curriculum development, advising, special projects, and related non-instructional activities shall not be limited and shall not count toward instructional load limits for a part-time academic employee. These assignments will be paid at the professional hourly rate.
Non-Instructional Assignments. Compensation for non-instructional faculty assignments such as meeting attendance, course development, etc. is paid at General Hourly Rate of Pay ($50.00 per hour). The work shall be assigned and recorded and paid in periods of no less than 30 minute increments. Example: PTF attendance at division meeting from 9 am – 11:30 am *Average Faculty Salary equals combined total of all salary levels divided by number of salary levels. This number will change each time Part-Time faculty salary level amounts are updated. NOTE: Coded as 228009 (for PTF) and 950009 (for FTF). Any proposed compensation at a rate other than General Hourly Rate of Pay ($50.00 per hour) must be discussed with HR prior to hiring.
Non-Instructional Assignments. 9.3.1 Each employee in this category will work on the basis of one thousand four hundred and fifty (1450) hours over a two hundred (200) assigned day period.
9.3.2 When an employee works in excess of the amount set out in Article 9.
3.1 the employee will receive extra pay; time-off in lieu may be taken by mutual agreement. The amount owed or tune-off in lieu will be calculated by: A - 1450 = C A = Hours assigned to work in a two hundred (200) assigned day period C = Amount owed (hours)
9.3.3 Assigned travel time will be part of an employee’s assignment
9.3.4 There will be no split-shifting.
9.3.5 Except in the case of unforeseeable circumstances, each employee shall be notified of their workload at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the start of the employee’s assignment. When program needs require a change in an employee’s profile/load, thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice thereof will be given to the employee whenever possible.
Non-Instructional Assignments. A. Assignments for librarians, counselors, the placement officer and other non- instructional faculty shall be for 35 hours per week, plus 1.1 hours for professional responsibilities per week per semester (total 18 hours). It is recognized and acknowledged by the Association and the District that some of the hours for “professional responsibilities” for Non-Instructional full-time faculty may be dependent on committee meeting days/times that may result in the 18 hours being distributed in various ways throughout the semester or session.
B. All full-time non-instructional faculty have a professional responsibility and obligation to the students and the District that extends beyond their 35 hours per week. These responsibilities include: curriculum evaluation and revision, faculty meetings, serving on committees, Student Learning Outcome Assessments /Service Area Outcome Assessments (as applicable for load classes and similar), Program Learning Outcome Assessment (when applicable), and contributing to program review for their discipline. Professional responsibilities may also include attending professional conferences. Unless mutually agreed by the Chief Instructional Officer or designee and the respective faculty member, no full-time non-instructional faculty member shall be assigned more than a total of eighteen (18) hours per semester for the purpose of attending District faculty meetings, serving on participatory governance, Academic Senate, Association or similar committees, search committee(s) (including FER work), probationary tenure committees, peer reviewing for tenured evaluations, task forces, ad hoc committees, student clubs as faculty advisor(s), on-campus professional development, off-campus professional development, advisory groups/committees, DEIA activities, and any other college or department activities that support and enhance their work assignments at Xxxxxx Valley College, or any other activity mutually agreed upon by the District and the full-time non-instructional faculty member.