OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. If the requirements of clauses and are met, a union representative appointed under Article shall not suffer any loss of pay as a result of undertaking the following responsibilities on behalf of the Union during regularly scheduled work time:
a) investigating a grievance or complaint of an urgent nature meeting with management to deal with a grievance attending a meeting of the Labour-Management Relations Committee under Article or any other meeting called by management attending an arbitration hearing under Article
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. An employee representative shall be allowed time away from work to assist employees with processinggrievances and for meetings with related to the administration Agreement. A representative shall obtain the permission of her immediate supervisor before leaving her work to investigate a grievance, to meet with Management for the purpose of dealing with grievances and to attend meetings by Management. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Employee representatives shall be allowed time off without pay to participate in collective bargaining and arbitration meetings. Employees shall be granted leave without pay to participate in arbitration proceedings as a party or as a witness. Organization. Executive Council Meetings. and Conventions Operations permitting, the Employer will grant reasonable leave without pay to one (1) employeeto attend executive council meetings and conventions of the Alliance, the Union of Northern Workers, the Canadian Labour Congress and the Federation of Labour. Operations permitting and upon reasonable notification, the Employer grant reasonable leave without pay to one (1) employee who exercises the authority of a representative on behalf of the Union, to undertake training related to the duties of a representative. Elected Executive Officer of the is entitled under this Agreement. The Employer shall continue to pay the employee her salary in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Upon invoice by the Employer, the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the amounts so paid within thirty (30)days of the invoice date. The benefits of any group plan shall be extended to the employee and the Union will reimburse the Employer for any costs involved in the same manner. The employee shall be entitled to any incremental increase for each year of her leave of absence up to and including the maximum Step in the pay level of her salary. The employee shall advise the Employer as soon as possible when an extension of the leave of absence is required due to re-election. Upon termination of her leave of absence the employee shall be offered at least the position she held with the Employer before she commenced the leave of absence. When the employeewishes to invoke this clause Collective Agreement she shall provide the Employer with three (3) months notice of her intent.
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. Leave of absence, without pay and without loss of seniority, may be granted to an employee by the Employer, taking in to consideration operational requirements, for: Elected or appointed representatives of the Union to attend conventions of the Union and bodies to which the Union is affiliated. A bargaining unit employee called by the Union to appear as a witness before an Arbitration Board. For elected or appointed representatives to attend to Union business which requires them to leave the Stadium. Leave of absences without loss of seniority will be provided for a maximum of four (4)employees as representative of the bargaining committee. In addition, such employees will receive payment only for scheduled shifts that coincide on days of negotiation meetings and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for wage and benefit costs of necessary replacement staff. The bargaining committee shall consist of one (1) representative of Building Maintenance, one (1) representative of Event Maintenance and Housekeeping, one (1) representative of Building Security and Event Security and one (1) representative of Hosting and First Aid. Employees requesting such leave will complete the necessary documentation prior to such leave. With the exception of (a) above, employees will complete such documentation at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the leave. The Employer will not unreasonably withhold the granting of such leaves of absence. To facilitate the administration of this article, when leave is granted, the leave shall be given with basic pay and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for such employee's salary and benefit costs.
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. A Union Representative appointed under Article shall not suffer any loss of pay as a result of undertaking the following responsibilitieson behalf of the Union during regularly scheduled work time:
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. At the Union's request the Employer will grant leave with pay to any employee whose presence is essential to representation of the Union before an Arbitration hearing.
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. The Co-operative agrees to grant necessary time off without pay and without discrimination to two employees designated by the Union to attend a Labour Convention or to serve in any capacity, on any official union business provided, however,. that notifi- cation in writing is given to the Co-operative at least ten clear working days prior to the date of leaving. Such leave of absence shall be limited ten days per year.
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. (a) The Employer shall, upon written request and reasonable notice from the Union, grant leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority to an employee who is a representative of the Union to attend to Union business or to an employee called by the Union to appear as a witness before an arbitration board.
(b) Leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority will be granted to a maximum of four (4) employees who are representatives of the Union on the Union's Bargaining Committee to carry on negotiations with the Employer.
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. An employee representative shall be allowed time away from work to assist employees with processing grievances and for meetings with the Employer related to the administration of the Agreement. A representative shall obtain the permission of her immediate supervisor before leaving her work to investigate a grievance, to meet with local Management for the purpose of dealing with grievances and to attend meetings called by Management. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Employee representatives shall be allowed time off without pay to participate in collective bargaining and arbitration meetings. Employees shall be granted leave without pay to participate in arbitration proceedings as a party or as a witness. employee to attend executive council meetings and conventions of the Alliance, the Union of Northern Workers, the Canadian Labour Congress and the Federation of Labour.
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. Arbitration Employee who acts as a Representative Employee called as a Witness
OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS. Arbitration Time off for
(a) to participate as a delegate to constitutional conferences or other similar forums mandated by territorial legislation; and to present briefs to commissions, boards and hearings that are mandated by territorial legislation or the Federal Government and whose area of interest is of concern to organized labour. An employee elected as a paid officer of the executive of the Union or the Alliance upon application, be leave of absence for the of office. During the leave of absence such employees shall maintain all accumulated rights benefits they are entitled under the Agreement. Such employees shall advise the Employer as soon as le when an extension leave of absence is applicable due Upon termination of their leave of absence such employees shall be at a minimum, the Employer at the employees invoke clause they shall three month notice of their intent .to Notwithstanding Article the Employer may make an offer of employment to such employees to a position inside the Bargaining Unit should they bid on a competition and be the successful candidate. Such employees will retain their seniority, but shall not seniority during their leave of absence. Upon reasonable notification, the Employer shall grant leave without pay to a Union Representative seconded for a minimum period of one week to serve as President of the Union on a temporary basis.