Parental/Family Leave. To the extent provided by federal and state law, employees may use up to twelve (12) weeks of accrued sick leave, vacation leave, compensatory time or leave without pay. Leave beyond twelve (12) weeks must be approved by the Human Resources Director unless such time meets the definition of Section 6.4.
Parental/Family Leave. General Assembly Resolution 1333 calls upon all expressions of the church, including congregations, to provide for a minimum of 8 weeks paid parental leave. We encourage the policy to be expanded to include family leave to include caring for a sick family member. xxxx:// content/uploads/2014/08/GA1333-RegardingParentalLeave-Final.pdf #7 – Spiritual Health and Wholeness: Continuing education and sabbatical renewal benefit both pastor and congregation. It provides opportunities for growth and spiritual health for both pastor and congregation. List the number of days and dollar amount available for the following:
a. Continuing Education and Spiritual Retreat: 2 weeks and $1000/year is recommended.
Parental/Family Leave. The Board will grant a leave of absence for maternity, adoption, or child care reasons, without salary, to any member of the bargaining unit upon written request for such leave for up to the remainder of the school year in which the leave commences plus the next school year. The duration of such leave to be at the teacher's option. An extension of the leave of absence may be granted upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. Whenever possible, a bargaining unit member requesting such leave shall file a request in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the expected birth, adoption of the child, or the commencement of the child care leave. The Board shall provide Health Insurance to all those covered by Board paid Health Insurance prior to the leave for up to twelve (12) weeks during such leave at the teacher's option. Thereafter, Article
Parental/Family Leave a. 1. In lieu of a maternity leave without pay, an employee may elect a parental or family leave without pay not to exceed one (1) year, as defined in Title 28, Chapter 48.
Parental/Family Leave. After one (1) year of continuous regular employment, permission shall be granted for a leave of absence to: (a) care for a newborn or newly adopted child of the employee under the age of six at the time of placement or adoption, or (b) care of an employee's child under the age of 18 years who has a terminal health condition. A leave of absence begins on the first day after the mother's temporary medical disability from childbirth has ended. An employee may use accrued sick leave, then vacation, starting at the beginning of the leave to cover non-compensated time loss. An employee on parental family leave not exceeding twelve (12) weeks from the date of first absence from work or, in the case of childbirth, from the first day after the mother's temporary disability from childbirth has ended, shall be entitled to return to his or her prior position. Thereafter, the employee shall be entitled to the first available position for which he or she is qualified. Such leave shall not exceed one
(1) year. When possible, the employee will give the Employer thirty (30) days advance notice of such leave.
Parental/Family Leave. Leaves for purposes of maternity, adoption, child rearing and for the serious health condition or death of a member of the employee’s immediate family (parent, spouse, child, parent-in-law) will be granted for up to thirteen (13) work weeks and employees will be reinstated to the position which they held at the start of the leave. If an employee is returning from a leave which has extended beyond thirteen (13) work weeks, the employee will be offered the opportunity to fill available vacancies for which the employee is qualified. If there are none, the employee will be eligible to bid on vacancies which arise for a period of twelve (12) months from the date the employee is available to return to work. Sick time and vacation time accruals and benefits continuation shall be as set forth in Section 16.2 above. Intermittent and reduced schedule leave as defined in Section 16.2 above shall be available to an employee to care for a member of the employee’s immediate family with a serious health condition. If possible, the employee’s schedule should meet the needs of the employee and the Employer. Intermittent and reduced schedule leave for other parental/family reasons shall be subject to the Employer’s approval in its sole discretion. Medical certification may be required for leaves due to a serious health condition of a member of the employee’s immediate family. The maximum leave time an employee may take during any twelve (12) month period for medical and parental/family reasons is the maximum leave time shown in the schedule in Section 16.2.
Parental/Family Leave. Upon request, a parental family leave of absence without pay shall be granted to birth or adoptive parents care for any member of the faculty member’s immediate family as defined in Article 5, Section A, Subd. 21 the Family and Medical Leave Act and including a faculty member’s domestic partner. The leave shall commence on the date requested by the faculty member, and shall continue for a period of up to one academic year or nine-month appointment. Parental Family leave may be extended for an additional academic year/nine-month appointment upon application to and approval by the Administration. Faculty members on parental family leave shall continue to accrue seniority. While on unpaid leave, that qualifies under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, the Employer contribution for health and dental insurance will continue to be paid to the extent provided for under the Act. Beginning July 1, 2013, a A full-time faculty member will receive a one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) lump sum payment if leave used under this section begins prior to and does not end during the course of an academic semester. To qualify for this benefit, the faculty member must be on unpaid leave for at least one full semester.
Parental/Family Leave. It is the good faith intent of the Board and the Association to comply with the provisions of P.L. 103-3, the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
Parental/Family Leave. After ten (10) months of employment, an employee shall be entitled up to twenty (20) weeks of paid parental or family leave for the birth, adoption, or xxxxxx home placement of a child as set out below. An employee may request an additional twelve (12) weeks of unpaid parental or family leave. For employees with less than one year of service, parental leave is accrued in the amount of two weeks for each month, for a maximum of 20 weeks. An employee’s duration of employment for purposes of eligibility for this leave will be the time from the start date of their employment until the date of the event giving rise to the need for the leave. Paid parental or family leave need not be continuous and can be accessed multiple times a year if the need arises, subject to the Organization’s business needs and approval by the employee’s supervisor, but must be used within one (1) year (for employees with at least twelve (12) months employment) or six (6) months (for employees with at least six (6) months employment) of the event giving rise to the leave. Examples of such flexible use include: ● Taking leave in multiple blocks (e.g. taking two weeks immediately after the birth of a child and taking the remainder when the other parent returns to work). ● Allocating a portion of one's leave to create a four (4) week "ramp up” period with a reduced work schedule when returning to work. An employee may use accumulated sick leave upon the expiration of the paid parental or family leave. To the extent an employee may be eligible for additional parental leave benefits under any applicable government-administered paid family leave program and/or the Organization’s short- term disability benefit program, the employee shall be eligible to utilize additional Organization paid benefits such that the employee can take up to twenty (20) weeks of fully-paid continuous leave between the parental/family leave provided in this Section and the government- administered benefits and/or short-term disability benefits. An employee may not take more than twenty (20) weeks of continuous paid leave pursuant to the Organization’s paid benefits, including paid parental or family leave. An employee will be returned to the same position at the end of the parental or family leave. If the duties and responsibilities of the position have changed during the leave, or the position is eliminated, the Organization shall seek to return the employee to a substantially equivalent position at the end of the ...
Parental/Family Leave. Leave may be taken pursuant to State and Federal Law and shall run concurrently.