SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. A. Teachers shall be granted eight (8) sick days per year. Sick days will be credited to each teacher's sick day account at the beginning of the school year. Sick days may be used for an individual illness as well as that of a family member. A family member includes a child, parent, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling as defined by the PMLA (Michigan Paid Medical Leave Act) and shall not provide greater benefits than that allowed by the statute. If at the end of a school year more days have been used than accumulated, it will be deducted from the teacher's last check. In addition, at the beginning of the school year, the business office will provide each teacher with a statement indicating the number of sick days accumulated as of the end of the previous school year, plus the eight (8) new credited days, and the total days available. The administration reserves the right to ask for a doctor’s note in the event of questionable use of leave time.
1. Sick leave days may accumulate to one hundred thirty-five (135) days. Accumulated sick leave days shall carry over to the next school year. Newly credited sick leave days will be added to the accumulated sick leave days, giving a total number of available sick leave days, not to exceed one hundred forty-three (143) sick leave days.
2. After ten (10) continuous years of service, teachers retiring or voluntarily leaving the School District shall be paid at fifty percent (50%) of current daily sub rate for their accumulated sick days.
B. Up to four (4) personal business days may be granted to a teacher for the purpose of transacting business of an urgent nature which cannot be transacted at times other than the normal working hours. These days are not intended to be used to extend vacations, holidays, or summer breaks. Written application shall be made at least three (3) days prior to the expected date of absence, ex- cept in the case of an emergency situation. Unused personal business days roll over to sick leave accumulation. No more than two (2) personal days may be used consecutively. Disclosure of the reason for use of personal business days is to be at the discretion of the teacher. The Board reserves the right to deny personal business days when too many staff members request the same day and permission for all requests would make it impossible to hire substitutes. This is to include compensatory time earned.
C. Special Circumstances: Should extenuating circumstances occur, compensatory time or a pers...
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. A. Definition of Terms. “Immediate Family” shall include father, mother, husband, wife, child, sister, brother or other member in the immediate family who has stood in the same relationship with the employee as any of these.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. Section 1: Sick Leave: All 12, 11 and 10-month employees covered under this Agreement shall be granted one (1) day of paid sick leave per month worked. Part-time employees shall receive pro-rated sick leave [e.g., an employee who works Monday through Friday four (4) hours a day will receive the allotted leave at four (4) hours each leave day; an employee who works five
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 8-01. All employees covered by this Agreement shall be granted an annual leave of fifteen (15) days without loss of pay for absence caused by illness, injury, or exposure to contagious disease. Such sick leave, except as provided otherwise by this Agreement, not used in the year or service for which it is granted shall have unlimited accumulation. Sick leave may be used at any time during the Administrator’s work year.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. Sick leave will be provided in accordance with PPSO policy. Leaves of absence will be provided in accordance with PPSO policy.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. A. Sick Leave All 12-month employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days from July 1 to June 30 each year. Less than 12-month employees shall be prorated. Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit.
B. Temporary Leaves of Absence
1. All members shall be entitled to the following temporary leaves of absence with full pay each school year; these leaves to be non-cumulative and are to be granted in a consis- tent and impartial manner to all:
a. Three (3) personal days will be granted without reason or approval plus an unlimited number of personal days may be granted at the Superintendent’s discretion and ap- proval for a given reason.
b. A reasonable number of professional days for the purpose of visiting other schools or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature when requested by and approved by the Superintendent.
2. A written notification to be signed by the member is to be made at least two (2) school days in advance, or when the request of an emergency nature, as soon as possible after the need for the leave is known by the member.
3. Temporary leaves of absence on the day preceding or the day following a school holiday or vacation will not be granted unless of an emergency nature made known to the Su- perintendent. Temporary leave may be granted on a Monday or a Friday for specific reasons.
C. Maternity Leave Maternity Leave will be granted as required by law.
D. Leave of Absence for Adoption Any member planning to adopt an infant shall inform the Board of such intent at the earliest possible time. Such leave shall be granted in accordance with the law.
E. Other Leaves of Absence Other Leaves of Absence without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Board of Education.
F. Jury duty leave shall be granted to any member who is required to serve. The member shall be paid the difference between the jury duty stipend and the member’s daily (1/240) rate.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. A. Sick Leave and Leaves of Absence With Compensation
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 1. The Company agrees to offer the following paid leaves if specific criteria are met.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 36.01 An employee with seniority will be entitled to sick leave benefits for illness, not payable during any statutory leave of absence, earned for each month the employee in not otherwise absent from employment. Employees will attempt to schedule routine medical appointments outside of regular working hours. In addition to being used for personal illness, earned sick leave entitlement may, at the option of the employee, be used for paid absences due to family illness. Entitlement: one and one-quarter (1.25) days per month, effective January of each year to a maximum of fifteen (15) days per year. Three paid sick days will be given after the completion of fifty (50) working days of employment and the balance accumulated will be given on completion of the probationary period.
36.02 1) Sick days will accrue to a maximum of fifty (50) days.