Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities Sample Clauses
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. RELATIONSHIP WITH COMPLEMENTARY BENEFICIARIES — RELATIONSHIP WITH PARTICIPANTS OF A JOINT ACTION 50 19.1 Relationship with complementary beneficiaries — Collaboration agreement 50
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. 4.1 The roles of the Partners in undertaking the Programme are set out in detail in the Programme Delivery Plan.
4.2 Responsibilities of the Partners
4.2.1 to work together in a spirit of mutual support and co-operation to undertake their agreed roles in the delivery of the Programme in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Benefits Plan and the Programme Delivery Plan;
4.2.2 to promptly disclose to the Lead Partner and the other Partners any information that comes into their possession that may relate in any way to the Programme or this Agreement, unless that information is already known to the Lead Partner or the other Partners;
4.2.3 to provide such staff time and resources as set out in the Programme Delivery Plan to support the delivery of the Services;
4.2.4 to agree all publicity and messaging regarding the Programme with the Programme Team and in accordance with the provisions of Clause 23;
4.2.5 to act reasonably and not to act in a way that is likely to bring the Programme, the Lead Partner, the other Partners or any of them into disrepute;
4.2.6 to fully and actively engage in the Programme’s governance and provide officer time for attendance at meetings and, in the event of the departure of any officer, to notify the Lead Partner and other Partners in good time and appoint a suitably qualified representative to fill such vacancy;
4.2.7 to engage, inform and seek formal support within Partner Organisations f as relevant, to support the Programme and ensure that any necessary delegated authorities are in place;
4.2.8 to agree through the Programme Steering Group any change to the Programme and subsequently to obtain prior written approval, where this is required by the Lead Providers representative on the Programme Steering Group from the Lead Partner prior to implementation;
4.2.9 to be responsible for the implementation and co-ordination of the Programme Streams allocated to them as set out in the Benefits Plan and to pursue them with diligence and expedition, so that the Programme is delivered in accordance with the agreed timescales set out in the Benefits Plan;
4.2.10 to use appropriately qualified staff to undertake the Programme and to ensure sufficient staffing and administrative resources for the implementation of the Programme;
4.2.11 to secure all necessary, permissions, licences, consents or approvals required for the delivery of the Programme recognising that in some instances public consultation might be required of ...
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. The Saving Devon’s Treescapes Project is led by Devon Wildlife Trust on behalf of the Xxxxx Xxx Dieback Resilience Forum. The Lead Organisation is Devon Wildlife Trust and has overall control of the Project and is responsible for: - the administration and financial management of the Project; - maintaining detailed Project income and expenditure accounts and related documentation such as invoices; - providing the personnel, accommodation, equipment and services needed for the SDT Project. These include line management of staff; training and equipment required by staff to carry out their duties including employer health and safety obligations; paying staff salaries, on costs, expenses, sick pay, pension, maternity, redundancy or other payments the staff may be entitled to; - Have a proposed continuation strategy enabling cost-effective, sustainable outcomes The Lead Organisation should also demonstrate their responsibilities for: - Policies and Procedures: -Health and Safety -Equal Opportunities -Safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults - Risks and Dependencies -Identify the person and organisation who is responsible for managing the risk. -Produce a risk register and risk management plan identifying key risks which could affect delivery under this agreement, which is maintained and updated quarterly In Devon Wildlife Trust’s role as the accountable body the Trust has responsibility for: - the financial management of the Project - maintaining detailed Project income and expenditure accounts and all related documentation. Other Partners include: Beaford Arts Steering Group member, specialist advice, development and administrtaion of the Ash Archive, and in-kind support Blackdown Hills AONB East Devon AONB South Devon AONB Steering Group members specialist advice and financial support (cash and/or in kind) Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Estates Steering Group member, advice and support in land management operations and making connections with landowning communities in Devon. Devon Biodiversity Records Centre Steering Group member, specialist advice, technical and financial support (in-kind) Devon County Council Steering Group member, specialist advice, technical and financial support (cash and in kind) East Devon District Council Steering Group member, specialist advice, technical and financial support (cash and in kind) Exeter City Council Steering Group member, specialist advice, technical and financial support (cash and in kind) Forestry Commission Stee...
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. Partner is responsible for the payment pursuant to the rental contract of a Damage Deposit commensurate with PARD’s Deposit as published in the City’s fee schedule pursuant to the rental contract.
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. The partners in the SHARE project commit their support and relevant resources to forwarding the agenda of the project and achievement of the shared vision, its goals and objectives. All partners agree to actively participate within the parameters of the Roles and Responsibilities as outlined in the SHARE Project Partner Statement of Support and Commitment attached to this Agreement. Additional partners identified in the ongoing development process and throughout the Project period will be required to execute an agreement that will be added to the Final Memorandum of Agreement.
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. Human Rights Coalition of Alachua County will assume and maintain its non-profit status and IRS responsibilities through June 30th, 2024 at which point HRC will begin its process to dissolve as an independent 501(c)(3). Existing HRC funding will be transferred to the RWHP for the new program over two payments: July 1, 2024 and the remainder on October 1, 2024. Any grant’s deliverables of HRC that are not complete, become the responsibility of the RHWP on July 1, 2024. Prior to this date, the HRC must notify their funders of this change and send copies of notification of approval to the RWHP. Grants written in tandem will also fall under the RWHP. Two existing HRC board members will join a new RWHP Board of Directors. RWHP agrees to integrate HRC into the ongoing work of the organization as a department within the RWHP. ID programming and legal navigation will function in the existing manner of the current HRC program. The RWHP will hire both the current HRC Director and the part-time ID Drive Coordinator. HRC Director and Drive Director will enter the RHWP at a salary rate agreed to by the RWHP and its new employees. RWHP will update the Sunbiz filings with new Board members and any other pertinent information.
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. The communication and dissemination plan can best be thought of and conceptualized using the Work Packages (WP) table in Figure 3 and which is used herein to further explain the key roles and responsibilities with respect to dissemination and communication activities. WP1 and WP2 include a series of activities in the themes of biodesign and environmental sustainability respectively. Their objectives include engaging a wider audience interested in citizen and DIY science and establishing a network of hubs in both themes. While each partner acts as a technological and social innovation hub, WP3, which overlaps with WP1 and WP2 provides extensive CDE mechanisms in both work packages and the rest of the project. These include providing the mechanisms for public engagement and capacity building to subsequently feed into strengthening ECSA as the pan-European knowledge and resource centre for RRI-driven and citizen science. Similarly, WP4, which also overlaps with WP1 and WP2, is responsible for policy engagement and RRI that run across both themes (i.e. biodesign and environmental sustainability). CDE mechanisms in this work package focus on extending DITOs networks to include policy stakeholders via a series of events (i.e. ‘discovery trips’) and disseminating their outcomes. WP4 is led by ECSA and thus further builds ECSA’s capacity in the policy context to ensure DITOs legacy after completion. WP5 includes dissemination activities such as videos and publications to communicate evaluation material and outcomes, and the lessons that were learned from the project activities. Finally, WP6, with its oversight of all work packages, ensures the smooth operation, coordination, support and management of DITOs. One of the particular objectives of WP6 is overseeing and managing CDE efforts to achieve the desired impacts; WP6 further places our communication strategy into a much broader context and sets the exploitation strategy as described by this deliverable. The Xxxx Society (WS), as leader of WP3 (Public Engagement and Capacity Building), will build technology and provide guidance to enable all communication and dissemination activities across the project and especially with respect to WP1 and WP2. ECSA, which leads WP4 (Policy Engagement and Capacity building), will support WS in communication and dissemination activities of WP4. Universite Paris Descartes (UPD) and Medialab Xxxxx (MP), the WP1 and WP2 leaders respectively, will oversee and coordinate the project ...
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities. 5.1 The City Corporation is accountable for the project, and as such is responsible for all aspects of project delivery.
Partners’ Roles and Responsibilities a) The City will contribute the following to the Project: • Contribution of at least $32,000 cash over two years as described in Attachment B “Project Budget”, and subject to appropriation by the City Council of the City of Golden. • In‐kind match valued at $169,000 from City staff and partner organizations, as described in Attachment B “Project Budget”, and subject to appropriation by the City Council of the City of Golden, which in‐kind match may include the following:
c) The Foundation will contribute the following to the Project: • Provide up to a maximum of $100,000 to support Project activities, over the course of two years, as described in Attachment B “Project Budget”. • Provide technical assistance by Rocky Mountain West Projects and Communications staff on an “in‐kind” basis. Foundation staff is not involved in project implementation on a day‐to‐day basis but rather serves in an “active advisory” role. In that role, Foundation staff will assist with project design and help identify and provide citizen engagement tools. Additionally, as a Project Partner, the Foundation will be involved with the approval of outside consultants and the scope of their work. • Participation in budget oversight. • Provide as needed professional training to project staff and volunteers around issues most relevant to the project, during the visioning and implementation phases. • Assistance to local leaders in evaluating the project and communicating results to local, regional and national audiences. • Development of a “learning network” to facilitate the exchange of information amongst the Foundation’s Heart & Soul communities. The Partners understand that the Foundation is an operating foundation and as such, the Foundation supervises work undertaken by non‐Foundation staff members to ensure continued alignment with and accomplishment of its mission, and the Partners understand the role of Foundation staff in overseeing the Foundation’s direct or indirect work in the Project.