Performance Improvement Plans Sample Clauses

Performance Improvement Plans. Employees may be subject to Performance Improvement Plans designed to address specific performance, conduct or attendance issues and such Plans will specifically identify formal discipline may result from non- compliance.
Performance Improvement Plans. ‌ If matters arise which may later form the basis for an unsatisfactory rating on a performance evaluation, such matters will be made the subject of a written performance improvement plan (Attached as Appendix B). It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor/administrator to identify when an employee requires the assistance of a performance improvement plan for the purpose of improving performance deficiencies. The plan shall be prepared and given to the employee within ten business days after the supervisor/administrator becomes aware of the matters giving rise to the need for a plan. The components and procedure for preparing a performance improvement plan will be as follows: 1. A performance improvement plan will be prepared by the employee’s supervisor/administrator, with input from the employee, on a form prescribed by the District. 2. The performance improvement plan will identify particular areas of concern and specific recommendations for improvement, strategies for improvement, a description of the assistance that will be offered, and a defined, reasonable length of time to correct performance deficiencies. The supervisor/administrator will meet with the employee no later than the end of this time period and document the employee’s success/failure to meet the performance goal(s) of the plan. The employee will be responsible for completing the performance improvement plan. 3. A copy of the performance improvement plan will be given to the employee, reviewed with the employee in a private meeting, and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Performance Improvement Plans. The Xxxx/Director/other administrator shall assist the Faculty member in correcting any performance deficiencies reflected in the Faculty member’s evaluation, and/or by prescribing a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) if deficiencies are noted for overall performance. A Faculty member on Continuing Contract whose annual review indicates any area of concern related to Faculty responsibilities or evaluation criteria shall work with their Xxxx/Director/ Administrator to develop a PIP to address that concern in the following year. The PIP shall be developed and written by the Xxxx/Director/other administrator and approved by the appropriate Vice President. It shall include specific performance objectives and timelines designed to assist the Faculty in meeting the stated expectations. If the next annual review indicates the objectives have not been addressed, a post-award evaluation will be required. This evaluation will be in addition to the regularly scheduled three (3) year post-award evaluation. Additionally, the supervisor may require a post-award evaluation if intermittent concerns occur between three (3) year post award evaluations.
Performance Improvement Plans. The Xxxx or Director shall assist the Faculty member in correcting any performance deficiencies reflected in the Faculty member’s evaluation, and/or by prescribing a Professional Improvement Plan (PIP) if deficiencies are noted for overall performance. A Faculty member on continuing contract whose annual review indicates any area of concern related to Faculty responsibilities or evaluation criteria shall develop a PIP to address that concern in the following year. The PIP shall be developed and written by the Xxxx and approved by the Xxxxxxx. It shall include specific performance objectives and timelines designed to assist the Faculty in meeting the stated expectations. If the next annual review indicates the objectives have not been addressed, a post-award evaluation will be required. This evaluation will be in addition to the regularly scheduled five (5) year post-award evaluation. Additionally, the supervisor may require a post- award evaluation if intermittent concerns occur between five (5) year post-award evaluations.
Performance Improvement Plans. The parties recognize that occasionally the performance of a relatively small number of employees may fall below satisfactory levels. When such employees are identified, the parties agree that the primary objective should be to help raise the employee’s performance to a satisfactory level. In this respect, the parties also recognize the importance of communicating promptly and clearly with employees the nature of such performance deficiencies and the corrective action required for improvement, including reasonable timetables to achieve the desired improvement and the consequences if such improvement does not occur. Therefore, immediately upon the determination that an employee’s job performance is below established standards, based upon the completion of Performance Planning Review (Form B), a written Performance Improvement Plan (“PIP”) shall be developed, by February 1st or by the end of the school year, to help raise the employee’s job performance to a satisfactory level. Performance Improvement Plan (Form C) shall be used for this purpose. While on a PIP, an employee shall be given every reasonable opportunity to improve his or her job performance, which shall include at least three (3) progress reviews, not less than thirty (30) days apart, to review and discuss his or her performance improvement progress. If an employee’s job performance improves sufficiently, the employee shall be retained in his or her current position and re-evaluated accordingly. However, if the employee’s job performance does not improve sufficiently, a written recommendation for final resolution shall be submitted to the Executive Director of Human Resources/Labor Relations. Such recommendation shall include one of the following alternatives, in priority order: A. Based upon seniority, demotion to a currently open or occupied position, unless a decision has been made not to fill the position because of financial reasons. This position would be at the highest level previously held and satisfactorily performed by the employee. B. If the employee cannot be demoted to such lower level position, as herein provided, a recommendation shall be made not to renew the employee’s employment contract.
Performance Improvement Plans. If an administrator/evaluator finds a teacher to be deficient, the teacher shall participate in a performance improvement plan. Deficiencies shall be set forth in writing and expected improvements shall be identified. The teacher will provide evidence of consistent and specific progress in addressing any deficiencies cited within a specific timeframe. The teacher may request a mentor, peer coach, or other professional supports. The evaluator/administrator shall have discretion in approving any such supports. Professional development and other supports approved by an evaluator/administrator shall be provided at no cost to the teacher.
Performance Improvement Plans. Institutional GME Policy and Procedure #304 Location: (a) any program training office
Performance Improvement Plans. (a) If the Hospital is required to implement a PIP, the Hospital must, as instructed by CMS or the HSCRC, either: (i) Submit to CMS or the HSCRC, as applicable, a proposed PIP for review by a deadline specified by CMS or the HSCRC as applicable; or (ii) Cooperate with CMS or the HSCRC, as applicable, in developing a PIP. (b) The PIP must outline the actions the Hospital will take within a specified time period to ensure that the IP Failure will be corrected and that the Hospital will come into and remain in compliance with this Agreement and all relevant Approved Track Implementation Protocols. (c) If applicable, the HSCRC will promptly review the proposed PIP. If the HSCRC determines the proposed PIP will adequately address the IP Failure, the HSCRC will submit the PIP to CMS for review. (d) CMS will promptly review the proposed PIP and will provide revisions to the proposed PIP, if any, to the HSCRC within 30 days of receipt. The HSCRC will incorporate CMS’ revisions, if any, into the proposed PIP and will provide the Hospital with the final PIP it must implement. (e) If the HSCRC or CMS determines the proposed PIP will not address the IP Failure, the HSCRC or CMS may terminate the Hospital’s Approved Track Implementation Protocols for the relevant CRP Track(s) and, upon written notice to the Hospital, the HSCRC or CMS may terminate any of the Hospital’s other Approved Track Implementation Protocols, or this Agreement, in accordance with section 16.3. If, as a result of terminating one or more Approved Track Implementation Protocols, the Hospital is no longer participating in a CRP Track, this Agreement will terminate in accordance with section 16.1(b). (f) If the Hospital does not comply with the PIP within the specified timeframe, CMS or the HSCRC may take one or more of the actions set forth in section 15.4. (g) The Hospital must ensure that all Care Partners and Downstream Care Partners comply with the terms of the PIP, if applicable. (h) The Hospital shall not distribute any Incentive Payments or distribute any new Intervention Resources after the receipt of an IP Failure Notice until: (i) The Hospital has implemented the PIP or the amended Approved Track Implementation Protocol, as required by the State; and (ii) The State has provided the Hospital with written notice that the IP Failure is resolved and that the Hospital may distribute Incentive Payments or new Intervention Resources to its Care Partners.
Performance Improvement Plans. For bargaining unit members who have more than five (5) years of service at Xxxxxx and who have received a Does Not Meet Standards evaluation during the first year of the two year contract, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the evaluation is issued, the Principal and the Department Chair shall provide a written plan, outlining the specific areas of deficiency and the actionable steps to remedy them. In the event that a Department Chair is placed on a performance improvement plan, the Principal will issue the written plan following the above parameters. Such plan shall not extend beyond the end date of the current appointment.
Performance Improvement Plans. 1. When performance is identified as needing improvement, a specific improvement plan will be developed to strengthen performance. Such plan may include additional evaluations of the performance identified as needing improvement. 2. Benchmarks for needs improvement: a. Major deficiency in one (1) of the four (4) areas of the Position Description of Faculty as set forth in Article IX. b. If a written reprimand does not solve the problem. c. Consistent pattern of failure to complete student evaluation according to guidelines. d. Consistent pattern indicating a deficiency on a majority of the Class Evaluation. 3. When a specific improvement plan is developed, progress toward achievement of the specific improvement plan must be documented prior to the next term-track renewal process. Documentation shall be the joint responsibility of the designated administrator and faculty member. A faculty member not showing progress toward achievement of the plan set forth above may be non-renewed. 4. Nothing in this section shall prevent the College from non-renewing the faculty member at anytime for causes, nor shall anything in this section waive the faculty member’s right to due process.