Posting and Promotions. A. As a matter of policy, Rutgers will fill permanent job openings by promoting employees from lower rated job classifications in the seniority unit when there are bids from employees who have the posted qualifications and ability to perform the job.
Posting and Promotions. All new and vacant positions covered by the collective bargaining Agreement will be posted on the Union bulletin board for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days. An employee applying for such vacancy shall make the request in writing, signed by the applicant, and on a form provided by the Township, if available, to the Township Clerk or his or her designee, within the posting period. Such requests shall be subject to each of the following conditions:
1. Preference to fill job vacancies will be given to qualified bargaining unit employees before hiring a new employee.
2. The most qualified senior employee who bids for a vacant position will receive a trial period. The trial period will be for a period of not less than ten (10) working days. For purposes of this Article a working day will consist of a minimum of seven (7) hours of work.
3. The maximum trial period for a successful bidder will be ninety (90) working days.
4. At the conclusion of the maximum trial period, the employee will either be returned to his or her former position or will receive appointment to the higher position.
5. However, the Township reserves the right to terminate the trial period between the tenth (10th) and ninetieth (90) working day and return the employee to his or her former position in the event the Township in its sole discretion believes that the employee is not qualified to do the job, provided such discretion is not exercised arbitrarily.
6. The Union and the employee will be kept advised of the progress made in learning the new assignment. The Employer will give the employee assistance to successfully meet the requirements of the job. If the employee fails to successfully meet these requirements within the probationary period, the employee shall be returned to his or her former position and shall assume seniority and pay as though the employee had not left his or her old position.
7. In the event that the vacant position requires any certification issued by the State of New Jersey, the Township may deny the application unless the employee possesses the necessary certification (s) or can secure same within any grace period established by statute.
8. This Article does not require the Township to create any new positions and does not limit, in any way, the right of the Township to eliminate job positions at its sole discretion or refuse to consolidate positions previously held by separate individuals or refuse to allow an employee to hold more than one position covered b...
Posting and Promotions. In order to afford employees an op- portunity to apply for promotion to permanent full-time package car driver and 22.3 job vacancies in higher rated jobs covered by this Agreement, notice of such vacancies shall be posted on the Employer’s bulletin board for a period of five (5) working days before the vacancy is filled on a permanent basis. The Employer will fill open positions in fifteen (15) working days where possible. It is understood that there may be situations or unforeseen circum- stances which may warrant an extension. Should this occur, both parties need to mutually agree to the extension. This shall not be construed to preclude temporary transfers and/or hires to fill such vacancies when deemed necessary by the Employer. A copy of the posted notice shall be sent to the Union. All employees of the Em- ployer will be considered in filling such vacancies, but any employ- ee who fails to apply for the vacancy may not claim to be aggrieved when the vacancy is filled. Package car drivers in the Oahu building shall be able to bid once per year on new jobs or vacancies within the Oahu building. Drivers will carry their seniority with them and dovetail into the new center seniority list.
Posting and Promotions. In order to afford employees an opportunity to apply for promotion to permanent full-time package car driver and 22.3 job vacancies in higher rated jobs covered by this Agreement, notice of such vacancies shall be posted on the Employer’s bulletin board for a period of five (5) working days before the vacancy is filled on a permanent basis. The Employer will fill open positions in thirty (30) working days where possible. It is understood that there may be situations or unforeseen circumstances which may warrant an extension. Should this occur, both parties need to mutually agree to the extension. This shall not be construed to preclude temporary transfers and/or hires to fill such vacancies when deemed necessary by the Employer. A copy of the posted notice shall be sent to the Union. All employees of the Employer will be considered in filling such vacancies, but any employee who fails to apply for the vacancy may not claim to be aggrieved when the vacancy is
Posting and Promotions. In order to afford employees an opportunity to apply for promotion to permanent full-time package car driver and 22.3 job vacancies in higher rated jobs covered by this Agreement, notice of such vacancies shall be posted on the Employer’s bulletin board for a period of five
Posting and Promotions. In order to ensure that employees are given the oppor- tunity of applying for vacancies and new positions in the bar- gaining unit, the Association agrees to post all full-time vacancies covered by this Agreement for a period of five consecutive working days. A vacancy shall be defined as a perm- anent opening in the bargaining unit where the number of employees required by the Association exceeds the number of the Association's employees. The Association may temporarily any vacancies while observing the procedure set forth in this Article The notice of vacancy shall contain the following inform- ation: nature of the position, job description, required know- ledge and education, ability and skill, and wage rates. Nothing in this Article shall prevent the Association from filling the advertised job from within the bargaining unit or from any other source after the job has been properly posted and all applica- tions have been given consideration. The Chief Xxxxxxx shall be notified in writing of such vacancies or new positions when they occur When selecting a job applicant to fill a vacancy within the bargaining unit or for promotion to a bargaining unit posi- tion, the Association agrees to use all available information to determine which applicant is qualified to perform the require- ments of the job. The Association will consider:
(a) professional qualifications, training, experience, education, knowledge, ability to perform the normal requirements of the job; and seniority Where the Association determines that the factors in (a) are relatively equal, seniority shall be the governing factor. Job applicants may include all employees of the Association and persons applying from outside the Association. In the event that the Association establishes a new method of scheduling work assignments, the Association agrees to give preference to employees in accordance with their seniority, skills, experience, qualifications and ability to perform the normal requirements of the job.
Posting and Promotions. Competition posters pertaining to this Agreement will be placed on the bulletin boards in the General Maintenance, General Trades, Parking Services and Security areas for a period of not less than ten (10) calendar days and shall indicate the position title, qualifications (e.g., education, knowledge and skills), whether shift work is required, and the salary range or wage rate.
Posting and Promotions. All new and vacant positions covered by the collective bargaining Agreement will be posted on the Union bulletin board for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days. An employee applying for such vacancy shall make the request in writing, signed by the applicant, and on a form provided by the Township, if available, to the Director of Public Works or his designee, within the posting period. Such requests shall be subject to each of the following conditions:
Posting and Promotions. If an opening occurs within the bargaining unit as a result of a newly created position or a vacancy within the bargaining unit, it shall be posted at least five (5) work days prior to filling the opening from outside the bargaining unit. The employees, if any, who apply during the five (5) day posting period, who meet the qualifications of the opening, shall constitute a promotion list. The most senior employee on the list who meets the qualifications of the position shall be given an opportunity to take the job and shall have a probationary period of ninety (90) days. The employee appointed to the job shall continue to progress through the classification schedule shown in Appendix D. If the employee is not able to perform the job satisfactorily, the next most senior employee on the promotion list who meets the qualifications of the position shall be given the opportunity to take the job, until the list is exhausted. If the list is exhausted, the Employer may then fill the opening from outside the bargaining unit.
Posting and Promotions. In order to afford employees an opportunity to apply for promotion to permanent full-time job vacancies in higher rated jobs covered by this Agreement, notice of such vacancies shall be posted on the Employer’s bulletin board for a period of five (5) working days before the vacancy is filled on a permanent basis. This shall not be construed to preclude temporary transfers and/or hires to fill such vacancies when deemed necessary by the Employer. A copy of the posted notice shall be sent to the Union. All employees of the Employer will be considered in filling such vacancies, but any employee who fails to apply for the vacan- cy may not claim to be aggrieved when the vacancy is filled. Package car drivers in the Oahu building shall be able to bid once per year on new jobs or vacancies within the Oahu building. Drivers will carry their seniority with them and dovetail into the new center seniority list.