Pregnancy/Maternity Leave Sample Clauses
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. 1. Accumulated sick leave may be used by any female employee for reasons of pregnancy. Upon application, sick leave shall be granted for six weeks following birth. An employee may request an extension of maternity leave based upon the written recommendation of a physician. The Superintendent may request a second opinion from a physician selected by the Superintendent to be paid by the Board.
2. Sick leave as authorized under this section shall not exceed that number of accumulated and unused leave days to the credit of the employee, plus days earned during the period of such leave.
3. Any female employee whose accumulated sick leave days are insufficient to cover the period of leave as set forth in subsection 1. above, shall be granted an interim maternity leave without pay for six (6) weeks following birth. An employee may request an extension of maternity leave based upon the written recommendation of a physician. The Superintendent may request a second opinion from a physician selected by the Superintendent to be paid by the Board.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. 1. When a teacher takes the pregnancy/maternity leave they are entitled to, pursuant to the
a. Seventy-Five (75) per cent of their current salary for the first two (2) weeks of leave.
b. If they are eligible to receive E.I. maternity benefits, the difference between seventy-five (75) per cent of their current salary during the regular school year and the amount of the above benefits for a further fifteen (15) weeks.
2. Maternity Leave shall not count as sick leave.
3. A teacher shall confirm in writing to the Board their intention to return to work following the birth of the child and shall do so at least thirty (30) days prior to the expected date of return. Should the teacher wish to change the date of return, the request shall be made to the Board at the earliest opportunity.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. An employee shall notify the Employer in writing of the expected due date of the termination of her pregnancy. Such notice will be given at least four weeks prior to the expected due date.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. Maternity leave of absence shall be granted to any employee who is required 20 to be absent from duty because of pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, and recover
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. 1. Any pregnant employee who by reason of such pregnancy is unable to perform her duties, shall be granted sick leave for a period beginning two (2) weeks prior to the date of delivery and ending six (6) weeks following the termination of pregnancy. Upon certification of the attending physician in writing to the Superintendent that such employee is unable to perform her assigned duties, the period of sick leave shall be extended as determined by the attending physician.
2. Any pregnant employee whose accumulated sick leave days are insufficient to cover the period of disability as set forth in Subsection 1 above shall be granted an interim maternity leave without pay for a period beginning two (2) weeks prior to the date of delivery as determined by the attending physician and ending six (6) weeks following the termination of pregnancy. Upon certification of the attending physician in writing to the Superintendent that such employee is unable to perform her assigned duties, the period of interim maternity leave without pay shall be extended during the period of disability as determined by the attending physician.
3. Leaves of absence without pay beyond the period of disability as set forth in subsections 1 and 2 above shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of Section C, Article IX.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. A teacher who is pregnant may continue in active employment as late into pregnancy as the teacher wishes if she can fulfill the requirements of the teacher's position. All or part of a leave taken by a teacher because of a temporary disability caused by pregnancy, delivery or post-delivery medical conditions, may be charged at the teacher's discretion to the teacher's available sick days. However, the teacher is not entitled to take accumulated sick days when the teacher's physician certifies that the teacher is capable of performing the teacher's regular teaching duties and any applicable FMLA Leave has been exhausted. The Corporation shall continue its contributions to insurance during any paid portion of a maternity leave.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. Pregnancy shall be regarded and handled by the District in the same manner as any other temporary physical disability.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. The employee shall be granted leave for a period not longer than 17 consecutive weeks. The period of pregnancy/maternity leave shall commence no earlier than 11 weeks before the expected date of delivery and no later than the actual birth date. The pregnancy/maternity leave will end no earlier than six weeks following the actual date of birth and no later than 17 weeks after the actual birth date unless the employee requests a shorter period. A request for a shorter period as per Clause 20.1(b) must be given in writing to the Employer at least one month before the date that the employee indicates they intend to return to work, and the employee must provide the Employer with a dated certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating that the employee is able to resume work. The Employer may, upon request of the employee, grant an unpaid medical leave of absence prior to the commencement of pregnancy/maternity leave (for pregnancy/maternity leave dates already submitted by the employee to the Employer) for any period approved in writing by a qualified medical practitioner. An employee may be required to commence either an unpaid medical leave or pregnancy/maternity leave where the duties of the employee cannot reasonably be performed because of the pregnancy and the unpaid medical leave of absence will continue until the employee provides a dated medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating that they are able to perform duties for the Employer. Pregnancy/maternity leave may be extended for up to six consecutive weeks for health reasons relating to the birth or the termination of the pregnancy where a qualified medical practitioner's certificate is presented.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. (a) A Pregnancy Leave shall be granted as per the Employment Standards Act as amended from time to time. Such leave shall be without loss of seniority or benefits as defined by the Act.
(b) If a teacher takes only the statutory leave either pregnancy or pregnancy plus parental, the teacher shall be guaranteed the same school and position upon return as per the Employment Standards Act as amended from time to time.
(c) It is understood, however, that should the leave end in a different school year or term than the school year or term in which it commenced, the teacher will be returned to the position which he/she would have had, had there been no leave. It is also understood that this provision is subject to the redundancy provisions of this Collective Agreement such that a teacher off on pregnancy/parental leave is not entitled to a greater right than the rest of the bargaining unit.
(d) Any extension to the statutory entitlement provisions under the Employee Standards Act will be dealt with under Article X.
Pregnancy/Maternity Leave. 1. Any pregnant bargaining unit member who by reason of such pregnancy is unable to perform her teaching duties, shall be granted sick leave for a period beginning two (2) weeks prior to the date of delivery and ending six (6) weeks following the termination of pregnancy. Upon certification of the attending physician in writing to the Superintendent that such bargaining unit member is unable to perform her assigned duties, the period of sick leave shall be extended as determined by the attending physician.
2. Any pregnant bargaining unit member whose accumulated sick leave days are insufficient to cover the period of disability as set forth in Subsection 1 above shall be granted an interim maternity leave without pay for a period beginning two (2) weeks prior to the date of delivery as determined by the attending physician and ending six (6) weeks following the termination of pregnancy. Upon certification of the attending physician in writing to the Superintendent that such bargaining unit member is unable to perform her assigned duties, the period of interim maternity leave without pay shall be extended during the period of disability as determined by the attending physician.
3. Leaves of absence without pay beyond the period of disability as set forth in subsections 1 and 2 above shall be granted in accordance with the provision of Section C, Article IX.