PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. 1.01 The Union recognizes that it is the function of the Board to exercise the regular and customary functions of Management and to direct the working force of the Library System subject however to the terms of Agreement.
1.02 The purpose of the Agreement is to stipulate the rates of pay and the working conditions of those Employees of the Board whose bargaining rights are held by the Union as provided within the scope of the Certification.
1.03 No Employee shall be required to make a written or verbal agreement with the Board or its representative which may conflict with the terms of this Collective Agreement.
1.04 Unless it is explicitly stated otherwise elsewhere in this Agreement, formal communication between the Board and the Union shall be between the CEO, or designate and the President of Local 1169.
(a) The use of volunteers shall not lead to the replacement, transfer, reassignment, or layoff of bargaining unit Employees, to a reduction in their hours of work, or to the elimination of positions in the bargaining unit.
(b) Written statements describing all volunteer contributions shall be provided to the Union; all volunteers will receive statements appropriate to the program(s) in which they participate, to ensure that they are aware of the parameters of their contributions.
(c) Discussion will take place with Union representatives prior to the implementation of any new volunteer-based program.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. 1.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to record the understanding of the parties and promote a harmonious relationship between the Corporation and its employees.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. 1.01 The Union recognizes that Management has the right to direct the work force subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
1.02 The purpose of this Collective Bargaining Agreement is to contain provisions governing the rates of pay and working conditions of Employees within the scope of the Union and to provide a method of settling differences or grievances.
1.03 All correspondence between parties arising out of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, shall be directed to the CEO or designate and the President or designate.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. 1401.100 What does this part do?
(a) Gives regulatory effect to the OMB guidance (Subparts A through F of 2 CFR Part 182) for DOI’s grants and cooperative agreements; and
(b) Establishes DOI policies and pro- cedures for compliance with the Act that are the same as those of other Federal agencies, in conformance with the requirement in 41 U.S.C. 705 for government-wide implementing regula- tions.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain a harmonious relationship between the Corporation and its employees, and to provide an orderly and amicable method of settling any differences or grievances which might possibly arise. The Corporation recognizes the Canadian Union of Public Employees and its Local as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all its employees, save and except:
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. A. This article is for the purpose of permitting eligible employees, who are members of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), to authorize voluntary allotments from their compensation.
B. This article covers all eligible employees:
1. Who are members in good standing of NTEU;
2. Who have voluntarily completed and submitted Standard Form 1187, Request for Payroll Deduction for Labor Organization Dues (SF-1187); and
3. Who receive net compensation sufficient to cover all or a part of the allotment.
C. The Employer shall automatically withhold, on a bi-weekly basis, the appropriate amount of dues from any bargaining unit employee who has submitted an SF-1187.
D. NTEU will pay no fee for these services.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. The purpose of this Article is to provide a mutually acceptable method for prompt and equitable settlements of grievances. A grievance may be filed by an employee, a group of employees or the Union.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. A. This article establishes the Merit Assignment Program (MAP) for the National Weather Service (NWS). The MAP is applicable to bargaining unit positions only in the competitive service area unless otherwise stated. All actions covered by this Article are governed by the procedures of the Department of Commerce Merit Assignment Program Plan of March 1989 as revised June 1996.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. 1.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to maintain a harmonious relationship between the Corporation and its employees, and to provide an orderly and amicable method of settling any differences or grievances which might possibly arise.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE. This Article provides for the appraisal by the Employer of the performance of duties and responsibilities by bargaining unit employees, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This Article implements a performance appraisal program for bargaining unit employees in the excepted and competitive service that is designed to:
A. permit the accurate evaluation of performance in a position on the basis of criteria which is related to that position and which specifies the core competencies of that position;
B. provide for systematic appraisal of employees and emphasize feedback communication, and employee development to improve individual and organizational performance within the FCC;
C. evaluate and improve individual and organizational accomplishments and use the results of performance appraisals as a basis for training, rewarding, reassigning, promoting, detailing, counseling, reducing in grade, retaining, and removing employees (Those aspects of the performance appraisal program that have been established by the Employer; e.g., the number and definition of job elements, performance factors, performance standards, and summary rating levels are included in this Article for convenience of reference.)