TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. In all cases of temporary lay-off (i.e. up to five (5) full regular working days) seniority need not be considered. No employee shall be temporarily laid-off out of seniority pursuant to this Article 7.12 (1) more than two (2) times in any calendar year. The Company will maintain data on temporary lay-offs pursuant to this Article
7.12 (1) and the Company and the Union will meet quarterly to discuss such data.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. In the event of a temporary lay off, the provisions of Articles: 15:03: Lay Off Order, 15:04: Bumping Rights, and 15:05: Notice of Lay Off, shall apply.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. (a) A Temporary Lay-off of staff dictated by supply, exceptional weather conditions, emergency or suspension of an operation due to maintenance or breakdown shall be in reverse order of Company Seniority and shall affect only the job classification in the Sub-Department of the Location concerned. Employees will be recalled in order of Company Seniority.
(b) The Company may apply to the Union for its consent to waive Company Seniority and the Union will consider such application.
(c) A Full-Time Employee will not be subject to a Temporary Lay-off if there are shifts available that are usually assigned to Part-Time Employees. Such shifts will be offered to the qualified Full-Time Employee in an attempt to provide him with as many weekly hours as possible.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. In the case of a temporary layoff (i.e., up to thirteen weeks (13) weeks’ duration), employees will receive a minimum of one (1) week’s notice in advance of the date of lay off or pay in lieu thereof, or a combination of both.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. An insured, temporarily laid-off employee will be covered by insurance benefits at no cost until the end of the month in which the layoff occurs. If a temporarily laid-off employee desires to continue the insurance, all coverages, except weekly disability benefits, may be continued for a period not to exceed six (6) months, providing the laid-off employee makes the first premium payment in full for the following month within seven (7) days from the date of the layoff, or the first of the following month, whichever occurs first.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. 17.01 Temporary lay-off refers to any limited period of time during which a sessional employee does not report for work and is not in receipt of regular salary, but excluding any period of approved leave under article 31 (Parental Leaves), article 33 (Unpaid Leave of Absence) or article 37 (Salary Continuance).
17.02 Temporary lay-off shall not be considered to be termination of employment.
17.03 Any vested vacation entitlement not yet taken by an employee who is temporarily laid off shall be taken immediately prior to lay-off. If necessary, the date of lay-off shall be adjusted to accommodate the vacation period.
17.04 An employee who is temporarily laid off may elect to continue all or a portion of their benefits coverage, if any, for the duration of such lay-off by paying both the employee and the University shares of the cost of such coverage.
17.05 Employees who are being temporarily laid off will be informed, in writing, by Human Resources with a copy to the Union, of their rights in order to make arrangements for continuation of benefits coverage, if desired, and of any other special arrangements to continue payments during the period of temporary lay-off.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF i) Employees shall not be able to bump into a higher group.
ii) Employees shall be able to bump any junior person at the same group level, or in the next lowest group if they have the required qualifications, ability, skill and seniority. In the event that the lay-off is one (1) month or less, the Employee must be able to commence work immediately, without additional training.
iii) If an Employee is unable to bump in any of the above situations, he may bump any junior person on a Temporary crew, and he will then assume a position on the Temporary job according to his seniority.
iv) The rate for the job will be no higher than the standard rate for the group that the Employee bumps into.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. A temporary lay-off shall be defined as a lay-off of fifteen (15) consecutive working days or less caused by the short-term absence of the student, where it is anticipated that the student will return. Subject to qualifications, skills and abilities, in the event that a student is absent for a short-term period of fifteen (15) consecutive working days or less, the Board shall make every effort to reassign the Educational Assistant for this period of time.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. 10.20.1 Where temporary lay-offs of regular employees in continuing positions are necessary the employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their seniority providing that the employees who remain working are qualified to perform the work that is available.
10.20.2 An employee in a sessional position may be placed directly into temporary lay- off regardless of the employee's seniority if the job posting of the position indicated the possibility of temporary or seasonal lay-offs. These employees are not eligible to use the procedure for displacing another employee in the event of temporary lay-offs. This provision shall also apply to positions posted before July of 1977 where temporary or seasonal lay-offs have been historical, provided that past practice will be followed in selecting employees to be laid off from a group of employees in such positions.
10.20.3 The required notice for temporary lay-off is the same as is provided for in Clause 10.13.
10.20.4 An employee who has been temporarily laid off may have part or all of their vacation entitlement held until their return to work.
TEMPORARY LAY-OFF. 121.1 It is agreed that an Employer may place employees on temporary layoff not to exceed three (3) continuous weeks.