Union Delegate Training. 7.1 Elected union delegate shall be allowed training on approved courses with the consent of the employer up to a maximum of 76 hours per year at the employers cost. The 76 hours will be the total aggregate of hours paid by the employer for all or any delegates.
Union Delegate Training. The Union Delegates will be eligible for up to two days paid per annum to attend Union training with any additional training to be viewed on its merits.
Union Delegate Training. The Employer will pay no more than five (5) union officers, delegates and contract negotiations committee members up to eight (8) hours each per calendar year (up to forty (40) hours total per calendar year) to attend union-sponsored training in leadership, representation and dispute resolution.
Union Delegate Training. 12.1 Subject to the conditions of this clause being satisfied, each appointed Union delegate that is recognised by Boral as the accredited representative of the Union, shall be granted up to a maximum of 5 days leave in any one year (non-cumulative), to attend union delegate training courses conducted by the Union or a training provider nominated by the Union, that is designed to provide skills and competencies that will assist the delegate to perform their functions including contributing to the prompt resolution of disputes and/ or grievances in the workplace.
12.2 To be entitled to the union delegate leave prescribed by this clause, the appointed union delegate must comply with the following:
(a) The union delegate must provide Boral with a written application to attend the union delegate training course which includes details specifying the nature, content and duration of the course to be attended;
(b) The union delegate must provide Boral at least 4 weeks' written notice of the need to attend the proposed training; and
(c) The request to attend union delegate training must be supported by sufficient documentary evidence, as deemed appropriate by Boral, of their attendance at the training course, which should be given to Boral as soon as reasonably practicable.
12.3 Granting of leave pursuant to this clause shall be subject to Boral being able to make adequate staffing arrangements amongst current employees during the period of such leave and will be subject to the operational requirements of the business.
12.4 Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause, shall count as service for all purposes of this Agreement.
12.5 Each employee on union delegate training leave approved in accordance with this clause, shall be paid ordinary time earnings for each day of approved leave taken, provided the employee would otherwise be rostered to work on that day had they not taken the union delegate training leave. For the purpose of this subclause "ordinary time earnings" for an employee means at least the amount Boral would have been liable to pay the employee at the employee's base rate of pay for the hours the employee would have worked during the period of leave capped at eight (8) hours per day. Casual employees are not entitled to payment for attending union delegate training.
12.6 Boral shall not be liable for any additional expenses associated with an employee's attendance at a course or training under these provisions, other than the payment of ordinary...
Union Delegate Training. (a) Recognised delegates may be granted up to 3 days per annum trade union training leaving without loss of ordinary pay (excluding overtime). Such leave may accrue to a maximum of 5 days. Reasonable requests for additional days may be authorised by the Company subject to meeting operational needs.
(b) The taking of such leave will be for the purposes of attending formal trade union training courses.
(c) The Unions will provide to the employer reasonable notice in writing of the need for such training.
(d) As far as practicable, such leave should be organised so as to minimise the need for the employer to replace the delegate by the working of overtime and to allow the delegate to be released within ordinary time. It is recognised that the employer and delegates may need to demonstrate flexibility in the rostering of shifts to allow this to occur.
(e) Where issues arise as to the application of this clause, discussions will be held, consistent with local consultative arrangements and the dispute settlement procedure under this Agreement, with a view to resolving the issue prior to the commencement of the training.
Union Delegate Training. The Employer will grant one (l) day of release time once a year for Union Delegates to attend the Union's Delegate training, subject to thirty (30) days advance written notice to the employee's Manager, and subject to staffing and scheduling considerations. With thirty (30) days advance written notice and subject to staffing and scheduling considerations, up to four (4) members of the SEIU Executive Board may request release time to attend Union Executive Board meetings, up to a maximum of ten (10) days each calendar year. Union Delegate Training/Executive Board Meeting time will be taken as PTO unless the employee elects in writing to take the time as unpaid.
Union Delegate Training. 9.4.1 A Union Delegates (with more than 12 months continuous service), with approval of the union, and upon application to the Employer in writing, will be granted leave with pay up to a maximum of 3 days each year, noncumulative, to increase skills and expertise in: Representing members in bargaining; Representing the interests of members to the Employer and industrial tribunals; Consulting with union members and other Employees for whom the delegate is a bargaining representative; Participating in the operation of the union;
94.1.5 Addressing new Employees about the benefits of union membership after they commence with the Employer.
9.4.2 The written application to the Employer must include the nature, content and duration of the course to be attended, and the application is made as early as practicable and not less than two (2) weeks before the training.
9.4.3 The granting of leave pursuant to this clause will be subject to the Employer being able to make adequate staffing arrangements amongst current Employees during the period of such leave. The Employer will not use this subclause to avoid an obligation under this clause.
9.4.4 Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause, will count as service for all purposes of this Agreement.
9.4.5 Each Employee on leave approved in accordance with this clause, will be paid all ordinary time earnings. For the purpose of this subclause "ordinary time earnings" for an Employee means the ordinary rate of pay, any over-Agreement payment, superannuation and shift loading, which otherwise would have been payable.
9.4.6 All expenses (such as travel, accommodation and meals) associated with or incurred by the Employee attending a training course as provided in this clause will be the responsibility of the Employee or the Union/s.
Union Delegate Training. 53.9.1 Union delegates must be provided with a maximum 4 days training per delegate.
53.9.2 Training is subject to 14 calendar days’ advanced notice in writing to the Company, and to agreement by the Company. The number of training days does not accumulate from year to year.
53.9.3 Payment for a day of paid time during normal working hours is payment of the amount the Union delegate would have been paid for the hours the Union delegate would have been rostered or required to work on that day if the Union delegate had not been absent from work to attend the training.
53.9.4 If requested by the Company, the workplace delegate must provide the Company with an outline of the training content.
53.9.5 The Union delegate must, within 7 days after the day on which the training ends, provide the Company with evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person of their attendance at the training.
Union Delegate Training. The employer will provide up to 3 days’ paid time each calendar year (not cumulative) for an Employee, who is a Union delegate, to attend activities conducted by the Union or another provider (nominated by Union) with the intention of providing skills and competencies that will assist the Union Delegate perform their responsibilities.
Union Delegate Training. The employer will provide up to 3 days’ paid time each calendar year (not cumulative) for an Employee, who is a Union delegate, to attend activities conducted by the Union or another provider (nominated by Union) with the intention of providing skills and competencies that will assist the Union Delegate perform their responsibilities. Unless otherwise agreed between the Employer and the Union, a minimum of 7 days' notice must be given to the Employer in relation to the above All applications for leave must be made in writing detailing: the name of the Employee seeking leave; period for which leave is sought; title and description. Leave of Absence granted pursuant to this clause, will count as service for all purposes of this Agreement. Any days or hours taken for such training will be paid at the Employee's ordinary rate of pay. All expenses (such as travel, accommodation, and meals) associated with or incurred by the Employee attending a training course as provided in this clause shall be the responsibility of the Employee or the Union. An Employee may be required to satisfy the Employer of attendance at the course to qualify for payment of leave.