Unpaid Leave Conditions. 1. Upon return from an approved long-term leave, a member shall be assigned on a position-available basis.
2. A member may request to return from unpaid leave earlier than originally approved.
3. A member on an approved unpaid leave does not lose privileges under the non-retention statutes, and the leave year does not constitute a break in service under member retirement statutes.
4. The Board shall continue the retirement contributions toward the salary the member would have received when the member pays the District and member contribution as required by state law. The payments may be made on a monthly basis.
5. Both personal and sick leave must be exhausted before unpaid medical leave may be used.
6. Leave requests shall indicate whether the leave is for medical, study, recreation, home/family, business, association work.
7. Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the District by certified mail by March 15, if on full year or second semester leave. Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the District by November 15, if on leave for first semester only. If such timely notice is received, the District shall make available to the teacher a list of current vacancies.
8. Teachers who fail to give proper and timely notice of their intent to return from leave may be terminated by the District.
Unpaid Leave Conditions. 1. Upon return from an approved long-term leave, a member shall be assigned on a position-available basis.
2. A member may request to return from unpaid leave earlier than originally approved.
3. A member on an approved unpaid leave does not lose privileges under the non-retention statutes, and the leave year does not constitute a break in service under member retirement statutes.
4. The Board shall continue the retirement contributions toward the salary the member would have received when the member pays the District and member contribution as required by state law. The payments may be made on a monthly basis.
5. Both personal and sick leave must be exhausted before unpaid medical leave may be used.
6. Leave requests shall indicate whether the leave is for medical, study, recreation, home/family, business, association work.
7. Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the District by certified mail by March 15, if on full year or second semester leave. Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the District by November 15, if on leave for first semester only. If such timely notice is received, the District shall make available to the teacher a list of current vacancies.
8. Teachers who fail to give proper and timely notice of their intent to return from leave may be terminated by the District. 365 FAMILY/MEDICAL LEAVE PROVISIONS
A. Procedures governing access to leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or Alaska Family Leave Act are as follows:
1. Procedures for FMLA eligibility shall be in accordance with the Acts;
2. Employees may be required to submit fitness-for-duty forms prior to return to work;
3. The District shall make available on its website a link to the Benefits Department which will contain FMLA information. A copy of the Anchorage School District’s Family Medical Leave Policy, which complies with the Alaska Family/Medical Leave Act and the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, is also available upon request from the Benefits Department. Additional Benefit information is available on the District’s website or from the District Leave Specialist.
4. Insurance benefits will be retained in accordance with the Acts. Employee will be responsible for any employee contributions to retain benefits.
B. Members adopting children may use up to six consecutive calendar weeks of accrued sick leave or up to a total of eighteen weeks of unpaid medical leave or a combination of sick and unpaid medical leave equal to a maximum of ...
Unpaid Leave Conditions. Any teacher on an unpaid leave of absence may continue his/her insurance benefits by paying monthly the normal per subscriber group rate premium for such benefits to the Board, as permitted by the insurance carrier and in accordance with the teacher’s COBRA rights.
Unpaid Leave Conditions. 1. Upon return from an approved long-term leave, a member shall be assigned on a position-available basis.
2. A member may request to return from unpaid leave earlier than originally approved.
3. A member on an approved unpaid leave does not lose privileges under the non-retention statutes., and the leave year does not constitute a break in service under member retirement statutes.
4. The Board shall continue the retirement contributions toward the salary the member would have received when the member pays the District and member contribution as required by state law. The payments may be made on a monthly basis. Members who are in TRS Tiers I or II are eligible to purchase service credit for the period covered by the long-term unpaid leave. Contributions for leave without pay are required and based on the salary that the member would have earned had the member continued to work instead of taking the unpaid leave. Under Alaska State Retirement System rules, Tier III members are not eligible to purchase service credit for the period of leave without pay.
5. Both personal and sick leave must be exhausted before unpaid medical leave may be used.
6. Leave requests shall indicate whether the leave is for medical, study, recreation, home/family, business, association work.
7. Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the received by the District by certified mail by March 15, if on full year or second semester leave. Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to received by the District by November 15, if on leave for first semester only. If such timely notice is received, the District shall make available to the teacher a list of current vacancies.
8. Teachers Members who fail to give proper and timely notice of their intent to return from leave may be terminated dismissed from employment by the District.
Unpaid Leave Conditions. 1. Upon return from an approved long-term leave, a teacher shall be assigned on a position available basis.
2. A teacher may request to return from unpaid leave earlier than originally approved. If approved, the teacher shall be assigned to the first available vacancy for which qualified, as determined by the District.
3. A teacher on an approved unpaid leave does not lose privileges under the non-retention statutes, and the leave year does not constitute a break in service under teachers’ retirement statutes.
4. The Board shall continue the retirement contributions toward the salary the teacher would have received when the teacher pays the District and teacher contribution as required by state law. The payments may be made on a monthly basis.
5. Both personal and sick leave must be exhausted before unpaid medical leave may be used, excluding Family Medical Leave.
6. Leave requests shall indicate whether the leave is for medical, study, recreation, home/family, business, association work.
A. The provisions of the state and federal Family and Medical Leave Acts of 1993 (FMLA) shall take effect for all employees upon ratification of the Agreement. For purposes of the Acts, the following shall apply:
Unpaid Leave Conditions. All leaves in Article XX, X. and Article XI, I. shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Except in emergencies, which preclude such notice, the Assistant Superintendent or Director of Community Education shall be provided notice of request for leave sixty (60) days in advance.
2. All leaves shall be for the remainder of a semester of the school year, or full semester or school year at the option of the teacher, unless otherwise arranged with, and approved by, the Assistant Superintendent or Director of Community Education.
3. Prior to returning from leave, the Superintendent’s designee or director of Community Education may require a physician’s statement regarding the teacher’s fitness to perform the essential functions of his/her assigned position when the leave is related to a disabling condition.
4. Upon return from leave, teachers shall be placed on the same position on the salary schedule to which the teacher was entitled at the effective date of the leave.
5. Upon return from leave, teachers shall be placed in a position subject to the provisions of Article V.
6. All leaves of absence may be extended upon request by the teacher and approval by the Board of Education. All leaves in Article XI(1)(3), and XI(1)(4) (beyond FMLA limits) shall additionally be subject to the following condition:
1. Seniority shall be frozen and not accrue during unpaid leaves of more than one (1) school year.
Unpaid Leave Conditions. A. Employees on unpaid leaves will not be covered by any Employer fringe benefits unless otherwise required by law. A person on unpaid leave may, however, continue group coverage in such fringe benefits by paying the Employer for such coverage at such time as the premiums are due.
B. Failure to return after the termination date of leave, unless such failure is legitimately excusable in the judgment of the Employer, shall constitute grounds for investigation and a due process hearing for consideration of termination.
C. An employee returning from leave will be entitled to the same or similar position as the one he/she took leave from. If there is no vacancy the layoff procedure will be implemented to determine who among the employees (including the returning employee) will fill the available positions.
Unpaid Leave Conditions. Employees on unpaid leaves will not be covered by any employer benefits. Failure to return after termination date of leave, unless such failure is legitimately excusable in the judgment of the employer, shall constitute termination of employment.
Unpaid Leave Conditions. 1. Upon return from an approved long-term leave, a member shall be assigned on a position- available basis
2. A member may request to return from unpaid leave earlier than originally approved. If approved, the member shall be assigned to the first available vacancy for which qualified, as determined by the District.
3. A member on an approved unpaid leave does not lose privileges under the non-retention statutes, and the leave year does not constitute a break in service under member retirement
4. The Board shall continue the retirement contributions toward the salary the member would have received when the member pays the District and member contribution as required by state law. The payments may be made on a monthly basis.
5. Both personal and sick leave must be exhausted before unpaid medical leave may be used, excluding Family Medical Leave.
6. Leave requests shall indicate whether the leave is for medical, study, recreation, home/fam- ily, business, association work.
A. The provisions of the state and federal Family and Medical Leave Acts of 1993 (FMLA) shall take effect for all employees upon ratification of the Agreement. For purposes of the Acts, the following shall apply:
Unpaid Leave Conditions. 1 . Upon return from an approved long-term leave, a member shall be assigned on a position- available basis .
2 . A member may request to return from unpaid leave earlier than originally approved .
3 . A member on an approved unpaid leave does not lose privileges under the non-retention statutes, and the leave year does not constitute a break in service under member retirement statutes .
4 . The Board shall continue the retirement contributions toward the salary the member would have received when the member pays the District and member contribution as required by state law . The payments may be made on a monthly basis .
5 . Both personal and sick leave must be exhausted before unpaid medical leave may be used .
6 . Leave requests shall indicate whether the leave is for medical, study, recreation, home/fam- ily, business, association work .
7 . Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the District by certified mail by March 15, if on full year or second semester leave . Notice of intent to return from leave must be given to the District by November 15, if on leave for first semester only . If such timely notice is received, the District shall make available to the teacher a list of current vacancies .
8 . Teachers who fail to give proper and timely notice of their intent to return from leave may be terminated by the District .