WORKING HOURS AND DAYS. Section 1. Hours: A. Regular full-time positions will be assigned at least six (6) hours per day for at least the number of student contact days. Each building and program shall be encouraged to schedule as many full-time (based on a work schedule of at least 6 hours per day) paraeducators as possible before creating part-time positions. B. Positions assigned less than six (6) hours per day will be considered part-time positions. Accrued sick leave shall be pro-rated. Bargaining unit status paraeducators (14 hours per week or more) are covered by the working agreement provisions with the exception of Article VII and Article XII. C. Paraeducators hired into full-time positions, or current paraeducators who voluntarily accept new or other full-time positions, shall be guaranteed a full-time position as defined in this Article. Notwithstanding the guarantee of hours, full-time paraeducators are subject to displacement/layoff. Part-time positions are subject to be assigned to fluctuating hours from year to year; to the extent that no hours are available, the part-time paraeducator shall be terminated. D. Bus paraeducators shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours per route. Bus paraeducators shall be able to pick her/his route according to District seniority at the beginning of the school year. Thereafter, the Transportation Department shall conduct a posting and selection process twice per school year for new routes or vacancies which open during the school year. Section 2. Paraeducators shall normally work student contact days and designated staff development days and up to five (5) additional duty days at the District’s discretion. Technology paraeducators shall work student contact days, designated staff development days and up to ten
WORKING HOURS AND DAYS. A. Work Day Employees will be at the job site by the time established by their supervisor and they shall normally work an eight hour day.
WORKING HOURS AND DAYS. Section A - Teacher Hours 1. The normal duty day will be scheduled so that the majority of the teachers are on duty at least fifteen (15) minutes before and at least fifteen (15) minutes after the student day. 2. Within the normal duty day, teachers may be assigned instructional time for each five (5) days of student attendance as follows: high school, 1450 minutes; middle school, 1335 minutes; and elementary school, 1440 minutes. Effective the 2008-09 school year, within the normal duty day, teachers may be assigned instructional time for each five (5) days of student attendance up to 1450 minutes. Instructional time does not include recess supervision, supervision of passing time between classes, or supervision before or after the student day. 3. Flexible scheduling to meet the needs of staff and students is permissible as long as teachers on flexible scheduling work a normal 37.5 hour week excluding duty free lunch periods as specified above. Flexibility for individual teachers is provided, after approval from the principal. 4. Required meetings beyond the school day and faculty meetings are included in the schedule consistent with the provisions of Article V, Sections D and E, and Article VI, Section F. 5. Fall open house and/or back-to-school nights involving parents and students may be scheduled provided that the teacher workweek does not exceed 37.5 hours excluding duty free lunch as specified above. 6. The period before and after school and during recess will be supervised. 7. The teachers should make themselves available to students who seek their help before and after school. If it is necessary for a teacher to leave the building during school hours, he/she will sign out at the office before leaving. A register will be provided. This is not intended to be utilized on a regular or routine basis. 8. A teacher who expects to be absent must call the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS), if possible by 6 a.m. The teacher shall also notify the building administrator or office personnel of any absences.
WORKING HOURS AND DAYS. A. Calendar Day: A calendar day is defined as any P.I. or P.I.R. day as approved by the current negotiated calendar. B. Work Day: Teachers will be at the school by 8:00 a.m. and they may normally leave the building at 4:00 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. On Fridays they normally leave at 3:50 p.m. There will be times when faculty meetings and meetings with parents take place after 4:00 p.m. Teachers are not to leave the premises at any time during the workday unless they have checked out through the principal. Lunch period is the only exception. The day prior to holidays and recesses, teachers will be dismissed when the last bus leaves. A teacher work day can be modified to reflect different start, end, or break times as long as it is unanimously agreed upon by the affected teacher, PTO representative, and administration. A modified work day must be in the best interest of student learning and not be disruptive to the school process, be solely proposed by the administration, and not establish precedent.
WORKING HOURS AND DAYS. Section A - Teacher Hours 1. The normal work day will be scheduled so that the majority of the Teachers are on duty at least fifteen (15) minutes before and at least fifteen (15) minutes after the student day. 2. Supervisor-initiated flexible scheduling to meet the needs of staff and students is permissible as long as Teachers on flexible scheduling work a normal 40 hour week excluding duty free lunch periods as specified above. Teacher-initiated flexibility for individual Teachers is provided, after approval from the Immediately Involved Supervisor. 3. Required meetings beyond the school day and faculty meetings are included in the schedule consistent with the provisions of Article V, Sections D and E, and Article VI, Section F. 4. Fall open house, curriculum nights, or back-to-school nights involving parents and students may be scheduled provided that the Teacher workweek does not exceed 40 hours excluding duty free lunch as specified above. Prior to these meetings, Teachers will have four (4) uninterrupted hours of paid time solely for organizing their classrooms. These hours will occur on the same day. If this time includes the duty free lunch, it will be 4 ½ hours. 5. The period before and after school and during recess will be supervised. 6. Speech Therapists will not be assigned student supervision duties, unless there is an emergency. 7. A Teacher who expects to be absent must call the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS), if possible, by 6 a.m. The Teacher shall also notify the building administrator or office personnel of any absences. 8. If it is necessary for a Teacher to leave the building during unassigned time or individual planning time, he/she will sign out/in electronically. An electronic form will be provided. This is not intended to be utilized on a regular or routine basis.
WORKING HOURS AND DAYS. A workday is defined as: 1. A day spent in a regular assignment with students. 2. A day spent in planning, recording, or performing duties related to the employee's ordinary responsibilities to the District. 3. A day spent, by mutual agreement between the Superintendent and employee, that promotes the efficiency of the District's function or image. 4. A day of absence specifically defined in this Agreement as an absence with pay. 5. A day of absence specifically defined in this Agreement as leave with pay. 6. Professional employees required to work a greater number of workdays shall receive their regular daily rate. 7. Daily rate is defined as salary divided by contracted working days. 8. A workday for Clare-Gladwin RESD personnel shall be designed around the local/building serviced and will be 7, 7.25, 7.5, or 7.75 hours per day. The formula for total hours assigned is based on 1355.75 hours (7.25 hrs. X 187 days). 9. Clare-Gladwin Area School professional staff will work during the lunch period on a rotating basis. The staff is divided based on which lunch (first or second) their classroom has for the year. Non- Classroom Teacher(s) will be assigned to the lunch schedule as classroom teachers are assigned. In exchange for working through one or two lunch periods per week (as determined by the rotation schedule), Clare-Gladwin Area School professional staff may leave ½ hour early on the last scheduled workday of the week for the school year. If a teacher is absent on the last scheduled workday of any week, the staff member may leave ½ hour early either the day before or the next workday. This will be cleared with the Clare-Gladwin Area School Principal. This procedure will be examined annually.


  • Working Hours For the purposes of this Agreement “

  • Normal Working Hours Prevailing Wage Rate Projects: Work performed from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00


  • Flexible Working Hours The Employer will, where operational requirements and efficiency of the service permit, authorize experiments with flexible working hours if the Employer is satisfied that an adequate number of Employees have requested and wish to participate in such an experiment.

  • Hours For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5-hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours. (f) Tour Exchange

  • Working Days Without prejudice to clause 9.1, where the Authority funds the delivery of this Contract using European Social Fund (ESF) funds or in its role as a Co-financing Organisation uses this contract as a match for ESF provision, either at the outset of the contract or at any point during the life of the contract, the Contractor and any Sub-contractors appointed by it shall be bound by the corresponding additional requirements detailed within relevant Contractor Guidance, including the maintaining of records until at least 31 December 2023.

  • Other Than Normal Working Hours Non-prevailing Wage Rate Projects: Work performed from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday to Friday, and any time Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. The Contractor will perform Tasks during Other Than Normal Working Hours for the Unit Price set forth in the CTC multiplied by the Adjustment Factor of: 1.

  • Operating Hours Subject to Building Rules and Regulations and such security standards as Landlord may from time to time adopt, the Building shall be open to the public during the Building Operating Hours and the Premises shall be open to Tenant during hours other than Building Operating Hours.

  • Extra Hours For the purpose of Clause 20.13, extra hours means any hours available to be worked in excess of an employee’s regular schedule. The Corporation shall determine the extra hours it requires in each circumstance, and offer such hours to employees working in that Post Office in accordance with the provisions of this Clause. (a) On each occasion that extra hours are to be worked, opportunities to work the extra hours are to be offered to employees who notify the Postmaster beforehand of their availability, on the basis of the first opportunity to the employee who works the greatest number of regularly scheduled hours per week, last opportunity to the employee who works the least number of regularly scheduled hours per week. (b) Where two (2) or more employees are working the same number of hours per week, the opportunity shall be first offered to the employee with the longest continuous employment in that Post Office save that an employee who was formerly full-time and whose hours were reduced in accordance with Clause 12.05(a)(i) shall have priority. (i) In the application of this Clause, it is understood that a Part-Time Assistant shall be granted an opportunity to work extra hours provided that the extra hours do not conflict with her regular schedule, and provided she does not work more than eight (8) hours per day, or forty (40) hours per week. (ii) Subject to Clause 20.13(c)(i) the Part-Time Assistant who is granted the first opportunity to work extra hours should, while the opportunity lasts, end up working a total number of hours that is not less than the total number of hours worked by the Part-Time Assistant who accepts the second opportunity, and so on for each subsequent opportunity granted. (d) Where all the extra hours to be worked cannot be covered by application of the principle expressed in (a), employees may be assigned to work the extra hours that cannot be covered, and/or those hours may be covered by other means. (e) Application of this Clause entails no obligation on the part of the Corporation for equal distribution of extra hours.

  • TEACHING HOURS 1. A grade PPI-12 teacher's workday shall consist of not more than seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes of formal responsibility. Hall duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. The student day may be increased if necessary to meet the State time requirements for instructional hours. Within said time of formal responsibility, a teacher shall be entitled to the following: (a) A duty free lunch period no less than twenty-five (25) minutes to a maximum of thirty-five (35) minutes. (b) For a grade ECSE-5 grade teacher: a minimum of 250 minutes per week of time for preparation. Each preparation period to consist of a minimum of twenty-five (25) duty-free minutes. For a grade 6-12 teacher: a minimum of one preparation per day that shall be equivalent to a normal teaching period or an average of five normal teaching periods per week. (c) Cafeteria duty may be included in the teacher's workday. Every effort will be made to obtain volunteers for this duty, which will be in lieu of a class period. If no volunteer is available who can be scheduled, the administration may assign a teacher to such duties. No teacher may be involuntarily assigned these duties for more than one consecutive year. Every effort will be made mutually by the Administration and the Association to deal with these duties in a most positive manner. (d) Attendance at 6th grade camp shall be voluntary. 2. Before and/or after school, a grade ECSE-12 teacher shall be attending to his/her teaching duties in his/her building for up to thirty (30) minutes but not to exceed the workday of seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes. At the beginning of each year, the administration at each level shall determine what portion of the above times will be used before and after school. Teacher input will be encouraged. It is expressly understood that an individual teacher's day may be adjusted to facilitate the administration of the individual building. Early leave may be granted at the discretion of the Administration. 3. The daily preparation period will first be used for such things as thorough preparations, conferences with parents, teachers, and administrators, I.E.P.T.'s, and special assistance to students. 4. Activities involving teachers beyond the scope of the formal teaching day shall be determined cooperatively between a faculty selected committee and the administration at that level. Teachers shall be given forty-eight (48) hour notice of such activities and shall be encouraged and expected by the Association to attend. Special teachers shall be encouraged to attend as their time and schedules allow. 5. In the event that it becomes necessary to determine a new building schedule, a committee will be formed, comprised of an equal number of administrators and teachers to examine alternative scheduling. A recommendation on the study will be presented to the superintendent. No recommendation will be made that would jeopardize accreditation. 6. A teacher’s building assignment shall be determined by where he/she is assigned for over half of his/her schedule. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have their workday schedule determined by the building administrators. A teacher who has a split building assignment will have a minimum of 30 minutes for travel. If the travel time encumbers the teacher’s preparation period or duty free lunch, or extends the teacher’s day beyond the contractual limits, then the teacher shall be paid for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes at the teacher’s per diem rate (unless this time is recouped through other minutes during the day).