Worktime Sample Clauses
Worktime. All time, from time the professional performer is required to report until dismissed, is counted as work time for the purpose of calculating overtime and rest periods, excluding meal periods. The deferred salary must be compensation in full for eight (8) hours of work and will be due for each day in connection with which the performer reports for work even if eight (8) hours of work is not required by Producer.
Worktime. The term "worktime" as used in this Agreement refers to time spent in compensated employment except time spent on all paid disability leaves and workers' compensation.
Worktime. The term "worktime" as used in this Agreement shall mean any time during which an employee performs authorized services for the CSU.
Worktime. All time, from the time the Performer is required to report until dismissed, excluding meal periods, is considered work time for the purpose of calculating compensation.
Worktime. All time, from the time the Performer or Background Actor is required to report until dismissed, excluding meal periods, is considered work time for all purposes, including without limitation, calculating overtime, meal periods and rest periods. The Performer’s or Background Actor’s daily salary represents payment for up to eight consecutive hours of work. Performers and Background Actors must be paid their full salary for each day the Performer or Background Actor reports for work, even if eight hours of work is not required by Producer.
Worktime. 8.01 Regular working days shall be from Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding holidays. Holidays shall mean those days hereinafter specified so to be.
8.02 Regular working hours which shall constitute the day shift shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with one-half (½) hour for lunch from 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m., unless mutually agreed otherwise. Regular working hours can also mean a compressed work week of four (4) ten-hour (10 hr.) days when it is mutually agreed to by both Union and Contractor before work commences. When ten-hour (10 hr.) days are worked, the work day will be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with one-half (½) hour for lunch from 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m., unless mutually agreed otherwise. Regular hours may also be adjusted to conform to work schedules imposed by the project owner and will be paid as if they were a day shift. The employee will be eligible for five (5) days board on a compressed work week = Four (4) days worked – Five (5) days board When working a compressed work week (4-10’s) Monday-Thursday, and a holiday falls on a Friday, then Thursday will be recognized as the holiday. If Thursday is worked it will be paid at 2x the applicable rate. If working a compressed work week Tuesday-Friday and the holiday falls on the Friday then the Friday is recognized as the holiday. The most hours that can be worked without overtime being paid on a compressed work week where a holiday falls on that week is 30 hours
8.03 By agreement of the Employer and the Union, such work and work hours may be modified when it is mutually advantageous to do so.
8.04 The Employer may work shift work (involving two or more shifts) on a particular job. The second shift shall commence at the end of the day shift unless special circumstances exist and agreement is reached between the Union and the Employer. The hours for the second shift shall be from 4:30 pm until 1:00 am with a one-half hour for lunch break unpaid. The Employer may, after consultation with the Business Manager, start another shift prior to the end of the second shift. Employees shall be paid for eight (8) hours when full shift hours are worked. Lunch break will be unpaid. The shift premium for other than day shift shall be fifteen percent (15%) above the regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked.
8.05 Shift work worked prior to 8:00 am on Saturday or a holiday shall be considered to have been worked on the previous day.
8.06 A rest period of eight (8) hours shall prevail between work perio...
Worktime. The term "worktime" as used in this Agreement refers to time spent in compensated employment except time spent on all paid disability leaves and workers' compensation.
3.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the Trustees and the Union, arrived at as a result of meeting and conferring.
3.2 This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements, understandings and prior practices related to matters included within this Agreement. It is understood that all items relating to employee wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment not covered by this Agreement shall remain at the discretion of the Employer, except that the Employer shall provide notification to the Union prior to the implementation of such systemwide changes affecting the working conditions of employees. Upon written request of UAPD, the CSU shall meet and confer on the demonstrable impact of such changes.
3.3 The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the CSU and the Union, for the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated, to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter referred to or covered by this Agreement, or with respect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to or covered in this Agreement, even though such subjects or matters may not have been within the knowledge of or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time that they negotiated or signed this Agreement.
Worktime. Worktime shall include, but be limited to loading, unloading, repairs of equipment, chaining and unchaining (of tires), time spend on ferries or boats (except as otherwise provided in Article
Worktime. Worktime shall include but not be limited to loading, unloading, repairs of equipment, chaining and unchaining (of tires), time spent on ferries or boats (except as otherwise provided in Article 26 herein, and when drivers are required to stay with the equipment). When the driver performs the function, fuelling at Company pumps, and key pumps, hooking up, unhooking, switching on complete interchange of equipment will be included as work time. Where an employee works his regular week on a pure trip basis, overtime commences after ten (10) hours. Where an employee works his regular weekly shift on a pure hourly basis, he will be on a forty (40) hour work week. Overtime commences after ten (10) hours. Where an employee's regular work week is a mixture of trip and hours, i.e. alternate or random mixtures of days by the hour and days by the trip, he will work by the ten (10) hour day for the hourly day and by the trip on a ten (10) hour day for the trip. Where an employee works by the hour for a portion of a day and by the trip for another portion of the same day, the hourly work for purposes of overtime shall be considered:
a) part of a ten (10) hour day where such work is highway related, or
b) part of ten (10) hour day where such work is of a local nature
1. Criteria used to determine when an employee is eligible for trip rates is a trip of one hundred miles or greater (excluding Vancouver Island).
2. Highway related work is defined as picking up of loads, loading and/or preparing loads or coupling equipment for highway transportation on a one-time basis by a driver who has returned from a highway trip.
Worktime. Regular Working Days shall be from Monday to Friday inclusive, excluding holidays. Holidays shall mean those days hereinafter specified so to be. Regular working hours Monday to Friday, which shall constitute the day shift shall be from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. with one half hour for lunch from 12:OO noon to 12:30 P.M.