Xxxxxxx Pay. When more than one Journeyperson is employed on a job, the Employer may designate a xxxxxxx who shall be a Journeyperson Tile Layer, unless the job consists solely of Finishers’ work. If a xxxxxxx is so designated, the xxxxxxx shall receive, in addition to Journeyperson wages, an additional $2.00 per hour to $4.00 per hour, as agreed by the Employer and the xxxxxxx.
Xxxxxxx Pay. Each of the four crafts shall have a designated xxxxxxx as listed in this section. When more than one employee is employed by the School District in each craft, either on a permanent or a temporary basis, the Administrator in charge will designate one (1) of the employees in this classification as Xxxxxxx and shall adjust the wage rate per hour. (Note: Pension and Health & Welfare shall remain the same.) When the permanently-designated xxxxxxx is absent for more than 8 hours (or is scheduled to be absent for more than 8 hours i.e. takes a day off), the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds shall appoint a temporary xxxxxxx in the xxxxxxx’x absence. Said temporary xxxxxxx shall receive the xxxxxxx’x wage as listed above. The temporary status change must be indicated on the employee time card.
Xxxxxxx Pay. An employee subpoenaed as a non-party witness or as a party defendant with the Employer in a judicial proceeding connected with the employee's employment shall be paid a daily allowance by the employer for each day on which the employee reports to court pursuant to the subpoena and in which the employee would otherwise have been scheduled to work. The amount of such daily allowance shall be equal to the employee's loss of straight-time earnings less the daily witness fee paid to the employee. If the employee is released from court prior to noon, the employee shall report for work for the balance of his/her shift.
Xxxxxxx Pay. The Caregiver will be entitled for 9 holidays for
Xxxxxxx Pay. Each xxxxxxx shall be permitted reasonable time to investigate, present and process grievances on the Company property without loss of time or pay during his regular working hours; and where mutually agreed by the Union and the Employer, off the property or other than during the xxxxxxx’x regular schedule without loss of time or pay; provided, however, the number of stewards to receive pay for time spent investigating, presenting and processing any specific grievance shall be limited to one, unless the nature of the issue involved requires the participation of more than one xxxxxxx, including, but not limited to, a change of operations proposal. In such cases, all job stewards shall be entitled to receive pay in accordance with the provisions herein. Such time spent in handling grievances during the xxxxxxx’x regular working hours shall be considered working hours in computing daily and/or weekly overtime if it is within the regular schedule of the xxxxxxx.
Xxxxxxx Pay. A 40 hour employee assigned by the Employer to be on standby duty during hours outside the employee's general work schedule shall be compensated at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) per hour for such assignment. An employee who is on standby duty shall be immediately accessible by telephone and/or by portable radio or by pager as determined by the Employer. An employee who cannot be immediately contacted while on standby duty or who does not report to the work site within a reasonable period of time of having received notice shall not be eligible for standby pay for that day. Standby duty shall not be counted as hours worked. Employees called in for overtime work from standby duty shall be compensated for such time worked pursuant to applicable contract provisions and for such period of time worked shall not receive standby pay. Employees not assigned to standby duty shall be subject to call back pursuant to applicable contract provisions.
Xxxxxxx Pay. A. All three platoon system employees shall receive holiday pay for each of the holidays specified in Section 12.1. Payment shall be made in a lump sum payment prior to December 1 of each year. The wage rate to be used to calculate the lump sum payment shall be the hourly rate earned by the employee on the date of payment. The rate of pay will be equivalent to eight (8) hours straight-time at the applicable 40 hour rate. The following exceptions shall apply to holiday pay:
1. During an employee’s first year of employment, holiday pay shall be prorated to exclude any holiday observed prior to the employee’s first day of employment.
2. If an employee is temporarily assigned to a 40 hour position, holiday pay shall be prorated to exclude any holiday observed during such temporary assignment.
B. For each holiday observed on a three platoon system employee's workday, said employee shall work that holiday unless the employee is sick, or is granted time off by the Fire Chief or their designee through the use of vacation leave, holiday leave or compensatory time.
C. Upon termination for any reason, members who are eligible for holiday payment will be paid, as part of their terminal pay, the final partial year holiday pay on a pro-rated basis. Pro-rated payment shall be computed by multiplying the holiday hours accrued by the appropriate wage rate in effect at the time of payment.
D. If an employee is not scheduled to work on observed holiday, but is directed to do so by the Mayor or the Fire Chief because of emergency conditions, he/she shall receive compensation at the overtime rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) at the forty (40) hour rate as defined elsewhere in this contract, for all hours actually worked on the holiday.
E. Bargaining unit members assigned to 40 hour positions may receive up to 32 hours of straight time holiday pay. Holiday pay will be accumulated at the rate of 3.2 hours per holiday that falls during the member's assignment to a 40 hour schedule. A member may opt to take such holiday pay as paid leave in lieu of holiday pay.
F. The December lump sum payment shall be based upon the holidays observed beginning with Christmas Day of the prior year and concluding with Thanksgiving Day of the current year.
Xxxxxxx Pay. An employee assigned by the Employer to be on standby duty for emergency maintenance or repair work during hours outside the employee’s general work schedule shall be compensated at the rate of one dollar and twelve cents ($1.12) per hour. This rate will increase on the date of any wage increase each year thereafter by the percent of wage increase negotiated. An employee who is on standby duty shall be immediately accessible by telephone and/or by portable radio or by pager as determined by the Employer. An employee who cannot be immediately contacted while on standby duty or who does not report to the worksite within a reasonable period of time of having received notice shall not be eligible for standby pay for that day. Standby duty shall not be counted as hours worked. Employees called in for overtime work from standby duty shall be compensated for such time worked pursuant to applicable contract provisions and for such period of time worked shall not receive standby pay. Employees not assigned to standby duty shall be subject to call back pursuant to applicable contract provisions. Employees assigned to standby duty shall be provided a City vehicle. Fire Community Education Specialists 1, 2, 3, shall also receive standby compensation pursuant to this provision, except that they may not be provided with a City vehicle.
Xxxxxxx Pay. Any employee who has been instructed to ”standby,” but is not called, shall be paid at the rate of one-half (½) the straight-time hourly rate of his or her classification when on “standby”. If called to work when on ”standby” an employee shall receive a minimum of two hours’ work or pay at the rate of time and one-half (1-½) the straight-time hourly rate in cash. An employee instructed to be on “standby” on a paid holiday shall receive three-quarters (¾) time for such standby. In no event shall an employee called to work receive “standby” pay for hours actually worked in addition to pay for such hours.
Xxxxxxx Pay. Each xxxxxxx shall be permitted reasonable time to investigate, present and process grievances on the Company property without loss of time or pay during his regular working hours; and where mutually agreed by the Union and the Employer, off the property or other than during the xxxxxxx’x regular schedule without loss of time or pay; provided, however, the number of stewards to receive pay for time spent investigating, presenting and processing any