Jury Duty and Witness Leave Sample Clauses
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. During the time an employee is actually reporting to the court for jury duty and following receipt of "Certificate of Jury Service" (Jury Form 4), the Department Head or his/her designate will convert the employee's usual shift to a regular five-day Monday through Friday day-shift basis. Any person holding a permanent position ordered to serve on a jury shall be entitled to his/her regular pay provided the employee deposits his/her fees for service, other than mileage, with the County Treasurer. Whenever any full-time permanent employee is required to be absent from work by a proper subpoena, issued by a court or commission legally empowered to subpoena witnesses, which compels the employee's presence as a witness, unless the employee is a party or an expert witness, the employee shall be allowed the time necessary to be absent from work at the employee's regular pay to comply with such subpoena, provided the employee deposits any witness fees, except mileage, with the County Treasurer.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. Employees who are subpoenaed to serve as a juror or appear as a witness will be granted leave for that purpose. If any compensation received is less than the employee's regular rate of pay for the duration of the leave period, the Company will reimburse the difference to the employee.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. When regularly called for jury duty or as a witness in the manner provided by law, employees shall be granted a leave of absence without loss of pay for the time the employee is required to perform jury duty or act as a witness during the employee’s regularly assigned working hours.
9.2.1 Request for jury duty or witness leave should be made by presenting, as soon as possible, the official court summons to the employee’s immediate supervisor and to the District Payroll Office through regular administrative channels.
9.2.2 Reimbursement to the District of any monies earned as a juror, or witness, except mileage or meals, shall be made by the employee.
9.2.3 An employee regularly called for jury duty shall not be encouraged in any way to seek exemption from such duty nor shall he/she be discriminated against in any way for not seeking such exemption.
9.2.4 Employees who work a schedule other than the day shift shall be given allowance for having served on jury or witness leave during the day. For every hour on jury or witness leave during any one day, the employee shall be granted one hour of release time on his/her subsequent swing or graveyard shift schedule taking place within the same calendar day (up to the maximum number of regular hours an employee normally works).
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. An employee shall be granted necessary time off without loss of pay when he is summoned and performs jury duty as prescribed by applicable law; or when required to perform emergency civilian duty in relation to national defense or other emergency when so ordered by the Governor or the President of the United States. When his appearance is required during a shift period, which is immediately contiguous to his scheduled shift and wholly within the day of such duty, he shall be excused from such shift without loss of pay. If his shift hours extend from one day to the next, and the required appearance is during a shift period not immediately contiguous to the scheduled shift, the employee shall have the option of choosing to be excused from the scheduled shift prior to or after the required appearance provided the shift from which he is excused is partly within the day of such duty. In no event is an employee to be excused from his work schedule for more days than the number of days of such duty performed.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. Regular wages while attending jury roll call, serving on a jury, or acting as a crown witness will be maintained.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. 13.9.1 Leave of absence for jury, service shall be granted to any unit member who has been officially summoned to jury duty in local, State, or Federal Court. Leave shall be granted for the period of the jury service. The unit member shall receive full pay while on leave provided that the jury service fee for such leave is assigned to and the subpoena or court certification is filed in the District. A request for jury service leave should be made by presenting the official court summons to jury service to the Department head within one (1) workday of receipt of the summons.
13.9.2 Leave of absence to serve as a witness in a court case shall be granted a unit member when he/she has been served a subpoena to appear as a witness, not as a litigant in the case. The length of the leave granted shall be for the number of days in attendance in court as certified by the clerk or the authorized officer of the court. The unit member shall receive full pay during the leave period, provided the witness fees for such leave are assigned to and the subpoena or court certification is filed with the District. A request for leave of absence to serve as a witness should be made by presenting the official court summons to the Department head.
13.9.3 The jury service fee and witness fee referred to in Article 13.9.1 and 13.9.2, respectively, do not include reimbursement for transportation expenses.
13.9.4 A unit member who has received a leave of absence under this Section shall make himself/herself available for work during hours when his/her presence is not required in court. Any day during which any unit member whose regular assigned shift commences at 12:00 noon or after and who is required to serve six (6) hours or more of that day on jury duty shall be relieved from work with pay.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. A unit member who is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness, in a case not involving the unit member’s personal litigation, shall be granted leave with pay and any jury or witness fees shall be retained by the unit member. No unit member shall be given leave with pay for the purpose of appearing as an expert witness when the unit member receives professional compensation for an appearance except that annual leave may be used for this purpose.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. 1. Leave with pay shall be granted to any teacher summoned for jury duty and/or subpoenaed as a witness to appear at a legal proceeding in connection with the teacher’s performance of duties as an employee of the District. The teacher shall remit to the District any jury or witness fees received except those paid for the first day per occurrence and any mileage allowances.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. (A) In accordance with Section 2-18-619, MCA, a faculty member who is under proper summons as a juror shall collect all fees and allowances payable as a result of the service and forward the fees to the appropriate University accounting office. Juror fees must be applied against the amount due the employee from the Employer. However, if an employee elects to use annual leave to serve on a jury, the employee may not be required to remit the juror fees to the Employer. An employee is not required to remit to the Employer any expense or mileage allowance paid by the court.
(B) An employee subpoenaed to serve as a witness shall collect all fees and allowances payable as a result of the service and forward the fees to the appropriate University accounting office. Witness fees must be applied against the amount due the employee from the Employer. However, if an employee elects to use annual leave to serve as a witness, the employee may not be required to remit the witness fees to the Employer. An employee is not required to remit to the Employer any expense or mileage allowances paid by the court.
(C) Employers may request the court to excuse their employees from jury duty if they are needed for the proper operation of a unit of state or local government.
Jury Duty and Witness Leave. An employee will be granted Jury Duty Leave with pay for the purpose of serving on a jury or as a subpoenaed witness. An employee subpoenaed for Jury or as a witness must notify their supervisor as soon as possible to allow the department to make arrangements to accommodate the absence. An employee suffers no loss of Personal Time or other benefits during the period of a leave of absence for Jury Duty. The College will pay the difference between the individual's regular budgeted salary and Jury Duty pay or subpoenaed witness fee (not including reimbursement for expenses) during the period of service. As an alternative, the individual serving may receive full pay for the period of service by remitting to the institution the compensation received from the court (not including reimbursement for expenses). See USY.V.C.20 for the leave process.