Arrangement of Hours Sample Clauses

Arrangement of Hours. (a) The ordinary hours of work for day workers, exclusive of meal times, shall not exceed 152 hours per 28 calendar days or 76 hours per fortnight to be worked Monday to Friday and to commence on such days at or after 6:00 a.m. and at or before 10:30 a.m. (b) The ordinary hours of work for shift workers, exclusive of meal times, shall not exceed 152 hours per 28 calendar days or 76 hours per fortnight or an average of 38 hours per week in each roster cycle. (c) The hours of work prescribed in sub-clause (a) may be arranged as follows: (i) 152 hours in a 28 calendar-day cycle to be arranged so that each employee shall not work their ordinary hours on more than 19 days in the 28 calendar- day cycle; or (ii) 190 hours per 35 calendar days to be arranged so that each employee shall not work their ordinary hours on more than 19 days in the 35 calendar-day cycle; or (iii) 76 hours per fortnight to be arranged so that each employee shall not work their ordinary hours on more than ten days in the fortnight; or (iv) 38 hours per week to be arranged so that each employee shall not work their ordinary hours on more than five days in the week; or (v) as otherwise agreed in writing between the employer and the employee. (d) The ordinary hours of work for a permanent part-time employee will be a specified number of hours, which are less than those prescribed for a full-time employee. The specified number of hours may be balanced over a week or fortnight, provided that the average weekly hours worked shall be deemed to be the specified number of hours for the purposes of accrual of leave provided for by this Agreement. Provided further that there shall be no interruption to the continuity of employment merely by reason of an employee working on a “week-on”, “week-off” basis in accordance with this subclause. (e) Each employee shall be entitled to not less than four full days in each fortnight free from duty or two full days in each week free from duty (rostered days off), and every effort shall be made for such rostered days off to be consecutive, unless otherwise agreed. (f) A Live-in Housekeeper shall after each five (5) consecutive days of duty, be entitled to two (2) consecutive days off provided that: (i) Such days may accumulate to a limit of six (6) and in any case must be taken at the conclusion of such service. (ii) Where it is mutually agreed between the employer and the employee that under such circumstances the days of duty should continue, such days may accu...
Arrangement of Hours. (a) The ordinary hours of work, exclusive of mealtimes, shall not exceed an average of 38 hours per week. (b) The hours of work prescribed in sub-clause (a) may be arranged as follows: (i) 76 hours per fortnight to be arranged so that each employee shall not work their ordinary hours on more than ten days in the fortnight or (ii) 152 hours in a 28 calendar-day cycle to be arranged so that each employee shall not work their ordinary hours on more than 20 days in the 28 calendar- day cycle; or
Arrangement of Hours. (i) The actual days and hours of work will be those agreed between the Employer and the Employee. Either party may seek to alter the days or hours of duty. Agreement to such alteration shall not be unreasonably withheld, taking into account the personal/ family circumstances of the Employee, and the work requirements of the Employer. Disputes over the operation of this clause will be dealt with under clause 12 (Resolution of Disputes). (ii) The Employer must not require an Employee to: (iii) In determining the days and hours of duty, both the Employer and the Employee accept that the Employee is eligible to use the flexibility of these arrangements to take time off by agreement, subject to meeting the specified leave requirement(s) and not unduly affecting the work requirements of the Employer. Agreement by the Employer will not be unreasonably withheld.
Arrangement of Hours. The actual days and hours of work will be those agreed between the Employer and the Employee. Either party may seek to alter the days or hours of duty. Agreement to such alteration shall not be unreasonably withheld, taking into account the personal/family circumstances of the Employee, and the work requirements of the Employer. In the absence of agreement, the aggrieved party may utilise the disputes and grievance procedure in clause 12 (Disputes and Grievances).
Arrangement of Hours. The actual days and hours of work will be those agreed between the Employer and the Employee. Either party may seek to alter the days or hours of duty. Agreement to such alteration shall not be unreasonably withheld, taking into account the personal/ family circumstances of the Employee, and the work requirements of the Employer. Disputes over the operation of this clause will be dealt with under clause 12 (Resolution of Disputes). The Employer must not require an Employee to: perform ordinary hours of work outside the times of 7.00am to 7.00pm on any weekday (the “span of hours”); or perform ordinary hours of work on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays. In determining the days and hours of duty, both the Employer and the Employee accept that the Employee is eligible to use the flexibility of these arrangements to take time off by agreement, subject to meeting the specified leave requirement(s) and not unduly affecting the work requirements of the Employer. Agreement by the Employer will not be unreasonably withheld. The ordinary hours of work for Employees engaged as Ministerial Chauffeurs are specified at Appendix 7.
Arrangement of Hours. 29.1 Employees (other than casuals) are entitled to be free from duty on four full days in each fortnight or two full days in a week. Every effort will be made for these days to be consecutive unless otherwise agreed. 29.2 Employees must not work more than seven consecutive days. 29.3 At the request of the Employee, the Employer and Employee may agree to alter the arrangement of hours (including but not limited to shift swapping).
Arrangement of Hours. Where practicable, similar arrangements should also be made available to all other employees. This does not apply where an employee is undertaking ongoing studies, such as attending university, during non-work hours.
Arrangement of Hours. Subject to sub-clauses (b) and (c) above, the provisions of sub-clause (a) shall not apply where a day worker is being relieved and is absent from duty for a period of three consecutive working days or less which have been rostered in advance.
Arrangement of Hours. Where the Employer requires the Employee to work on an RDO, the Employee may either request payment for such shift at overtime rates, or request time off in lieu of overtime, to be taken by the Employee at a later date as approved by the Employer, and paid on a time-for-time basis at the Basic Rate of Pay.