DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. The Board may adopt rules and regulations not in conflict with the terms of this Agreement concerning the discipline of teachers. B. No certified teacher shall be disciplined including reprimand, suspension with or without pay, demotion or discharged that is not arbitrary and capricious. Any administrative reprimand which is to be written into the teacher’s personnel file, or is to be used as a basis for reprimand, shall be called to the teacher’s attention by the appropriate administrator. The teacher shall receive a written copy of such complaint, if any. Said teacher shall have the right to reply in writing and have his/her statement placed in his/her personnel file. Failure to reemploy teachers in extra-duty positions shall not constitute discipline, suspension, demotion or discharge and shall not be the subject of a grievance under this contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of the discipline of a tenure teacher within the meaning of the Tenure Teachers’ Act, arbitrary and capricious shall be determined under the Act. C. Discipline of teachers shall be subject to the grievance procedure; provided, however, that (1) as to probationary teachers, the Board may give such notices of unsatisfactory work and such other notices as shall be required or permitted by the Michigan Tenure Teachers’ Act during the pending of any grievance; and (2) as to teachers on tenure on continuing contracts, pending grievances shall be dismissed upon filing of written charges under the written Michigan Tenure Teachers’ Act and the tenure act shall thereafter govern all proceedings against the teacher.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. No Member who has been employed by the District for more than two (2) years shall be disciplined, or suffer loss of seniority or transfer rights without just cause. The Member shall be informed of the grounds forming the basis for disciplinary action in writing. The Union shall have access to information reasonably necessary to effectively represent the Member. B. The parties recognize the merits of progressive discipline. The Board agrees to follow the concept of progressive discipline which includes verbal warning, written warning, written reprimand, suspension with or without pay, and discharge as a final and last resort. Alleged breaches of discipline shall be brought to the Member's attention as promptly as possible. Administration reserves the right to impose the level of discipline appropriate to the seriousness of the offense committed. Oral advisories, which are non-disciplinary in nature, and therefore not subject to the Grievance Procedure, may be issued at Administration’s discretion. Notice of a verbal warning shall be documented in writing and labeled “verbal warning” with a copy presented to the member. Any complaint not called to the attention of the Member may not be used as the basis for any disciplinary action against the Member. C. A Member shall be entitled to have a representative of the XXXXX present during any disciplinary action when such actions will become a part of the Member’s personnel file, providing the representative shall not interfere with an investigatory proceeding. When a request for such a representation is made, no action without prior notification shall be taken with respect to the Member, until such representative of the XXXXX is present. Further, in the event a disciplinary action is to be taken, the Member shall be advised of the right of representation under this provision of the Agreement prior to action being taken. It will be the Member's responsibility to have the representative present at a mutually agreed upon time, but without disruption of the normal workday unless so requested by the Administration. D. Any grievance originating over a tenure dispute will be dismissed immediately upon the filing of an appeal to the Tenure Commission and the Commission shall thereafter govern all proceedings involving the Member. E. A Probationary Member may grieve a Board decision to terminate the Member’s employment through Level V of the Grievance Procedure. See article 8 ( C). F. The XXXXX recognizes that abuses of...
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. The District may adopt rules, regulations and directions which are not in conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Teachers are expected to comply with such rules, regulations and directions. B. No teacher will be disciplined without just cause. "Just cause" will include, but not be limited to: dereliction of performance; insubordination against the reasonable rules of the District; any flagrant and/or repetitious violation of the terms of this Agreement; or moral misconduct. Disciplinary action taken against a teacher shall be appropriate to the behavior which precipitates said action. C. If any teacher is to be disciplined by any member of the administration other than the teacher's immediate supervisor, or if a warning, reprimand, or other form of discipline is to be recorded in writing and placed in the teacher's personnel file, the teacher will be entitled to have a representative of the Association present. The specific grounds forming the basis for this disciplinary action will be made available to the teacher in writing. D. Discipline of teachers will be subject to the grievance procedure set forth in this Agreement within the limitations of Article V.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. 1. No teacher shall be formally disciplined except for cause. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, “cause” for such discipline shall include inefficiency, conduct unbecoming a teacher, or insubordination. In cases involving the failure to rehire teachers progressing toward professional status, the professional evaluation shall be accepted as an accurate evaluation of said teacher and shall not be subject to contrary testimony except as to statements based on fact (e.g., attendance records) as opposed to questions of judgment. 2. The ASSOCIATION recognizes the authority and responsibility of the Principal for disciplining or reprimanding a teacher for unsatisfactory professional performance. If a teacher is disciplined or reprimanded by a member of the administration above the level of Principal, however, h/she will be entitled to have a subsequent meeting with such member at which a representative of the ASSOCIATION is present.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. The Association recognizes the authority and responsibility of the Superintendent to dismiss or suspend teachers in accordance with applicable provisions of M.G.L., c.71. B. No professional status teacher shall be dismissed or suspended except for just cause. Any appeal of a determination to dismiss or suspend a professional status teacher shall be processed under M.G.L., C.71, S. 42 or S. 42D, or directly to grievance arbitration under this agreement within ten days after the final determination of the Superintendent of Schools. C. Teachers who have not attained professional teacher’s status shall be afforded whatever rights are provided to them under the pertinent provisions of M.G.L., c.71. D. Teachers will have the right, upon request and with reasonable notice, to review the contents of their personnel files. A teacher will be entitled to be accompanied by a representative of the Association during such review, and to receive a copy of anything in the file. The teacher will pay a reasonable charge and allow reasonable time for such copies. X. No material derogatory to a teacher's conduct, service, character or personality will be placed in the teacher's personnel file unless the teacher has had an opportunity to review the material. The teacher will acknowledge that this opportunity was afforded by signing the copy to be filed. It is expressly understood that such signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with the contents thereof. The teacher may also respond in writing to this material within ten (10) work days of receipt. The teacher's response will be reviewed by the Superintendent and then placed in the file. X. If a complaint is made to administration about a teacher, then the teacher will be informed about the complaint and the identity of the person who made the complaint as soon as possible. G. When the administration becomes aware that a student is making discriminatory comments about a teacher, the teacher will be notified as soon as possible about the incident and will be advised of what disciplinary action might be taken with regard to the student.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. Teacher discipline will be covered by Board Policy 3139. Any changes in Board policy or procedures will be given to the Association President in accordance with Article XX, Miscellaneous Provisions, Subsection K. No teacher shall be disciplined (including warnings, reprimands, suspensions, reductions in rank or professional advantage, discharges, or other actions of a disciplinary nature) for a reason that is arbitrary and capricious. Noncertified teachers shall be disciplined with just cause. Any such discipline shall be subject to the grievance procedure hereinafter set forth, including arbitration. The specific grounds forming the basis of disciplinary action will be made available to the teacher in writing. B. Any teacher shall be entitled to have present a representative of the Association during any investigation or interview where he believes disciplinary action may occur. When a request for such representation is made, no action shall be taken with respect to the teacher until such representative of the Association is present. Further, in the event a disciplinary action is to be taken, the teacher shall be advised of the right to representation under this provision of this Agreement prior to the action being taken. C. Any complaint made against a teacher or a person for whom the teacher is administratively responsible, by any parent, student, or other person will be called to the attention of the teacher within five (5) days following the complaint. Upon request, the Association President shall grant a five (5) day extension of this time limit. In no instance will a complaint be placed in a teacher’s file prior to the teacher being notified. Any complaint not called to the attention of the teacher may not be used as the basis for any disciplinary action against the teacher. The teacher will have the right to attach a written response to a complaint placed in the teacher's file.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. The Board may adopt rules and regulations not in conflict with the terms of this Agreement concerning the discipline of teachers. B. No teacher will be disciplined, discharged, reduced in seniority ranking or compensation for arbitrary or capricious reasons.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. The Association recognizes that abuses of sick leave or other leaves, chronic tardiness or absence, willful deficiencies in professional performance, or other violations of discipline by a teacher reflect adversely upon the teaching profession and create undesirable conditions in the school building. The Board, in recognition of alleged delinquencies, indicate expected correction, and indicate a reasonable period of correction. Alleged breaches of discipline shall be promptly reported to the offending teacher. B. A teacher shall at all times be entitled to have present a representative of the Association when he is being reprimanded, warned, or disciplined for any infraction of rules or delinquency, in professional performance. When a request for such representation is made, except in the case of alleged alcohol or drug abuse or some other circumstance that requires timely action, no action shall be taken for up to twenty-four (24) hours with respect to the teacher when representation is requested. In no event shall the administration be restricted from taking such protective action as the administration may determine to be necessary to protect the rights of students and others. C. No teacher shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation without just cause. Any such discipline, reprimand, or reduction in rank, compensation or advantage, including procedural aspects of adverse evaluation of teacher performance asserted by the Board or representative thereof shall be subject to the professional grievance procedure hereinafter set forth. All information forming the basis for disciplinary action will be made available to the teacher and the Association.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A teacher shall at all times be entitled to have representation from the ASSOCIATION in attendance when being warned, reprimanded, suspended, or disciplined in writing for any infraction of rules.
DISCIPLINE OF TEACHERS. A. Any disciplinary action taken against a teacher shall be appropriate to the behavior which precipitates said action. Any reprimand, suspension, discharge, or other disciplinary action will be for just cause. B. Teachers and the Association shall be given copies of all entries in their files which might be used as reliance for action against them and shall acknowledge receipt of the same by their signature on the original document. In the event that any teacher refuses to sign acknowledgment of receipt, the copies shall, instead, be furnished to the Association for transmittal and the Association guarantees to make acknowledgment that the Board has furnished the copy. Copies of past entries, prior to the date of this Agreement, will be supplied upon written request from a teacher. C. Any complaint made in reference to a teacher or person, for whom the teacher is administratively responsible, by any parent, student, or other person will be promptly called to the attention of the teacher unless confidentiality is protected by law. In the event of a complaint, where confidentiality is not protected by law, a cooperative effort involving the administrator and the teacher will be made to determine the validity of said complaint and to reach a positive resolution to any valid complaint. D. If a teacher is to be subject to written reprimand by the Board or its agents, the teacher shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present.