Duration of the Performance Contract Sample Clauses

Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024 Name………………………………………………………………………………… Designation: Principal Name…………………………………………………Designation………………… Name…………………………………………………………………………… Name…………………………………………………Designation………………… A1 Absorption of Allocated Funds. % 5 100 A2 Compliance with Audit Requirements. % 2 100 A3 Pending Bills. % 3 ≤1 Weight Sub Total 10 B1 Implementation of Institutional Service Delivery Charter. % 4 100 B2 Application of Service Delivery Innovation. % 3 100 B3 Resolution of Public Complaints. % 3 100 Weight Sub Total 10 C1 Maintenance of the teaching standards in the implementation of curriculum (performing the role of quality assurance within the institution). % 13 100 C2 Institutional Administration (as the lead educator and administrator). % 9 100 C3 Updated database on learners’ enrollment, Curriculum Based Establishment for teaching staff and non-teaching staff. % 8 100 C4 Promote Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programs at the institutional level. % 8 100 C5 Submission of Termly and Annual Reports % 10 100 C6 Overseeing implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) system in the institution. % 10 100 C7 Maintenance of Integrity and Professional Conduct in the teaching service. % 2 100 Weight Sub Total 60 D ACCESS TO INSTITUTIONAL PROCUREMENT Access to Institutional Procurement Ksh 4 100 Weight Sub Total 4 E PROMOTION OF LOCAL CONTENT IN PROCUREMENT Promotion of Local Content in Procurement Ksh 2 Weight Sub Total 2 F CROSS-CUTTING F1 Asset Management % 3 100 F2 Disability Mainstreaming % 4 100 F3 Prevention of HIV/AIDS Infections % 2 100 F4 Safety and Security Measures % 3 100
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Duration of the Performance Contract. This Performance Contract will run for one financial year, from 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020.
Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run for one financial year, from 1st July, 2018 to 30th June 2019. CRITERIA CATEGORY UNIT OF MEASURE WEIGHT CURRENT STATUS FY 2017/18 TARGET FY 2018/19 A FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP AND DISCIPLINE Absorption of Allocated Funds % 4 95 100 Development Index % 2 0 14 A-in-A Ksh - N/A NA Asset Management % 2 100 100 Pending bills % 2 0.7 < 1 B SERVICE DELIVERY Review and Implementation Citizens’ Service Delivery Charter % 2 35 100 Customer Satisfaction Report 2 1 1 Application of service delivery Innovations % 2 0 100 Resolution of Public Complaints % 2 N/A 100 Automation Report 2 N/A 1 C INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATION Development of County Planning Framework % 3 N/A 100 Youth Internships/ Industrial Attachments/Apprenticeships No 1 2 2 Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) Ksh. 2 1,100,000 1,150,000 Promotion of Local Content Ksh. 1.5 N/A 20,000 Competence Development % 2 N/A 70 Knowledge Management % 2 N/A 60 Work Environment % 1 50 100 Safety and Security Measures % 1 33.3 100 Cascading of Performance Contracts % 1.5 90 100 D CORE MANDATE County Department’s priority projects/ programs (“Big Four” Initiatives, Vision 2030 Flagship Projects, programs / Projects aligned to SDGs and SPS) NO Construct Office block % 10 100 Review and approve County departmental organizational structures and Staff Establishments % 10 100% Human Resource Management % 20 100 National Values and Principles of Public Service % 10 Revenue Collection Ksh. N/A Ease of doing business % N/A 100 Compliance with Statutory Obligations % 6 100 Project Completion Rate % 4 100 Weight Sub Total 60 E CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse % 0.5 70 Prevention of HIV Infections % 1 70 Environmental Sustainability % 1 100 Disability Mainstreaming % 0.5 60 Corruption Prevention % 1 100 National Cohesion and Values % 1 60 Weight Sub Total 5 OVERALL TOTAL WEIGHT 100 Utilization of Allocated Funds The Board commits to utilize the funds allocated fully as per the approved budget and in line with Government regulations – 100% Development index The Board commits to:  Acquire land for construction of CPSB office block – 35%  Procure a consultant Develop office architectural/structural plan – 35%  Procure a contractor for construction – 30% Total budget = KShs. 72,740,675.54 Development budget = KShs. 10,000,000 Development Index = 10,000,000/72,740,675.54 = 13.7% A in A Not applicable Asset management The Board commits to manage assets by  Taggin...
Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run for a period of one financial year from 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021 A FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP: Kshs./% 1 Absorption of allocated funds % 4 100 2 Development Index % 3
Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run for one financial year, from 1st July, 2017 to 30th June, 2018. Signature……………………………………………… Date ………………………………………… CHAIRMAN, KISII UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Signature……………………………………………… Date ………………………………………… MEMBER, KISII UNIVERSITY COUNCIL Signature……………………………………………… Date ………………………………………… CABINET SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Signature……………………………………………… Date ………………………………………… CABINET SECRETARY, THE NATIONAL TREASURY 1. Absorption of Allocated Funds % 5 98 100i 2. A-in-A Kshs. Billion 2 2.119 1.7ii 3. Pending Bills % 3 10.5 ≤1iii 1. Implementation of Citizens’ Service Delivery Charter % 4 100 100iv 2. Application of Service Delivery Innovations % 3 80 100v 3. Resolution of Public Complaints % 3 90 100vi 1. Construction of the Lecture Halls Complex (Block B) % 1 75 85vii 2. Enrollment of undergraduate and post graduate students No. 6 4,485 4,150viii 3. ICT integration in teaching and learning % 4 100 100ix 4. No. of academic publications increased No. 3 50 65x 5. Construction of the Hostels Complex % 2 51.4 65xi 6. Construction of the Chancellor’s pavilion % 4 80 100xii 7. No. of new academic staff recruited No. 3 22 35xiii 8. No. of diploma students enrolled No. 6 1,349 1000xiv 9. Procurement of library books Kshs. Million 5 9.6 4xv PERFORMANCE CRITERIA CATEGORY UNIT OF MEASURE WT Status Previous Year (FY 2016/17) Target (FY 2017/18) 10. No. of academic public lectures held No. 4 10 10xvi 11. International Research Training Workshops held No. 3 N/A 1xvii 12. International Interdisciplinary Research Conference held No. 4 1 1xviii 13. No. of proposals seeking for external funding submitted No. 4 5 7xix 14. No. of Industry and institutional linkages increased No. 4 4 4xx 15. No. of community outreach and extension services increased No. 5 5 5xxi 16. Project Completion Rate % 2 61.55 100xxii D Implementation of Presidential Directives % 5 100 100xxiii E Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) Kshs. Million 3 36.78 99.8xxiv F Promotion of Local Content in Procurement Kshs. Million 2 108.02 133.12xxv 1. Asset Management % 1 100 100xxvi 2. Youth Internships/ Industrial Attachment/ Apprenticeships No. 1 42 55xxvii 3. Competency Development % 2 100 100xxviii 4. Disability Mainstreaming % 1 100 100xxix 5. Prevention of HIV/AIDS Infections % 1 100 100xxx 6. Safety and Security Measures % 1 45 100xxxi 7. National cohesion and values % 1 100 100xxxii 8. Corruption Prevention % 2 95 100xxxiii Weight Sub Total 10
Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Agreement will run for twelve months coinciding with the financial year effective 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2017.
Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run for one financial year, from 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020 Signature: …................................ Date: ……………………… COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, TRADE, TOURIM AND CO-OPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT Signature: ……………………………… Date: ……………………….
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Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run for a period of 12 months from 1st July 2009 to 30th June 2010. His Worship the Mayor …………………………………… Date: ……………………... Chairman, Finance Committee …………………………………… Date:……………………… Permanent Secretary, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government ………………………………….. Date:……………………… Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Government ………………………………….. Date:……………………… PERFORMANCE CONTRACT 2009/2010 CRITERIA CATEGORY UNI TS WT CURRENT STATUS 2008/09 TARGET 2009/10 CRETERION VALUES Excellent (1.00‐ 2.49) Very Good (1.50‐ 2.49) Good (2.50‐ 3.49) Fair (3.50‐ 3.590 Poor (3.60‐ 5.00) Achiev ements Raw scor e Weighed A FINANCIAL & STEWARDSHIP INDICATORS Revenue Collection KShs . 6 106.8m 117.9m Cost reduction/savings KShs . 2 0.25m 1m Utilization of funds on programmed activities % 9 100 100 Development index % 1 32 43 Debt/equity ratio % 2 20 17 Weight subtotals 20 B NON FINANCIAL Review of strategic plan time 2 03.07.200 9 N/A Compliance with strategic plan % 1 95 100 Disposal of idle with assets % 1 50 100 ISO certification % 1 37 40 Avg. collection days 2 40 40 Corruption Eradication % 1 80 80 Prevention HIV infections % 2 50 100 Statutory obligation % 2 85 100 Automation % 2 50 80 Competency Development % 1 0 50 Weight subtotals 15 C OPERATIONS Enforcement/compliance 1)by‐laws % 1 100 100 2)other laws % 1 100 100 Develop master plan % 1 10 30 Review infrastructural plans Time 1 N/A 30.06. 2010 Garbage collection % 3 60 80 Provision of litter bins No 3 7 100 Maintenance of drainage system % 2 70 100 Mosquito control % 2 80 100 Development control % 1 75 100 Beautification of parks % 1 60 100 Outcomes aligned to sub‐sector performance standards Project implementation Qtry ,etc 2 9 15 Timeliness % 2 80 100 Quality % 2 90 100 Relevance % 2 100 100 Cost effective % 2 80 100 Completion rate % 1 70 100 Weight Sub‐totals 25 D Service Delivery Develop/Implement customer service delivery charter Exte nt/% 10 100 50 Customer satisfaction % 10 50 50 10 1 1 Weight Sub‐totals 30 E Dynamics/Qualitative Work environment(baseline survey/implementation) % 1 50 60 Employees satisfation % 1 50 50 Repair % 1 45 60 Maintenance % 1 90 100 Safety measures % 1 50 100 Research and Development % 1 N/A N/A Prevention of alcohol and drug abuse No. of Certi ficat e 1 N/A 30 Resolution of public complaints % 1 N/A 50 Gender mainstreaming % 0.5 N/A 50 Disability mainstreaming % 0.5 N/A 30 Fire fighting No 0.5 50 100 Tree nursery No 0.5 N/A 50...
Duration of the Performance Contract. This Contract will run for a period of 12 months from 1st July, 2019 to 30th June, 2020. Signature………………………………………Date………………………………….. Insert HOD’s name Signature………………………………………Date....……………………………….. Xxxx. Xxxxxx X. Mailutha, PhD Signature………………………………………Date………………………………….. Xx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Omollo, PhD To admit 3,000 first year undergraduate students (example***) Undertake aggressive marketing activities including media adverts Request allocation of 1,800 students to KUCCPS Admit 1,200 self sponsored students No. 5 2,675 3,000 To increase farm revenue from Ksh. 1M to Ksh. 1.6M (example***) Purchase 3 new lactating cows to increase milk yield Set up 2 additional fish ponds Increase banana acreage by 2 more acres ….etc targets and activities must be SMART Ksh. 4 1,000,000 1,600,000 To ensure 100% compliance with budgetary allocation (vote book) Compliance (%) = Prepare and submit annual budget aligned with vote book allocation for the year to Finance Officer. (20%) Control all expenditures to be within the allocated budget for all budget items as per the vote book allocation for the department. (80%) % 4 N/A 100% To ensure 100% resolution of customer complaints Maintaining appropriate mechanisms and procedure to receive and handle customer complaints e.g. complaints book (mandatory), email, complaints box etc. (40%) Ensuring all complaints received are documented, resolved and feedback given to the customer (60%) % 3 N/A 100% To appraise all staff in the department using the individual staff performance appraisal forms Agreeing on the appraisal targets with individual staff and filling the appraisal forms by 31st July 2019 in consultation with the Registrar (Admin) (30%). Monitoring/appraising individual staff performance progress on quarterly basis (40%). Finalizing the appraisal process at the end of the year and submitting the forms to Registrar (Admin) by 7th July 2020 (30%). % 4 N/A 100% To comply 100% with ISO 9001:2015 QMS requirements Review the General Operating Procedure (GOP) for the department. (40%) Undertake risk assessment of all processes in the department. (40%) Undertake corrective action of all non-conformities identified during internal/external audits. (20%) 3 To hold quarterly meetings to review performance Convene meetings, maintain minutes and follow up on the action points. No. 4 N/A 4
Duration of the Performance Contract. The Performance Contract will run for a period of 12 months from 1st July 2007 to 30th June 2008. …………………………………… Date: ……………………... Chairman, Finance Committee …………………………………… Date: ……………………… Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Local Government ………………………………….. Date: ……………………… Honourable Minister, Ministry of Local Government ………………………………….. Date: ……………………… During the last financial year 06/07 the Council collected Kshs. 86million from the local source of revenue. The Council anticipates the revenue to improve by Xxxx. 14 million as compared to the current contract period. The following are the areas where the revenue is expected to be enhanced. • New fees and chargesNew bus park feesNew markets being introduced in rural areas • Lease of the replanned showground • Lease of part of dumpsite • Advertisement fees on wall painting
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