Fitness for Duty Examinations Sample Clauses
Fitness for Duty Examinations. The City shall have the right to require medical or psychological examinations at the City’s expense. The City reserves the right to select its own medical examiner or physician. If the Union disagrees with the results of the examination, the Union may have the employee reexamined at the employee’s expense. In the event of disagreement between the physician or medical examiner selected by the City and the physician or medical examiner selected by the Union, the two parties will agree to the selection of a third physician or medical examiner. This physician or medical examiner’s opinion shall be final and binding on the City, the Union, and the employee. The expense of the third physician or medical examiner shall be equally divided between the City and the employee. This process shall also apply to disputes regarding employee’s physician’s verification of illness.
Fitness for Duty Examinations. Any employee in the competitive service may be required by Department Head or the Human Resources Director to undergo a physical examination, which examination shall be at the City expense, where the Department Head or Human Resources Director has reasonable suspicion based on an articulable basis, to believe the employee is unfit to perform the essential duties of his/her position..
Fitness for Duty Examinations. At the request of the College President or his/her designee, any instructor shall receive a fitness for duty examination by a physician selected by the College. At the request of the Employee, he/she may seek a second opinion by a physician of his/her choice. Should conflicting determinations occur, each party will mutually agree to an examination by a third physician and this decision will be final.
Fitness for Duty Examinations. The Employer may require an employee who has been absent due to personal illness or injury, prior to and as a condition of his return to duty, to be examined by a physician paid for by the Employer, to establish that he is able to perform his normal duties and that his return to duty will not jeopardize the health and safety of other employees.
Fitness for Duty Examinations. 37.1 Fitness for duty examinations will be conducted if the Employer determines such fitness for duty examination is necessary to ascertain whether the Employee can perform the essential functions of the job. A fitness for duty assessment becomes necessary in an incident or event specific setting, or where a pattern of significant sick leave usage or job performance causes the Employer to have a reasonable belief that the Employee may not be fit for duty which may include but is not limited to an injury, or a health or psychological condition that reveals itself while the Employee is on duty or off duty and interferes with the Employee performing the work of the position. If the fitness for duty examination pertains to the Employee’s inability to physically perform the essential functions of their job as it relates to the physical exertion required for structural firefighting, then the first requirement shall be for the Employee to pass the fitness standards addressed in the physical fitness incentive program provisions of Section 34.3 of the CBA. If the Employee fails these fitness standards then the Employer has the right to institute disciplinary procedures up to and including discharge. If the fitness for duty examination pertains to other physical or mental conditions that interfere with the Employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job then the provisions of this Article shall apply.
37.2 On any occasion when the City believes that a fitness for duty examination is necessary with respect to a particular bargaining unit member, the City will notify both the impacted bargaining unit member and Local #3542 of the City's belief in writing, and the City will also explain in writing the basis for its belief in this regard as is set forth in Section 37.1 above. Employee shall provide the City with a patient’s waiver of medical information or a release prepared by the City for the purposes of acquiring necessary information from the medical providers to ascertain whether an employee can perform the essential functions of the job.
37.3 The parties agree to the first fitness for duty examination being conducted by Lincoln Avenue Family Medicine at the City’s expense and at the time assigned by the City. The Employee shall be placed on paid administrative leave pending the results of said examination. The member will provide the examining physician with a copy of the most recent job description for the member's position, or with other equival...
Fitness for Duty Examinations. A. All employees may be required by the appointing authority with the approval of the Executive Director of Employee Services or designee to undergo for cause medical examinations to determine their physical and mental fitness to perform the work of the classification in which they are employed. The cost of these examinations shall be at the expense of the Employer.
B. Determination of physical or mental fitness will be by a physician designated by the Executive Director of Employee Services. The physician will be provided a description of the work to be performed and its physical parameters.
C. When an employee has been reported by the examining physician to be physically or mentally unfit to perform work in the position in which the employee is employed, the Employer will provide the employee with written notification of such findings by registered or certified mail. The employee shall have up to five (5) working days from date of receipt of this notification to indicate in writing to the Executive Director of Employee Services the employee’s intention to submit the question of physical or mental unfitness to a physician of the employee’s own choice at the employee’s own expense. The same information provided to the initial examining physician relative to the work to be performed and its physical parameters shall also be provided to the employee’s physician. Additionally, this physician will be given documentation outlining the Employer’s concerns related to fitness for duty. The report of such examination shall be provided to the Executive Director of Employee Services not later than twenty (20) working days from the receipt of notification of unfitness of the employee. D In the event of differing medical opinions, the employee shall undergo an examination by a third party physician for resolution. This physician shall be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Union. The third medical examination shall be the deciding opinion. The cost of this examination shall be at the expense of the Employer.
Fitness for Duty Examinations. A. If there is a reasonable basis to believe an employee is physically or psychologically unable to safely perform the requirements of the job, the employee may be placed on administrative leave with pay and required to attend a fitness for duty evaluation performed by the City’s physician or psychologist.
B. If the City’s physician or psychologist determines the employee to be fit for duty, the employee shall be returned to active duty as soon as practicable. If the City’s physician or psychologist determines the employee is not fit for duty, unless there is a claim that the injury or illness is covered by the worker’s compensation act, the employee shall be placed on sick leave status. If there is a claim that the injury or illness is covered by the worker’s compensation act, the determinations reached under the provisions of this Article shall not apply and the determination made under the worker’s compensation act shall be controlling for that claim. While on sick leave status the employee shall be required to utilize any available paid leave. If an employee has exhausted his/her available paid leave and any donated compensatory time (pursuant to this Article), the employee’s status shall be classified as unpaid medical leave unless the employee is granted light duty or income maintenance pursuant to Article 37-Income Maintenance Plan. Unless the employee voluntarily resigns or has his/her employment terminated for other reasons, the employee shall remain on a status allowed by this Article, or until it is determined by the City’s physician or psychologist that the employee is fit for full duty.
C. If the employee disagrees with the determination of the City’s physician or psychologist, the employee may seek a second opinion from a physician or psychologist at the employee’s expense. The employee or Union shall notify the City that a second opinion is desired within 14 calendar days of the date the employee is notified of the findings of the City’s physician or psychologist. Upon such notification, representatives of the Union and representatives of the City shall meet to set a deadline for scheduling of the second opinion. If the second opinion disagrees with the opinion of the City’s physician or psychologist, the employee shall immediately be returned to paid administrative leave or light duty and the time period specified in Section 4 of this Article shall be suspended until the matter is resolved. The dispute between the opinion of the City’s phys...
Fitness for Duty Examinations. If the Employer has a reasonable basis for believing that an employee is no longer mentally or physically capable of performing the essential functions of his position, or poses a threat to himself or others, the Employer may order an examination by an appropriately qualified medical professional, at the Employer’s expense. Upon receipt of the medical professional’s opinion on fitness for duty, the Employer, the Union, and the employee will meet to discuss possible alternatives and/or accommodations. If no alternative or accommodation is mutually agreeable and provided that the physician has concluded the employee unfit for duty, then the employee will be placed on sick leave, FMLA, unpaid disability leave, or disability separation made. Such action is non-disciplinary in nature.
Fitness for Duty Examinations. A. All employees may be required by the appointing authority with the approval of the Executive Director of Employee Services or designee to undergo for cause medical examinations to determine their physical and mental fitness to perform the work of the classification in which they are employed. The cost of these examinations shall be at the expense of the Employer.
B. Determination of physical or mental fitness will be by a physician designated by the Executive Director of Employee Services. The physician will be provided a description of the work to be performed and its physical parameters.
C. When an employee has been reported by the examining physician to be physically or mentally unfit to perform work in the position in which the employee is employed, the Employer will provide the employee with written notification of such findings by registered or certified mail. The employee shall have up to five
Fitness for Duty Examinations. See applicable administrative policy. 5502 Immunizations – Periodic: The City may provide or require periodic immunizations or inoculations as a condition of continued employment.