Health and Well-being. (a) Ante-natal Care Any pregnant employee has the right to paid time off to attend for ante- natal care and must produce evidence of appointments if requested by her employing authority.
(b) Health and Safety Consideration must be given to any health and safety implications for pregnant or breast-feeding employees identified in the Workplace Risk Assessment carried out in accordance with Part 2, Paragraph 4.
Health and Well-being. Health, equity, and the environment, including climate, are deeply interconnected, thus health, inequity, and environmental and climate change require intersectoral and collaborative solutions. Healthful food, healthy buildings, and active transportation are just some examples in which health, sustainability, and equity are synergistic. The Healthy Campus Network (HCN) leadership will use a Health in All Policies2 framework and broad stakeholder engagement to better address health inequities; to support a culture of health for all faculty, staff, and students; to xxxxxx community collaborations across the UC system and California; and to meet the policy goals outlined below.
1. By the end of 2022, the HCN will review the strengths and gaps in the UC Sustainable Practices Policy and make recommendations for integration based on:
a. Environmental and human health co-benefits,
b. Social, physical, and emotional well-being, and
c. Health equity.
2. By the end of 2021, the HCN will review and revise healthy vending goals with stakeholders to propose for inclusion in this Policy.
3. By the end of 2021, the HCN will review the chemicals of concern criteria detailed in the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and make recommendations for the inclusion of specific Policy targets.
Health and Well-being. 1. The Healthy Campus Network will build a systemwide working group that will work closely with campuses, health locations and community stakeholders to build out and coordinate implementation of this section of the Policy.
Health and Well-being. The Adopter agrees to keep the Greyhound in good health and proper weight and fitness, and to provide at least annual veterinarian examinations, current vaccinations, teeth cleaning, and worming.
Health and Well-being. 3.11.1 Ministry of Education and staff recognise the importance of good health and well- being. The Ministry will provide a safe work environment for staff. Staff will maintain a safety-conscious attitude to their work and will ensure that they are safe while at work and that no action or inaction while at work will cause harm to other staff or visitors.
3.11.2 Both the Ministry of Education and employees have responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. The Health and Safety Policies of the Ministry will apply.
3.11.3 The Ministry is responsible for providing good and safe working conditions and opportunities for the enhancement of the abilities of individual employees under the Public Service Act 2020 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
3.11.4 The Ministry recognises that good and safe working conditions may be affected by factors such as workloads, working conditions related to clients and the provision of essential resources.
3.11.5 Employees will only be required to work in situations where there is no heightened personal risk over their normal work situation and the facilities and equipment are appropriate to the task.
3.11.6 The parties agree in principle that responsibility for pre-exposure immunisation of employees rests with employers who should accept responsibility for safety in the workplace, advised as necessary by Health officials.
3.11.7 In situations where employees may be at significantly increased risk of acquiring hepatitis B or similar diseases because of the nature of their job, the situation shall be assessed on an individual basis to decide if immunisation programmes would be set up to cover all employees covered by this Agreement.
3.11.8 In all situations where there is a risk of infection, it shall be the duty of employers to require safe working practices on the part of employees and to ensure appropriate hygiene measures are followed to reduce such risk to a minimum, whether or not immunisation is considered advisable.
Health and Well-being. 3.11.1 Ministry of Education and staff recognise the importance of good health and well- being. The Ministry will provide a safe work environment for staff. Staff will maintain a safety-conscious attitude to their work and will ensure that they are safe while at work and that no action or inaction while at work will cause harm to other staff or visitors.
3.11.2 Both the Ministry of Education and employees have responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Xxx 0000. The Health and Safety Policies of the Ministry will apply.
3.11.3 The Ministry is responsible for providing good and safe working conditions and opportunities for the enhancement of the abilities of individual employees under the Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx 0000 and the Health and Safety at Work Xxx 0000.
3.11.4 The Ministry recognises that good and safe working conditions may be affected by factors such as workloads, working conditions related to clients and the provision of essential resources.
3.11.5 Employees will only be required to work in situations where there is no heightened personal risk over their normal work situation and the facilities and equipment are appropriate to the task.
3.11.6 The parties agree in principle that responsibility for pre-exposure immunisation of employees rests with employers who should accept responsibility for safety in the workplace, advised as necessary by Health officials.
3.11.7 In situations where employees may be at significantly increased risk of acquiring hepatitis B or similar diseases because of the nature of their job, the situation shall be assessed on an individual basis to decide if immunisation programmes would be set up to cover all employees covered by this Agreement.
3.11.8 In all situations where there is a risk of infection, it shall be the duty of employers to require safe working practices on the part of employees and to ensure appropriate hygiene measures are followed to reduce such risk to a minimum, whether or not immunisation is considered advisable.
Health and Well-being. During the life of this certified agreement the parties will develop and implement an agreed health and well- being program that meets the needs of the parties.
Health and Well-being. Clothing and Personal Items
Health and Well-being. 5.1. You confirm that you have given the School full information about the health, psychological background, and academic information including learning difficulties of the student when applying for enrolment, and will provide the School with any updated information that you obtain between the enrolment of the child at the School, and when they commence at the School.
5.2. To assist the School in fulfilling our duty of care to your child, you have an ongoing obligation to keep the School fully informed of the student’s health issues or other needs. You are required to inform the School as soon as practicable if there is any change in the health or physical abilities of the student while the student is at the School.
5.3. If the student has a medical issue or other type of emergency at a School function, on the School campus, or at a School event, the School will make all practical attempts to contact you for instructions and/or authority to take steps for the student. If it is impossible or impractical to communicate with you, you authorise the School to take action and incur expenditure as the School considers necessary to ensure the health and safety of the student and to act in the best interests of the student. You agree to reimburse any expenditure the School incurs in connection with the health and safety of the student.
5.4. You understand that students are not permitted to self-administer medications at the School without consent of the School. You agree to provide the School First Aid Staff with any medication required by the student and instructions in relation to the use of the medication and the School will follow these instructions in administering the medication to the student. You warrant that the instructions you provide in respect of the use of the medication is complete, correct and accurate.
5.5. You agree that in the event that staff require special training to administer the medication or respond to specific health issues (for example, in the case of a child that is diabetic), you are responsible for both organising and paying for that special training for all necessary staff, and until that has occurred, you will arrange to attend the School and administer the necessary medication as needed.
5.6. You agree that, if required, the School First Aid Officer may confirm or clarify any directions from a doctor in respect of administration of medication for a student, and by signing this Enrolment Contract you provide authority to permit the...
Health and Well-being. The factors affecting the health of Slough’s population are complex and varied. At one level are the structural issues which affect all communities. This includes the urban environment and corollary issues of poor quality housing (both public and private sector), the presence of a large industrial estate and several smaller industrial zones towards the east of the town, traffic congestion with the close proximity of the M4, M25 and M40 as well as the A4 and Slough’s close links with Heathrow. Combined these factors have a detrimental impact upon the health of local residents from all backgrounds. A second factor to assess relates to the demographics of the population itself. The percentage of households in Slough that had one or more persons with a limiting long-term disability (2001 Census) stood at 14%, a relatively high percentage when compared to regional peers. This itself can be attributed to the nature of industry that has historically been in the town and the preponderance of manual, low skilled work that had been available for residents. Poor health is strongly correlated to poverty and approximately 5,800 children are living in low- income households whilst socio-economic issues can also affect dietary habits and levels of alcohol consumption and smoking. And although people’s lifestyles (alcohol, diet) are significantly better than the national or regional average, a higher percentage of the adult population are estimated to smoke (25.2%) whilst alcohol consumption remains higher amongst certain demographics. Finally, Slough is home to a heterogeneous mix of communities each of which brings unique challenges. In Slough circulatory diseases (coronary heart disease and strokes) are the largest cause of loss of life, closely followed by all cancers. Diabetes is also a major health problem and is particularly common in the Asian communities. Death rates for circulatory diseases in Slough are significantly higher than the rest of Berkshire, the South-East and England & Wales, although death rates in Slough appear to be falling at least as fast as the rest of the country. Loss of life in attributable to cancer is not significantly different from the average for the South East and for England & Wales. Life expectancy in Slough is slightly lower than the South East and national Average. In 2003 life expectancy for the most deprived 20% of the town stood at 75 years, 4.5 years less than for people in the most affluent 20% of the town. Both figures remain...