Hospital-Medical Sample Clauses
Hospital-Medical. A committee comprised of the superintendent, the AEA chief negotiator, the AEA president, and representatives of each district building will examine possible alternatives to items listed in this section.
Hospital-Medical. Each full-time faculty member is entitled to the insurance benefits. Hourly faculty members qualify to receive full benefits with a workload of 32.5 hours or more per week. Hourly faculty members, half-time trainers and salaried non-classroom faculty members with continuing contracts working 20 hours or more, but less than 32.5 hours per week shall be paid hospital medical on a pro rata formula using 32.5 hours as the base. If the plan allows, adjuncts shall have the ability to purchase health insurance coverage under the group rate, but without employer contribution.
Hospital-Medical. As soon as administratively possible after the issuance of the Award in Act 312 Arbitration Case D11-D-0408, the Employer will provide two PPO plans (a Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO and a HAP of Michigan PPO plan) with substantially similar plan designs for each eligible full-time employee including spouse and dependents. In addition, a HAP of Michigan HMO will be provided. Until such time as the County implements said coverage, employees shall maintain the coverage they had prior to the Award. Coverage is effective on the first day of the month immediately following the employee’s completion of five hundred and twenty (520) straight-time hours of employment. Employees have the option of selecting available hospital/medical coverage plans at the time of hire or during open enrollment. The table below outlines the basic point of service cost sharing provision of the current Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO and HAP of Michigan PPO plan designs. Actual benefit provisions are dictated by each carrier/administrator and can be found in the plan benefit summaries. In-Network Out-of-Network Deductibles Individual $250 $500 Family $500 $1,000 Out-of-Pocket Maximums (includes deductible, excludes co-pays) Individual $1,000 $2,000 Family $2,000 $4,000 Lifetime Maximum unlimited Hospital Inpatient 20% after deductible 40%after deductible Outpatient 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Physician Preventive Care 0% 40% after deductible Primary Care $20 Co-pay 40% after deductible Specialist $20 Co-pay 40%after deductible Emergency Hospital $150 Co-pay* $150 Co-pay* Urgent Care $30 Co-pay $30 Co-pay Other Speech, Occupational, Physical Therapy 20%after deductible 40%after deductible Skilled Nursing 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Home Health Care 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Chiropractic 20% after deductible 40% after deductible The table below outlines the basic point of service cost sharing of the HAP of Michigan HMO plan design. Actual benefit provisions are dictated by the carrier/administrator and can be found in the plan benefit summaries. In-Network Deductibles Individual $250 Family $500 Out-of-Pocket Maximums (includes deductible, excludes co-pays) Individual $1,000 Family $2,000 Lifetime Maximum unlimited Hospital Inpatient 10% after deductible Outpatient 10% after deductible Physician Preventive Care 0% Primary Care $15 Co-pay Specialist $15 Co-pay Emergency Hospital $100 Co-pay* Urgent Care $30 Co-pay Other Speech, Occupational, Physical Th...
Hospital-Medical. The Employer shall provide a health care option for the Employee and his/her eligible dependents. A designee of the Board of Trustees shall sign an Employer Participation Agreement. The College and the Union shall discuss annually the plan to be provided. The Employer shall pay to the Employee’s Health Savings Account (HSA) any amounts exceeding the aggregate difference between the premium and the hard cap set by Michigan Public Act 152 of 2011 (MI PA 152) through a mutually agreed upon smoothed distribution. Smoothing shall be accomplished by taking the aggregate of premiums and subtracting from the aggregate caps. The total will be distributed directly to the Employees’ HSA based on single or two person/full family premiums paid on the first (1st) payroll of each month. In the event premiums exceed the aggregate cap for the plan, the Employee shall contribute through payroll deduction toward their premium using a mutually agreed upon smoothed distribution. Smoothing shall be accomplished by taking the aggregate cap for the plan and subtracting from the aggregate premiums. The total funds due will be allocated to the members based on single or two (2) person/full family premiums paid, and contributions will be processed monthly through payroll deduction on the last payroll of each month prior to premium due date. If significant changes occur within MI PA 152, the Employer and Association will mutually agree on how to handle the impact of the changes.
Hospital-Medical. Hospital-medical insurance shall be limited to one (1) plan per household where more than one
(1) family member is employed by the College. The Employer shall provide a healthcare option for the Employee and his/her eligible dependents. A designee of the Board of Trustees shall sign an Employer Participation Agreement. The College and the Union shall discuss annually the plan to be provided. The Employer shall pay to the Employee’s Health Savings Account (HSA) any amounts exceeding the aggregate difference between the premium and the hard cap set by Michigan Public Act 152 of 2011 (MI PA 152). A mutually agreed upon smoothing distribution shall be accomplished if all Members participate in the same health plan. Smoothing shall be accomplished by taking the aggregate of premiums and subtracting from the aggregate caps. The total will be distributed directly to the Employees’ HSA based on single or two person/full family premiums paid on the first (1st) payroll of each month. In the event premiums exceed the aggregate cap for the plan, the Employee shall contribute through payroll deduction toward their premium using a mutually agreed upon smoothed distribution. Smoothing shall be accomplished by taking the aggregate cap for the plan and subtracting from the aggregate premiums. The total funds due will be allocated to the members based on single or two (2) person/full family premiums paid, and contributions will be processed monthly through payroll deduction on the last payroll of each month prior to premium due date. If significant changes occur within MI PA 152, the Employer and Association will mutually agree on how to handle the impact of the changes.
Hospital-Medical. The Board shall pay up to Nine Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($975.00) per month per full- time employee toward the payment of premiums for Hospital, Medical, Surgical and Major Medical and In and Out Diagnostic insurance. The employee shall be responsible for the remainder of any premiums for such coverage. Coverage shall be for the duration of employment. The Board shall have the right to choose the carrier for the above coverage. Employees shall be covered, if application is made timely, on the first of the month following the initial day of employment. Coverage shall continue through September 30 of the contract year for those employees who resign effective after the completion of their contract year. At the conclusion of the Board’s contribution, medical insurance benefits may be continued (at the employee’s expense) subject to the conditions and regulations of the carrier.
Hospital-Medical. Each full-time faculty member is entitled to the insurance benefits. (Adjunct faculty who have previously received health benefits, see memo of understanding dated August 11, 2004.) Hourly faculty members qualify to receive full benefits with a workload of 32.5 hours or more per week. Hourly faculty members, half-time trainers and salaried non-classroom faculty members with continuing contracts working 20 hours or more, but less than 32.5 hours per week shall be paid hospital medical on a pro rata formula using 32.5 hours as the base. If the plan allows, adjuncts shall have the ability to purchase health insurance coverage under the group rate, but without employer contribution.
Hospital-Medical. Hospital-medical insurance shall be limited to one (1) plan per household where more than one (1) family member is employed by the College. The Employer shall provide the following Michigan Education Special Services Association (MESSA) ABC Plan 1 for the Employee and his/her eligible dependents as defined by MESSA. A designee of the Board of Trustees shall sign an Employer Participation Agreement. The College and the Union shall discuss annually the plan to be provided. The Employer shall pay to the Employee’s Health Savings Account (HSA) any amounts exceeding the aggregate difference between the premium and the hard cap set by Michigan Public Act 152 of 2011 (MI PA 152) through a mutually agreed upon smoothed distribution. Smoothing shall be accomplished by taking the aggregate of premiums and subtracting from the aggregate caps. The total will be distributed directly to the Employees’ HSA based on single or two person/full family premiums paid on the first (1st) payroll of each month. In the event premiums exceed the aggregate cap for the plan, the Employee shall contribute through payroll deduction toward their premium using a mutually agreed upon smoothed distribution. Smoothing shall be accomplished by taking the aggregate cap for the plan and subtracting from the aggregate premiums. The total funds due will be allocated to the members based on single or two (2) person/full family premiums paid, and contributions will be processed monthly through payroll deduction on the last payroll of each month prior to premium due date. If significant changes occur within MI PA 152, the Employer and Association will mutually agree on how to handle the impact of the changes. At age sixty-five (65) the employee is required to enroll in Medicare in order to qualify for the above coverage.
Hospital-Medical. PENSIONS GROUP INSURANCE The London Public Library Board shall pay one hundred percent of the costs of providing Provincial Health coverage unless through legislation an employee may be exempted under coverage. continue as outlined in Article Payment of premiums by the employer will not exceed a period of two consecutive years. If employment continue beyond that time the employee will be required to pay all premium costs of benefits coverage. Any outstanding sick leave credits will be frozen at the beginning of the leave of absence. Sick leave employee returns to work. The contributory retirement system as set up by the City of London in By- law numbers: A A A P adopted by the London Public Library Board; and the Resolution of the London Public Library Board dated June providing for the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System, Contract No. It is agreed that the Canada Pension Plan will be integrated with the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement System. The normal retirement age for employees, as set out in any pension or retirement shall not be compulsory, but may be extended, one year at a time, at the discretion of the Board. Effective May will be extended to include permanent employees. Credited service in shall be earned on a pro-rata basis for employees who work less than full-time. All employees will be covered by Worker's Compensation and by the Regulations of the Worker's Compensation Board. The Board agrees to provide a Blue Cross Plan as per brochure (known locally as the City of London Plan) and further that the Board agrees to pay of the premiums for this Plan. The London Public Library Board shall pay of the premiums for an employee Group Life Insurance Plan under which the life of each employee who is covered by this Agreement will be insured to the extent of two and one-half times an amount equal to the employee's annual salary calculated to the next up to a maximum of Blue Cross Rider (which includes a co-payment for services will be added). The London Public Library Board shall pay of the premiums. Effective January Blue Cross Rider (which includes a co-payment for services) will be added. The London Public Library Board shall pay of the premiums. Effective January the London Public Library Board shall pay of the premiums for all dental benefits. The Board will pay of premiums for a vision care plan with coverage of maximum per family member in a month period, except in the case of prescription for dependent children under years ...
Hospital-Medical. Hospital-medical insurance shall be limited to one (1) plan per household where more than one
(1) family member is employed by the College. The College will pay an amount not to exceed the full family cost of hospital-medical insurance substantially equal to Blue Cross-Blue Shield Comprehensive Hospital, Semiprivate Room, Riders D-45NM, 1MB, DCCR, SA; Michigan Variable Fee I with Riders OB, ML, FAE, VST, Reciprocity, DC and SD: Over 65 Exact Fill: One (1.00) Dollar Co-Pay Prescription Drug Program, Master Medical Option III. The insurance carrier shall be selected by the College. At age sixty-five (65) the employee is required to enroll in Medicare in order to qualify for the above coverage.