Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment Sample Clauses

Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment a. Employees may be transferred because of vacancies or surplus staff. The administrator making the selection decision shall have the right to select the least senior employee. Except in the case of an emergency, no such transfer shall be made without five (5) workdays notice to the employee. b. The employee may discuss the transfer with his/her immediate supervisor and with the supervisor at the proposed work site. Personal preferences of the employee(s) involved shall be considered, especially when undue hardship exists and is verifiable. c. The grievance procedure may be accessed by a member if the member believes the involuntary transfer/ reassignment procedure and/or requirements have not been followed.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. 1. The District or the site principal shall initiate all involuntary transfers/reassignments only when it is necessary to do so in order to fill vacancies with available staff. Reasons for such involuntary transfers/reassignments would include, but not be limited by, a decrease in the number of students, which requires a decrease in the number of unit members; elimination of program(s) and/or funding; school closing; or a shift in student population, which necessitates the elimination of one (1) class and/or the creation of another. The District shall seek volunteers prior to making any involuntary transfer/reassignment. Volunteers shall be afforded all the rights associated with involuntary transfer/reassignment. Such transfers/reassignments shall not be punitive or disciplinary in nature. a. A teacher, to be involuntarily transferred/reassigned, shall have the right to indicate preferences from a list of all District vacancies. b. In the event that there are more volunteers than needed, vacancies will be filled in accordance with District seniority allowing for the appropriate credential. Volunteer teachers with the most seniority will be transferred/reassigned first. c. In the absence of a sufficient number of volunteers, involuntary transfers shall be determined in accordance with seniority as a teacher in the District, allowing for the appropriate credential. Teachers with the least District seniority shall be transferred first. Teachers currently employed in grades TK-7 will not be involuntarily transferred to grades 7-12, and teachers currently employed in grades 7-12 will not be involuntarily transferred to grades TK-7 even if they hold an enabling credential (Multiple subject TK-8 and Single Subjects 7-12). Should involuntary transfer occur, affected personnel shall have first transfer rights to return to their prior site for the subsequent school year. d. In the absence of a sufficient number of volunteers, involuntary reassignments shall be determined in accordance with seniority as a teacher in the District, allowing for the appropriate credential. Teachers with the least District seniority shall be reassigned first. Teachers currently employed in grades TK-7 will not be involuntarily reassigned to grades 7-12, and teachers currently employed in grades 7- 12 will not be involuntarily reassigned to grades TK-7 even if they hold an enabling credential (Multiple subject TK-8 and Single Subjects 7-12). Should involuntary reassignment occur, affecte...
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. 11.4.1 Involuntary transfer or reassignments may be initiated by the Superintendent/ designee when such actions are in the best interest of the District. A vacancy need not exist for transfer or reassignment to be initiated by the District; and, at District option, such actions may take place prior to announcing vacancies. Reasons which may create a need for an involuntary transfer or reassignment are: Accommodating special staffing needs Initiation, expansion, reduction or termination of program
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. A. Involuntary transfer/reassignment of an employee on a temporary or permanent basis shall be initiated by the district supervisor/administrator through the office of the Director of Personnel and Employee Relations. When such transfers are made due to district wide/individual building needs, the employee with the least amount of system-wide seniority in that classification, in that building (on that shift), will be reassigned to the first vacancy within that classification. Employees shall be notified of any proposed transfer five (5) working days prior to implementation. Such notification shall be conducted in a personal conference with the supervisor/administrator affecting the transfer. If no vacancy exists in that classification refer to Article 35 procedures. B. When an employee is reassigned (involuntarily transferred) due to individual concerns or performance factors, the employee may object and pursue relief from the transfer through the conflict resolution process when the employee is able to show hardship or harm if such a transfer is initiated. Employees shall be notified of any proposed transfer five (5) working days prior to implementation. Such notification shall be conducted in a personal conference with the supervisor/administrator effecting the transfer. The employee shall not be transferred without following the concepts of progressive/corrective discipline as contained in Article 21. Such transfers, which are for performance deficiencies, shall be subject to the grievance procedures.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. An inter/intra classification in job assignment made by a directive of the Superintendent and/or his/her designee. The Superintendent and/or his/her designee will meet with the employee prior to the transfer.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. Notice of involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to an employee as 24 soon as practicable, and except in unusual cases, not later than June 30 of any 25 given year.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. A. The Administration has the right to assign teachers within the areas of certification. If a teacher is to be reassigned, he/she will be informed in writing at the earliest opportunity of the reassignment, and the reason for reassignment. B. If a teacher is subject to an involuntary transfer or reassignment during the school year, he/she shall have the right to resign without penalty within fifteen (15) days of the date of notification of transfer or reassignment. C. Only in the case that a suitable certified candidate cannot be found outside the district shall a currently employed teacher be changed without his/her consent to accommodate the assignment of a teacher hired new to the district.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. 1. When a teacher is being involuntarily transferred or reassigned, he/she will have the opportunity to make known in writing to the appropriate administrator his/her wishes regarding the new assignment within two (2) working days after receipt of the notice of transfer or reassignment. 2. Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment will be given to the teacher as soon as possible. 3. When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, a teacher's professional training, experience, merit, and length of service shall be considered by the District as significant factors in the decision. The following process will be followed: a. Volunteers will be requested and considered with the District making the final decision based on criteria set out in Section D. 2. above. b. No teacher will be involuntarily transferred or reassigned more than twice in a four year period. c. Other than transfers that are necessary to comply with District Policy, no elementary teacher will be involuntarily transferred or reassigned to a position that is more than three grade levels in difference. 4. An involuntary transfer or reassignment will be made only after a meeting between the teacher and the Director of Personnel, at which time the teacher will be notified in writing of the specific reasons for the transfer. 5. During the two weeks following the first day of school, the District may transfer teachers at its discretion for purposes of balancing class loads, taking into consideration paragraph E (3) of this Article.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. A conference shall be held between the staff member and the building principal explaining the reasons a transfer of the individual is being considered.
Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment. 1) Each transfer/reassignment will be considered on its own merits and will be made in keeping with the best interests of the instructional program of the District. Such involuntary transfers/reassignments will not be made in a capricious or arbitrary manner, or for punishment. 2) The Superintendent shall notify the affected employee and the Association, in writing, of the reasons for such transfer/reassignment before the change is to become effective. 3) At least ten (10) days written notice will be given to the employee who is to be transferred or reassigned however, a (3) day written notice may be given in case of emergency. 4) Two (2) days of per diem compensation for preparation and orientation shall be given the affected employee for an involuntary reassignment under the following conditions: § a change in Preschool-5 grade level assignment that has not been taught previously or has not been taught for four (4) or more years. § at the secondary level (grades 6-12), a change in assignment to a course that has not been taught previously or has not been taught for four (4) or more years. § at the secondary level, a maximum of two (2) days per diem pay may be claimed during the student year. 5) Two (2) days of per diem compensation shall be given the affected employee for an involuntary transfer in order to complete the move and become oriented to the new location. 6) Employees who are transferred will be given priority on returning the following year to the position from which they have been transferred if openings for which they are qualified become available, and their transfer was due to enrollment shifts or lack of funds. 7) In the event of an involuntary room change initiated by the District, up to one and one half (1 1/2) days of pay, at the discretion of the employee, at the employee’s per diem rate shall be given the affected employee to complete the move to the new room (within building move only).