Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. An involuntary transfer shall mean a transfer that an employee has not requested. Involuntary transfers or reassignments shall only be made for the following reasons: A decrease in the number of students which requires a decrease in the number of unit members pursuant to Article III, Section 2, of this Agreement, class size, elimination of program(s) and/or reduced educational funding or school closures. If transfers or reassignments become necessary under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall actively seek volunteers from the building which is being affected prior to making involuntary transfers or reassignments. If the District is unable to procure volunteers from the affected building, they will then seek volunteers from the other buildings within the District if the transfer will solve the problem and the member is highly qualified. Whenever it is possible, unit member(s) with the least seniority shall be transferred or reassigned before unit members having higher seniority. No unit member will be involuntarily transferred or reassigned more than once in any three (3) year period. If an involuntary reassignment is still necessary and a position is eliminated, the least senior person in that position will be given first option to any open position for which they are qualified in that building. If no positions are available, one (1) will be created by transferring the least senior person in the building. An involuntarily reassigned person shall have first option to the next, open, comparable position. A person involuntarily transferred from a building shall have first option to any open position for which they are qualified. An involuntarily transferred or reassigned person shall have the option of returning to his/her building should a comparable position for which he/she is qualified become open in the ensuing five (5) years unless such an action would result in loss of a job for another unit member. In such a case the Association and District may, by mutual agreement, postpone and extend the transferred or reassigned member’s super-privilege one more year.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. When the superintendent determines the need to transfer or reassign teachers due to the opening or closing of a school site, or to change the number of staff at a particular site due to changes in student enrollment or changes in District program needs, the superintendent shall determine the subject area(s) and/ or grade level(s) to be affected. Once the subject area(s) or grade level(s) has been determined, properly certified and qualified volunteers will be transferred or reassigned first. If further transfers or reassignments are needed, the superintendent shall determine which teacher(s) will be transferred or reassigned after considering bona fide education needs and criteria, and comparing professional qualifications, including, but not limited to: certification, training, overall teaching experience and years of teaching experience in the affected subject and/or grade level. If, in the judgment of the superintendent, the above criteria are equal, the teacher with the least seniority (continuous service within the District as a teacher) will be transferred or reassigned first. When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is deemed necessary by the superintendent for reasons that solely affect one teacher, that teacher may be transferred or reassigned without consideration of the criteria listed above. Teachers who are involuntary transferred or reassigned for any reason shall be notified of such transfer or reassignment in a meeting with the superintendent (or his/her designee), and may request in writing, and then shall receive in writing the reasons for the transfer or reassignment.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. 031 Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to the affected bargaining unit member as far in advance of the transfer or reassignment as is practicable. To the extent possible under the circumstances, any bargaining unit member transferred or reassigned under this Section shall be placed in a position equivalent to that held prior to the transfer or reassignment.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is to be made, the Chief Human Resources Officer shall notify the Association and the effected unit member(s) as soon as the Xxxx has knowledge of the pending transfer or reassignment. A conference will be held between the effected unit member(s), a representative of the Association, the Chief Human Resources Officer, area Xxxx or Department Chairperson, and the Vice President for Academic Services or Vice President for Student Services, as appropriate, to discuss the reason(s) for a transfer or reassignment. If possible, the District will solicit volunteers for a voluntary transfer or reassignment prior to imposing an involuntary transfer or reassignment. Members of the unit who are to be involuntarily transferred or reassigned shall be given as much advance notice as possible prior to the effective date of the transfer or reassignment. If a unit member is to be involuntarily transferred or reassigned, s/he shall be entitled to receive, if requested in writing, an explanation in writing of the reason(s) for the transfer or reassignment. If the reassignment is from a non-tenure track to a tenure-track position, the reassigned unit member will begin a tenure-track following the Modified Tenure Review Procedure outlined in article 11.8 of this agreement. If a unit member is to be involuntarily transferred, the unit member has the right to request transfer to and be considered for an open position at the member’s primary work location prior to being involuntarily transferred.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. District-wide seniority for post-probationary teachers as used in this section (15.6) shall be defined as the total length of “continuous” employment with the District. Each teacher’s effective date of hire for seniority purposes under this Article shall be the original date of employment with the District. If more than one affected teacher has the same date of hire, seniority will be determined by the order in which the teacher was approved for employment by the Board of Trustees with the first approved being the most senior and so on. If the order cannot be determined by the above method, seniority will be based on the earliest date the teacher’s signed letter of intent, to be employed by the District, is received by the Human Resources office. If seniority cannot be determined by the above method, seniority will be determined by a lottery designed by the District in consultation with the Association, with the first name drawn as the most senior and so on. Any teacher who has at any time terminated employment with the District for voluntary or involuntary reasons shall establish a new date of original hire on that date the teacher was reemployed. Any post–probationary teacher whose termination was due to a reduction in force under Article 20 shall use their original date of hire if recalled under Article 20. Service rendered beyond the normal school year shall not add to a teacher’s seniority.
a. The District shall always seek voluntary transfers or reassignments to facilitate class number or class location changes, prior to instituting an involuntary transfer or reassignment.
b. Involuntary transfers or reassignments shall only be made for the following reasons:
(1) as the result of a reduction in force pursuant to Article 20; (2) a change in the number of classes at a particular location; (3) some combination of closing or opening new or old schools; or (4) other justifiable reason.
c. If a particular class is moved to another location during the school year, a teacher from that class at the old location shall be given first priority for the new location.
d. Employees who are involuntarily transferred or reassigned during the school year shall be given ten working days advance notice prior to the effective date of the transfer or reassignment. The District shall provide assistance in moving the employee's classroom materials.
e. When a location is designated for involuntary transfer, the District shall first select probationary employees at the designa...
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. A. An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the employee involved and the immediate superior, at which time the employee shall be notified of the reason therefore. In the event that an employee objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, upon the request of the employee, the Superintendent shall meet with him. The employee may, at his option, have an Association representative present at such a meeting.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. No vacancy shall be filled by means of involuntary transfer or reassignment if there is an equally qualified volunteer available to fill the position. In the absence of an equally qualified volunteer, the administration will recommend the transfer of an individual who is qualified for the position and, all other factors being equal, the individual who has the least seniority in the school system.
1. Certification and highly qualified status
2. Least experience within the district. Such involuntary transfers shall be made after a meeting between the teacher and the Principal.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment. Involuntary transfers of reassignments shall only be made for the following reasons: a decrease in the number of students which requires a decrease in the number of teachers, class size, elimination of program(s), reduced educational funding, or the needs of the Academic Cooperative. If transfers or reassignments become necessary under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall actively seek volunteers prior to making involuntary transfers or reassignments. Teachers shall not be involuntarily transferred two consecutive years. Involuntary transfers from one district to another district shall not include elementary school teachers.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment a. Unit members who must be reassigned or involuntarily transferred shall have priority consideration for vacancies based on the above criteria.
b. A notice of involuntary transfer or reassignment will be given to the employee on or before June 1st unless a new position or vacancy occurs after June 1st.
c. Unit members being transferred will be given at least ten (10) work days prior notification in writing.
d. A presently assigned teacher should not be involuntarily transferred or reassigned to another position, except in cases involving a reduction or elimination of a particular kind of service, reduction of ADA (in accordance with appropriate Education Code and/or Government Code procedures), student attrition, unit member(s) lacking proper credential(s) or appropriate service authorization(s), or reasons which relate to the best interests of the students.
e. A written involuntary transfer or reassignment notice shall state in specific terms a cause(s), reason(s) or justification for such action. Unit members shall possess the required credential for the position to which he/she is being involuntarily transferred or reassigned. Every effort will be made not to transfer a unit member to a location that would cause undue hardship. A unit member who is given a written involuntary transfer notice shall have a right to a personal conference with the department or division administrator recommending the transfer in order to explain why he/she feels the transfer should not take place. This meeting must take place prior to transfer/reassignment, but the administrative decision to affect the transfer will remain in place until or unless normal contract grievance procedures initiated by the employee reverse such placement. Every reasonable effort will be made not to transfer involuntarily a unit member more than once in three years.
Involuntary Transfer or Reassignment.
12.3.1 The Superintendent may, with the approval of the Board, transfer a teacher to another position in the same bargaining unit, when the transfer will, in the Superintendent’s opinion, be in the best interest of the District. Involuntary transfers may be made for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to: professional growth of the teacher, opportunity to evaluate the teacher in a different school, assignment, or grade level, cancellation or reduction of a particular program, and illness, disability, or resignation of other personnel.
12.3.2 Involuntary transfer will be made prior to the commencement of the school year whenever possible, but conditions may require such transfer at any time. Consideration shall be given to seniority, credentialing and experience. The final decision on the involuntary transfer of teachers will be based on credentialing and seniority (the least senior teacher with the appropriate credential).