JOB BIDDING PROCEDURE. Section 30.1 When a permanent position becomes open within the bargaining unit as defined in Section 1.2 of this Agreement, whether newly created or an existing position that is vacated, such position shall be posted for bid within 10 working days of notification or vacancy on employee bulletin boards and on the district website for a period of five (5) working days. If the Board makes the decision not to fill the position immediately, the Association President will be notified. If the Association does not have a separate bulletin board, a section of any present employee bulletin board shall be designated for Association notices and job posting notices.
Section 30.2 Employees who bid for a job may be required to take a competitive written and/or oral examination to determine their qualifications to fill the job (for newly hired or current employees seeking a different classification). Current bargaining unit employees who bid for a position will be given due consideration, including review of their application or resume, and an interview if application and/or resume provides skills, qualifications, and/or experience in the classification of the posted position(s).
Section 30.3 The Board shall award the job bid within thirty (30) calendar days of posting. Should extenuating circumstances prevail these circumstances shall be discussed with the OAPSE President.
Section 30.4 For the purposes of this Article, it is expressly understood that a position shall be posted for bid only when the Board or its designee desires to fill the position on a permanent basis.
Section 30.5 Employees awarded bid jobs under this Article shall have a qualifying probationary period in the new job classification of not less than ninety (90) days of actual work. The Board or its designee shall have the right to disqualify any employee at any time during his or her qualifying probationary period, should such employee, in the reasonable opinion of the Board or its designee, be unqualified for the new job classification. If an employee is disqualified, he or she shall be reinstated to his or her prior job classification without loss of seniority rights. At the end of the qualifying probationary period, should such employee, in the reasonable opinion of the Board or its designee, be qualified for the new job classification, then such employee shall be awarded the new job classification.
Section 30.6 This Article is not intended in any way to limit the Board’s right to hire new employees ...
JOB BIDDING PROCEDURE. Job Posting: The job vacancy will be posted for eleven (11) calendar days at each of the main gates and on departmental bulletin boards within the plant.
JOB BIDDING PROCEDURE. Section 1. When jobs become open in the Bargaining Unit, said job shall be posted for bid for a period of five working days. The posting shall cite the job requirements, the rate of pay, the hours of work and procedures to apply.
15.2 JOB VACANCIES (amended 1/1/923)
15.3 BIDDING PROCEDURE (amended 9/27/18)
15.4 SEQUENCE OF CONSIDERATION (amended 9/27/18)
JOB BIDDING PROCEDURE. When a permanent vacancy must be filled from outside the group or craft in which the vacancy exists and no layoff exists for such group or craft, then the job will be posted and filled in accordance with the following procedure:
(1) out of those two (2) positions to an internal bidder. In all cases, employees’ rights of recall shall have priority when filling vacancies, as set forth in Section 15.4, and when such employees accept recall, they shall not be counted as a job awarded to a qualified internal bidder for purposes of the “one (1) out of two (2)” parameters set forth above. In the event of transfer or promotion, the following shall be considered. Lateral transfers within a job title to a new Headquarters will be in accordance with seniority.
(1) Seniority, as a tie-breaker
(2) Knowledge, experience, job performance, training, ability, skills, efficiency, and physical ability. When qualifications as outlined above are equal, Seniority (one (1) shall prevail.
JOB BIDDING PROCEDURE. When permanent additional or replacement employees are required in any department, the opening or openings will be posted for three (3) working days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, listing the job classification, shift and top rate of pay. The bid sheet shall define the number of openings and the date posted and removed. All employees who wish to be considered for the job so posted shall so indicate by signing the posting. The Union through its authorized representatives shall have the right to sign the posting for absent employees; provided, however, that the Company need not consider any employee to fill an open bid position for which the employee (or the Union representative) has signed the posting, if the employee will be unavailable, for whatever reason, to perform the bid job within thirty (30) days of the date when the opening is filled by the Company. The company will notify the employee and the Unit President in writing of the date on which the Company intends to fill the open position. All jobs must be filled within twenty (20) days of the original posting, except by mutual agreement due to training needs, etc. The Union will be given a copy of the bid sheet no later than the next work day after it is taken down. When the Company determines who the successful bidder is, the Company will post the payroll change notice identifying the successful bidder. Successful bidders on jobs shall be given a trial period in which to qualify for the job on which they bid. Trial periods shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days from the date on which he fills the job, but in no event shall such trial period exceed sixty (60) calendar days in the event of a same shift bid. Trial periods shall be a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which he fills the job, but in no event shall such trial period exceed sixty (60) calendar days in the event of a cross-shift bid. The successful bidder and the Unit President shall be notified in writing of the trial period to be used prior to the expiration of any trial period. If the employee is permitted to work beyond the trial period, he shall be deemed to be qualified. During the trial period, the successful bidder shall be paid at the Bid-In rate for the job. After successful completion of the trial period, the successful bidder shall be paid at the Top Base rate for the job. If the successful bidder is already qualified to perform the duties of the job, they shall be paid at the top ra...
JOB BIDDING PROCEDURE. Whenever the Employer bids or takes over the servicing of any job location where the present employees are working under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement to which a local of the Service Employees International Union (“SEIU”) is signatory, the Employer agrees to do the following:
1. Contact the Union for the number of employees, all job classifications, number of man hours worked per day and per week, starting and quitting time of each employee and the wage rate and fringe benefit costs of each employee at the job location.
2. Observe all of the existing conditions at the job locations and, specifically, employ all existing employees, not reduce the wage rate or fringe benefits of any employee, the number of employees, the total number of man hours worked per day and per week, not change the starting or quitting time of any employee.