Limited Term Employees Sample Clauses

Limited Term Employees. Limited-term employees shall not be entitled to any of the benefits set forth in this section. with the exception of those Limited-term employees who have been extended by Board approval for more than 1,000 hours of employment in a fiscal year, who will then become eligible for PERS retirement benefits.
Limited Term Employees. The District shall use the definition of limited-term employees as defined in the Education Code 45286, when employing limited or short-term employees. Limited or short-term employees are excluded from the present bargaining unit for the duration of this Agreement.
Limited Term Employees. Where a limited term employee reaches the 24 months of continuous employment and becomes permanent, he shall retain his “red-circled” rate. The above principles and guidelines apply to limited term employees • Reversion Where an employee reverts to a position he previously held, he shall retain his “red-circling” for the position he is reverting to (revert to previous rate and have “red-circling” rules applied)
Limited Term Employees a) The term “limited term employee” when used in this Agreement refers to a member of the Bargaining Unit who is hired for a definite term or task that is expected to last no more than twenty-four (24) months with a termination date set at the commencement of such term or task. Limited term employees shall be hired using non-base financing available from special grants, directed program funding, or funds available from outside the University’s operating or ancillary budgets. Subject to the following procedures and conditions, the parties agree that in such circumstances the University may employ up to five (5) FTE (full time equivalent) in limited term positions.
Limited Term Employees. A Limited Term Employee is subject to all Articles of the Collective Agreement except as listed below. • Probation • Layoff and RecallSeparation from Employment • Benefits
Limited Term Employees. It is acknowledged that from time to time Council will identify specific projects/tasks that need to be completed (as a matter of priority) and within a defined time frame. Where such projects/tasks cannot be completed by Council’s existing resources, this clause sets out the conditions under which Council may employ employees for Limited Term Employment. For information refer to Employment Policies and Procedures - Limited Term Employment (which are not incorporated in the terms of this Enterprise Agreement). Limited Term Employment means employment for a period of between 1 year and 3 years, and only for the purpose of undertaking specific projects/tasks which arise outside Council’s usual work program. Limited Term Employment is not a substitute for the employment of permanent employees.
Limited Term Employees. It is acknowledged that from time to time Council will identify specific projects/tasks that need to be completed (as a matter of priority) and within a defined time frame. Where such projects/tasks cannot be completed by Council’s existing resources, this Clause sets out the conditions under which Council may employ employees for Limited Term Employment (refer to Employment Policies and ProceduresClause 13 Limited Term Employment, which is not incorporated in the terms of this Enterprise Agreement). Limited Term Employment means employment for a period of between one (1) year and five (5) years, and only for the purpose of undertaking work which cannot be completed by Council’s existing resources. Limited Term employment can also be used to temporarily replace an employee who is on approved leave, secondment, workers compensation, acting in a different position or working reduced hours under a flexible work and leave arrangement following consultation with the relevant union. Limited Term Employment is not a substitute for the employment of permanent employees.
Limited Term Employees. 1. Limited-term employees are employees, exclusive of substitutes and District students, who work more than six hundred (600) hours during a fiscal year in a position which lacks permanent funding or for positions vacant due to long-term absence of a regular employee. Limited term employees scheduled to work more than six hundred (600) hours shall be considered unit members from the beginning of their employment. Other employees meeting this requirement shall be included in the bargaining unit as of the beginning of the next succeeding month and the union shall be so notified. Limited Term employees shall enjoy all the rights of the collective bargaining agreement, except Article 18, Xxxxxx and Recall. Limited Term employees shall retain their assignments for the funding duration of the position subject to satisfactory completion of the probationary period and shall be eligible for insurance coverage during summer recess if eligible and previously enrolled. a. Instructional Assistants and Special Programs Instructional Assistants will become regular District employees after serving in a limited term capacity for three (3) consecutive school years (must have worked at least one hundred thirty-five (135) days per year in a bargaining unit position). The number of regular hours for those Instructional Assistants who attain regular status will be dictated by their last assignment prior to attaining regular status. b. On the date a limited term employee attains regular status all rights and privileges of regular employees shall apply, including Article 18, Layoff and Recall. The seniority date for such employees will be the date on which the employee began continuous employment (excepting summer break periods) with the District as a limited term employee immediately prior to becoming a regular employee. c. Limited term employees in instructional special needs, one-on-one assignments whose students have left the program during the course of the school year may be reassigned to a vacant one-on-one position on a temporary basis for the remainder of the school year. The reassignment may occur without observance of the normal transfer procedures. d. Limited term employees in instructional special needs, one-on-one assignments who are not scheduled to work due to the absence of the student for longer than five (5) consecutive days will be considered for work as District substitutes (at the employee’s regular rate of pay) if work is available. If the student returns a...
Limited Term Employees. The limited-term classification is established to accomplish a specific project that is limited in its duration, but where the intent is that it will continue for a period in excess of six calendar months. Limited-Term employees shall be entitled to the same rights, privileges, and benefit as other regular employees. Limited term appointments may be full-time or part-time. Limited-Term employees with satisfactory reviews remaining employed for more than 2,080 hours shall be reviewed for regular status. If there is a vacant Regular position available, qualified Limited Term employees will be provided an opportunity to compete for the available position prior to the position being open for public recruitment.
Limited Term Employees. The City may hire limited term employees for a duration of up to two years. In the case of grant funded, bond funded, or positions employed under an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), the City may hire limited term employees up to the extent of the funding source depletion if agreed to by both parties. Limited term employees may be extended beyond these duration limits if mutually agreed to by both parties. These employees will be covered by the terms of this agreement except as specified below: